Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hun Sen, a former communist, is worried about the specter of "class struggle" resurrection

Comrade Akkak Moha Sena Bat Dey Dek Cho Hun Sen (L)

Hun Sen: Stop the campaign that leads to class division

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

On Monday, prime minister Hun Sen called on all parties to stop using the (election) campaign to create class division between the merchants and the poor. Hun Sen considered such campaign to be unreasonable. Hun Sen said that past experience had clearly shown about the danger stemming from group painting (classification), the division of class, and the elimination of classes. He said that now, the shadow of class struggle starts to appear once again as the election campaign is approaching. Hun Sen stressed that considering the rich people, the investors, the merchants and industrialists as enemies is a sign of danger. However, he said that this theory will not be successful as it was under the Pol Pot regime. Eng Chhay Eang, SRP Secretary-general, said that, currently, there is no class division anymore, and nobody is attacking the rich in their campaign. However, Eng Chhay Eang said that: “People talked about the oppressors, the profiteers who are taking advantage of the poor people only. Right now, we talked about the democracy goals, the legal goals. Those who are doing business according to the law have nothing to worry about.”


Anonymous said...

It's time for Hun Xen to fool the people before the upcoming election.

Anonymous said...

Excellent work, Mr. Eng Chhay Eang!

Khmer Young said...

Hun Sen knows how to use good political rhetoric expressing as a scholar or researcher, but in reality he is good in hiding the truth.

Hun Sen should focus on the truth that must come from the practice of legality and rule of law to create social equality. He is good in trying to escape away the Rule of Law orientation.

Whenever, Hun Sen doesn't focus on the rule of law, Hun Sen is surely the criminal and traitor.


Anonymous said...

that's right, please stop being too elitist and divisive. a true and good leader should unite all khmers not the other way around. thank you.

Anonymous said...

hunxen no scholar shit- he can only research to kill the innocents. Hunxen and sadam are alike. soon he will be hang!

Anonymous said...

That's correct. Hun Sen is no scholar but teacher. We all must learn from him on how he rescue the country from destruction. No one can do what he can. Most people from oversea only know rhetorics and that will not solved any problem in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Read this article for what Hun Sen has done for Cambodia:
It is imperative that the major farmers of Cambodians should not be more savaged than the minor rich and high ranking officers. This kind of social gap had been dictated by the Khmer Rouge, but unfortunately KR pursued their public policy depended on personal egoistic leadership, not legal principles. Aristotle had clearly elaborated of what he said "in a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme" is wholly mediated by the rule of law.

Rule of law is the core of democracy to creating social equity. Without law, a nation could not be called a nation-state. Cambodia is not a nation-state under Hun Sen's leadership. Hun Sen is the law, above the law, and the leviathan.

If we observe closely to the leadership of Hun Sen, there have been gradually failed for Cambodia's advancement. They are such as:

1. Since 1993 to present, the national resources which are the backbone of nation wealth has been depleted. Adam Smith clarified the progress of nation-state wholly depends on the rightly use of national resources to sustain its social, economic and politics. But how this idea rightly implemented in Cambodia? While the national resources have been depleted and continuously deprived, the living standard of Cambodians are under poverty line, state cannot afford the raise the decent wage of public officers and workers/labors. Farmers are suffered by climate change such as drought or flood and land grabbing.

2. Cambodia has received foreign aids to improve its social, economic and politics. If we think of the debt loans, individually each Cambodian has to reserve their debt $1500 to $2500 that this surely upset Cambodian younger generation. But those money have little bettered Cambodian society. While the debt is increasing but the living standard is decreasing in the period of these 15 years.

3. Political leader requires political will. Sh/e has to change the perception of "power thirsty" to "nation-building". In this manner, Hun Sen leadership is not different from Cambodian previous leaders that from time to time, from day to day, he has triumphally projected to sustain and increase his power, not to build the nation. Cambodian nation has moved forward only according to the change of the world and demographic, not according to the willingness and ability of its incumbent leader.

Social stability is truly imperative for Hun Sen to stabilize Hun Sen's power. It is not genuinely originating from Hun Sen's political will to safeguard the sustainability of future Cambodia. Some roads, schools, hospitals, commercial buildings surely come from the huge influx of foreign aids, economic liberalization, globalization, and transnational flows of investment. They are not genuinely coming from the will of leader for true development.

4. Democracy actually built by the peoples who are full of knowledge. Many countries have facilitated the rule of law, education, and government system to be flexible for future national transcendence. To achieve this willing and pioneering, many world well-known leaders step down from power in order to have a positive change for their nation.

But Cambodia under Hun Sen leadership is contradict that the rule of law has not enforced. Corruption, favoritism, nepotism and patronage are widespread practicing throughout the country. Education to empower knowledge to the people for the need of democracy reformation has been gradually deteriorated. The national mass media that is the very important source for public education is being manipulated and subverted by the government. TVK or CTN or other TV stations including Radios are working for the CPP propaganda. This mass media is poisoning Cambodian peoples. Gigantic influence and information bombardment are singly inclining one side without fair judgment. This kind of the mass media is the clue of division and ignorance stage for the citizens. Democracy requires mass media to be neutral and balancing the point of view from all sides.

Internally, CPP under genuine nationalistic leadership certainly requires courage to stand up to reform the current contamination. CPP as one of the main national party should focus on the "nation-building" not "power-thirsty" or "kleptocracy".

CPP can be a role model to strengthen the rule of law, creating the neutral Buddhist monks, neutral public officers, neutral military, neutral policemen, especially neutral mass media.

Under Hun Sen leadership, CPP has tremendously failed to develop the country though huge national natural resources depleted, huge aids granted, huge debt loans increased, and peoples in general are still weak to embed the foundation of democracy and brighter future of Cambodia.

SRP comes as the ideal of democracy and new hope of brighter future for Cambodia that CPP should shoulder to operate a genuine "nation-building".


Anonymous said...

Oh enough rhetorics, 11:36, Cambodia has done fine without those stupid things you mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Hang all the bloody Viet troller/pimp and parasites on KI-Media such as the ones @2:32 PM.

You Viet parasites must know the universal language:

"The world sees and knows the Viet true color too well already".

Anonymous said...

2"32Pm Fine for you right now but if the Stupid CPP keep oppress people that way longer you will see Hun Xen joint Sadame as Ah TAYHOUNG!

Anonymous said...

My beloved Khmers!

Hun SenVarman's worried statement is explicitly served as testimony both on a personal and on a poliSickal level, which he perhaps just recently recalled his once-was-living in poverty-stricken farmer during Nol Lon's regime. The class struggle is might be motivating force behind all of human history to topple the rule of the middle classes or corruption of the new bourgeoisie's CPP.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:14, you are big wrong for thinking that your Hun Xen rescued Cambodian people from being killed by the Pol Pot. Open your eye wider so you can see how smart the Yuons are. It was the Yuons who carefully planned the invasion of Cambodias. Your Hun Xen and his cronies are the puppets who were installed in power by the smart Yuons. Why the Yuons did that? They did it in order to manipulate the world's opinions from accusing the Yuons of naked invasion.

About a week after the invasion started, I was driving an oxcard in Koh Krolor district. I saw a DC4 airplane flying to spread a lot of leaflets from the sky. I picked a few of them to read, and I could barely read those Khmer words because the Khmer words were not written by Khmer, but by Yuons: more than half of those words were wrongly spelled. To make the invasion legal to the eyes of the world, the smart Yuons installed these power-and-pride intoxciacted puppets.