Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cambodian Muslims have full religious freedom says Prime Minister

May 15, 2008

Phnom Penh - Cambodian Muslims must be integrated into the community and their religious restrictions and needs universally respected, Prime Minister Hun Sen said Thursday.

Speaking at the inauguration of a new mosque, Hun Sen called for religious tolerance and acceptance of Muslims, who make up just a small percentage of the population but have been part of Cambodian culture for centuries.

'Some countries prohibit Muslim uniforms in schools. Cambodia allows it ... it is up to the individual,' he said, in reference to headscarves sometimes worn by Muslim women.

He also demanded that Muslim prayer rooms be widely available, especially in places such as airports.

And he called on international media to be slower to blame Muslim groups when covering suspected terrorist attacks, alleging some major international news groups such as CNN appeared biased against Muslims in their coverage.


Anonymous said...

What about the rights of the Khmers from Kampuchea Krom?

Are your own Khmers lesser than others?

Anonymous said...

My beloved Khmers!

Hun SenVarman's master has very intelligent wisdom, in order to win this coming election she always comes up with remarkble and magnificent tricks!

Anonymous said...

HUN SEN is well-known to be gentle and pleasant as lamb when he is at peace. And fiercy, ferocious, monsterious mood when he is wounded.
His mood labile jump from 0 to 100 on Heimreich mood scale in just seconds.

Anonymous said...

Deal all Khmers,

Ah Hun Sen is Cham born in Kg Cham.

So why he treated Khmer people as shit.

I am from Kg Cham too.

Anonymous said...

Ah Xam Rainxy must be STOPPED! All Muslim children have suffering enough. All Cambodia Friend from around the world must stand up against Ah Savage Xam Rainxy.

Anonymous said...

Do not hate some one just because Hun Sen praise them!

I do not know howmuch freedom of religion the Cham get in Cambodia but as a buddish I think our freedom of religion is a fake under ah Thmil Hun Xen!

They are appointing a ignorance un educated ex Khmere Rouge to act of our Buddish Religiom which value and honore education, knowledge, honesty, love and compassion!

While our monks are suppose to be our teachers and spiritual leaders in our Buddish Religion, the CPP of ah Kwack Hun Xen beatup, forced defrock, and or killed of the monks who dare to speak against the unjustice, corruption, an evile!

To put our Buddish as a country religion insread is to give the evil Hun Xen and CPP to imprison our religion! all the temples are under it controle, they appointed the chef monks and kik the real monks out of the temple and not allow any monk that not obeiy ah Evil Tep Vong to be monk or build any temple!

Fuck you ah Hun Xen and CPP!!! May your bad act will detroy you and your off spring for many generations to come!

Anonymous said...

That is not count the CPP Hochimonk TEP Vong sent our Buddish monk to be jail by ah Youn Vietnamese Comunnist son of a bitch!
We are living under a legal slow killing field!
Thank UN or the 1993 new open prison!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Tep Vong for maintaining peace in Cambodia and to get rid of Ah Khmer-Yuon fake monks from our holy soil.

Anonymous said...

You betray your father 7:10pm!