Saturday, May 03, 2008

Cambodia panned over its policy on foreign marriages

Taipei Times

TransAsia Sisters Association Taiwan (TASAT), an organization for immigrant spouses from Southeast Asian countries, is worried that a recent suspension in Cambodia of marriages between Cambodians and foreigners may make life worse for Cambodian women already married to Taiwanese and living in Taiwan.

A press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday said the Cambodian government decided last month to stop issuing marriage certificates to Cambodian nationals who marry foreigners.

"The government has temporarily suspended all [paperwork] for Cambodian women marrying foreigners," You Ay, secretary of state with Cambodia's Women's Affairs Ministry, was quoted by the Sydney Morning Herald as saying last month.

"This suspension is to prevent human trafficking through marriage," she said. "Cambodia is working to strengthen its laws on marriage."

After the ban was announced, "a union between a [Taiwanese] national and a Cambodian will no longer be issued a marriage certificate, which makes it impossible to proceed with the process of registering the marriage in Taiwan and granting the Cambodian spouse residency," the ministry's statement said.

TASAT condemned the Cambodian government over its decision.

"Marriage is one of a person's fundamental rights, and the Cambodian government is taking that right away from its citizens," said Chen Hsueh-hui, a department director at the organization.

Chen also expressed concern that such a suspension may make it worse for Cambodian women who are already married to Taiwanese and living here.

"The Cambodian government is very hostile toward Cambodian women who are married to foreigners," she said.

The Cambodian government has been refusing to issue certificates for people renouncing Cambodian citizenship, which are required if Cambodians wish to obtain Taiwanese citizenship.

To resolve the problem, the ministry has made an exception by lifting the requirement for a certificate for Cambodians married to Taiwanese.

"With the new ban, we're worried that it will become another barrier for Cambodian women who are married to Taiwanese but have yet to be naturalized and obtain [Taiwanese] citizenship," Chen said.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia cannot provide each year 1 million women for Chine + 500000 for USA +500000 for Europe + 100000 for australia + 200000 for Asia etc ...

Anonymous said...

So funny and foolish with your statistic (8:16 PM).
Well maybe, We should laugh to make us more healthy.

Anonymous said...

TASAS should be a shame of themselves... The Cambodian governemt has a dut to protect their citizens in this case the Cambodian women who are being abusing by their Taiwanese husbands.

Anonymous said...

Anybody thinks that ah Hun Sen cares? Or he does even know what's going on?

Ah hun Sen has been drugged up by the Viet/Yuon everyday...He does not have any brain cell left to even know that Khmer people exists.

Ah Hun Sen handed Cambodia over to The Viet on a silver plate more than 3 decades already!!!

Any more questions about ah Hun Sen???

Anonymous said...

Well, that is still a lot better than going back to Year-Zero with Ah Sam Rainsy.

Anonymous said...

"TASAT condemned the Cambodian government over its decision"

And I condamn the mothers of all TASAT for giving birth to all individuals in this group called TASAT. Such a stupid piece of crap.

Anonymous said...

("Marriage is one of a person's fundamental rights, and the Cambodian government is taking that right away from its citizens," said Chen Hsueh-hui, a department director at the organization... "The Cambodian government is very hostile toward Cambodian women who are married to foreigners," she said).


Anonymous said...

are you sure we have even gone past year XERO?