Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hanoi gets a taste of border dispute

Vietnam protests planned Taiwanese Spratlys visit

Tue, 06 May 2008

Hanoi - Vietnam's government has asked Taiwan to call off a planned inspection tour of the disputed Spratly Islands, one of two archipelagos in the South China sea claimed by several countries in the region, local press reported Tuesday. "Vietnam resolutely objects to all activities violating its sovereignty over the two archipelagos," government spokesman Le Dung said.

Taiwanese Defence Minister Tsai Ming-hsien was scheduled to visit the Spratlys on Monday before postponing the trip due to bad weather.

Vietnam, Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei each claim all or part of the Spratlys and the nearby Paracels, and all but Brunei have a military presence on one or more of the atolls. Taiwan has built an airstrip on the largest of the islands, while Vietnam has stationed sailors on another.

The waters around the islands are believed to contain substantial petroleum reserves.

Conflict over the islands began heating up in November, when China established a new government district, called Sansha, to administer them. Vietnam officially protested the Chinese move, and Vietnamese students staged rare spontaneous protests in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City asserting Vietnamese sovereignty.

To avoid military clashes in the region, China, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand signed the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.

The declaration commits the parties to resolving the islands' status through negotiations, and provides for freedom of navigation in the South China Sea.

Taiwan is not a signatory to the declaration because China regards Taiwan as a breakaway province and has barred Taiwan from attending official meetings on the Spratlys.


Anonymous said...

Okay, let split equal share of all resources found around those islands. Disputes will only keep everyone in poverty. It will not do anyone any good.

Anonymous said...

No let's start war and see what side Cambodia will be on ?

Anonymous said...

Don't hold your breath, Ah Khmer-Yuon idiot. You haven't paid back your debt yet. Just remember that.

Anonymous said...

VN is not silencing like current glorious CPP of Cambodia. Not only ignoring the border encroachment of VN, CPP also meddled and agreed to cede some border land to VN to pay gratitude as VN helped them to power and luxury.


Anonymous said...

The SRP should all be in Prey Sor for selling Khmer land to VN.

Anonymous said...

You are right 11:19PM but you speled the traitor name wrong!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure ah kbal yuon khluon khmer 3:32pm will side with his master ( ah kantorp yuon).This motherfucker is so annoyance.

Anonymous said...

don't forget how cambodians or khmer feel about losing our koh tral island. cambodia ought to reclaim our koh tral island back from the communist vietnam. what goes around comes around! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I think that Yuon parasite @3:32 PM is the same guy as that QUACK Free-thinker. Please prove me wrong!

Anonymous said...

3:12, Khmer don't feel anything for Koh Tral, France, ..., or Germany because it is not their country.