I will never forget, even after my death, all the injustices and humiliations that others inflicted and (still) inflict on me
By N. Sihanouk
By N. Sihanouk
1- Each time that I go to the Silver Pagoda to salute Buddha and the Stupa and Statue of H.M. Preah Norodom (on his horse), I pray to my revered Ancestor (after he exhausted my prayers, between 1975 and 1978, to rid the Khmer People and country from the Pol Pot yoke and his Khmer Rouge) not to let me be reborn as human, but to condescend to accept me to be next to his august equestrian statue as a zombie* spirit. In this manner, I will not have any other homeland than Cambodia to which I will remain forever faithful to. And I will escape all these intolerable injustices and unsupportable humiliations that others inflicted from the 70s to 2008 and in the ensuing years. They will “hurt” N. Sihanouk even after his death. But, at least, they will not be able to see me, (or) touch me physically. And I hope that the zombie* spirit that I will be, will have the possibility to acquire a certain serenity.
(Signed) N. Sihanouk
May 2008
KI-Media note:
* អសុរកាយ: These are harmful spirits, invisible demons which the tradition call ghosts, demons, vampires, zombies. These spirits are supposed to appear sometimes to scare the human beings.
"I will never forget, EVEN AFTER MY DEATH . . ."
Is that really! How could one remember after death? King Norodom Sihanouk is such a powerful human being. He would still remember EVEN AFTER HIS DEATH!
I believe that Sihanouk must have realised his most mistake to create the Khmer rouge movement of 1970 in which the death of his entire royal families and Cambodian citizen have haunted him every day even he has tried to manipulated that the rise of khmer rouge was from Lon Nol. The reality cannot be deleted from his brain. Therefore he is now still cannot sleep and tried to put all the blame to others. In this modern world, Sihanouk is the most stupid king of all amoung world leaders. To clean his sins, he should walk every day and ask Pardon from every walk of lives in Cambodia for a real Pardon from his ancestors. He has not only shamed his hundred years old dynasty but his many generations of his descendent too. People will talk every day the same as they talk about Luong Chamkuot !!!!
hhhahaa....this is funny, no wonder Cambodia is in such situation. Sihanouk's gone berzerk. I think the Cambodian Government should send a Psychologist very quickly to see this old man. He's been like this all his life, the Chinese, the Vietnamese, and the French knew this man mental status very well. That's why the Chinese were able to spin him like a yoyo and turned him into a loyal puppet.
Sihanouk, you are such a spoiled brat. I see children like you all the time. Whenever they don't get what they wanted, they will cry, stomp their feet and roll around in dirt to make their parents give them what they want. Sihanouk, look at yourself. You are this kind of child.
Ah Sihanouk est très très malade de dégénérescence autogamique. Arrivé à son âge de 86 ans il devient très confu. Il ne peut pas distinguer les bons et les mauvais grâce à sa dégénérescence autogamique héritière de ses aïeuls
depuis des síècles et des siècles parce ses familles ne font pas partie des êtes humains bien civilisés. Les membres de sa famille se couplent entre eux comme des gorilles : le père fait l'amour avec sa propre fille; la mère avec son propre fils et ainsi de suite. L'exemple concret est que : ses grands parents paternels : Norodom Sothearos (frère) se couple avec Norodom Pha-Nga-Ngam (soeur) donnant naissance à Norodom Soramariddh (père de Norodom Sihanouk). C'est une famille du type GORILLE à éviter. Maintenant Norodom Sihanouk veut être UN GRAND ZOMBIE en Khmer AKSORIKAY. C'est pitoyable pour notre malade mental qui n'est autre que : AH KING-KONG GORILLA KBÂTH CHEAT KHMER NORODOM SIHANOUK.
Very, very sad indeed! But I'm very glad for our August, Great and Valourous King when His memory still serves Him well and help Him to remember all His past.
He reminds me of a Roman general talking to a slave (Ben Hur) roving on the general's ship in the film Ben Hur when he saw the slave's face was full of hate: "Hate keeps a man alive".
Perhaps hate keeps our King alive and healthy. Perhaps hatred for the Khmer Rouge has kept our Khmer people alive as well. And perhaps the People's Republic of Kampuchea had a good reason to institute 20 May (Tomorrow is such a day) as a Day of Hatred to stoke up such hatred for the Khmer Rouge and keep our people alive.
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
ah scum bag xihanouk will reincarnate to a Chinese toilet so that his Master Mao can sit on it !!!!!!
Go to Peking and die there ah sdach moha kbot cheat.!!!!!
Sihanouk is Hero or Traitor ? Please read this :
ah scum bag Sihanouk will reincarnate to a Chinese toilet so that his Master Mao can sit on it !!!!!!
Go to Peking and die there ah sdech moha kbot jeat.!!!!!
Whatever the King wants to be in his next life, it will never happen as he wishes, for the King of Hell won't let him come back to harm the Cambodian people again. He will serve his term in hell for millions of his life times to come.
My beloved Khmers!
Sihanounk is still selfishly and arrognantly struggling for his true identity..
"Am SihanoukVarman still a greatest of all Khmer Kings, including Javarman 7?...
Am I a traitor of my beloved country?
No! How could it be?
I really love my country, my children, my grand-children, and my great-great grand-children all my heart and all my spirit!"..
Sihanouk is not only having betrayed himself, but also the people of innocent Khmer and nation, he will be ultimately died without a spirit and hence without an identity.
soul/spirit of a dead person never dies. the soul/spirit will be caught and punished in hell if the dead person commit sin, tons of sin, like Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Khiev Samphan, Nuon Chea, Sihanouk, Hun Xen, and their evil associates, etc. Those who are clean from sin will go to heaven. here lies a few quotes from the book, RELIGIOUS QUOTATIONS:
"Better go to heanen in rags than to hell in embroidery."
"If there be a paradise for virtue,
there must be a hell for crimes."
'A guilty conscience is a hell on earth, and points to one beyond."
Now he's lost it completely.
8:21PM you may be right, so why Shihanouk want to be a zambie spirit so he can escape hell!
But is he not go to hell and his spitit was stay around, it may take bride and keep Cambodia in trouble of corruption!
that's what he wants to be, but King of Hell will never let him get out hell in millions of years.
Sihanouk mistakes were 1-Created KRs 2-1993 we won the UN sponsor election then he called HUN SEN to be 2nd Prime Minister and kicked his own son out. Mistakes after mistakes. Please stop repeat the suffering of Cambodian people.
A zambie won't have seren mind. The one who could acquire serene mind is the one who costantly does good deeds all along, but you the King has committed tons of evil acts. You will be punished by the laws of hell.
Your Majesty,
Your majesty should not depend on others for your majesty’s happiness. No matter what your majesty does or did, there will always be people who love your majesty and hate your majesty.
Your majesty should act based on principle and accept the consequences. Your majesty can be straight with us Khmer people. We know your majesty well. We know that your majesty did not intend to harm the country.
As human being, your majesty is entitled to make mistakes. As a leader of a nation, your majesty must be brave to say, “What I did was right, or what I did was wrong.” And accept the responsibility. We Khmer people will accept that.
Your majesty every action, there are reactions. Your majesty could be a role model for future Khmer leaders. They have to think a hundred times before they act. Cambodia is nation within which million of people live and does not belong to any individual. A leader should not toy a nation according to his or her whim,
This is why we need a leader who is educated and capable of critical thinking, who understands politics, economic, diplomacy, and especially who has common sense and who loves humanity.
Your majesty no one can change what happened in the past. Your majesty should not worry too much.
From the most humble servant of the people.
I agree with 10:49 PM
I love my former king and current king, no matter what.
i lost interest with the fairy tales a long time ago, please! be realistic, please!
12:42Am you fucking communist have no fait!
How good our Somdech as a Buddhist when every opinion and his thought are extremely radical.
I understand the sarcasm of Dr.Lao that hatred cannot keep Cambodia alive. Hatred creates only suffering such as during KR who was professional in reaping the hatred.
However, according to philosophy, adversity or agony can keep things alive, not hatred at all Dr.Lao.
I can figure out our Somdech Ta that "he seems like trying to escape from something that I cannot understand". I truly believe in the Law of Kamma in Buddhism that peace or not not peace critically endorsed by our past actions combining with our current actions.
I wish Somdech Ta should not too much be clinging and bigotry.
For what Sihanouk done it just a personal of him over Cambodian interests. He should not have brought us to hell.
well, cambodia learn from it and don't mix personal ego with the national interest. it is like oil and water which don't mix well together. remember learn from this. plus, cambodia is not so much about one individual person anymore; cambodia is about the majority of its people, not one or two individual who think they can just do what they please without the vote of the people again. that was history already, no more like that. the world is bigger than your oyster. please adopt new innovation, ideas, concepts etc. as it is more useful for cambodia for long-term national interest, not the individualism because individual dies, whereas nation stay alive forever as long as the sun shines and the moon exists. thank you.
leave the fairy tales to the movie making industry, please. thank you.
that shihanouk the movie maket , fool!2:13
Hey 2:11AM, I don't know much about the other countries policies, but in Cambodia national interest and personal ego are just like fish and water, not like water and oil.
Ngo-ap tov! Ngo-ap tov!
Ah sdach luork cheat!
Choh Noruork tov!
It is a big surprise to have read this translated statement of our former king. It is very sad indeed.
At least, the king submitted his feeling of what has happened, affected him very badly. You do not need a psychologist to understand that.
WHAT we ought to see is the confusion ones has faced with the unsolved dilemas, eagered to challenge cambodia for a better country. In 1960's proves that attempt, unfortunately our ETHICS and confusion by greed and corruption have led us to misery.
WHAT we should learn that this confusion of private affairs and public(nation) affairs are not to be mixed up. Culture of this confusion must be changed. It is imprinted to our psychological and social patterns that again and again repeat HISTORY.
Please gentleman!!! blaming games only been stained by our intruder/invader, and it not our culture if you are practising applied buddhist.
Please have a sympathy and emphathy to anyone for better understanding.
Neang SA
Great king kong,
After you killed junjati Khmer you salute Buddha. After you salute Buddha you killed and stole your kone chaov's wife. When you die you will go to a great killing field wilth your a yong.
Sa-Oy Sa Nass!
Neang What?
Neang SA, what are you trying to say?
Sihanouk's rambling nonsense just proves that he's sinile.
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