Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hun Sen’s Broken Promises And His Government of National Disunity

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Editorial by Khmerization
On the web at

“Mr. Hun Sen’s declaration of a solo government and running the parliamentary commissions by his own party alone is an attempt to lead Cambodia away from democracy toward dictatorship. In reality, Mr Hun Sen is advocating a government of national disunity instead of a government of national unity.”
The Prime Minister of Cambodia, Mr. Hun Sen, is notorious for his bullying character and a thuggish behaviour and, to a certain extent, his profanity. His other notoriety, hidden from public view, has been his namesake of ‘a boss from hell’.

All these notorieties notwithstanding, his famous trademarks have been his broken promises. The promises of resignations had never been materialised. The PM had made promises on numerous occasions to resign if he could not stop illegal loggings, could not curb corruption and tackle land-grabbing from powerful people serving in his government. These abuses are still rampant and we have yet to see the PM resign.

A few days ago, he had made a surprised announcement of another of his broken promises- that he had decided to cut ties with his long-term ally, the Funcinpec Party. The PM announced that his marriage of convenience with the Funcinpec Party is no longer needed. This means that his Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) will go solo without a coalition partner. The PM has back-flipped on his earlier repeated promises of forming a coalition government with the Funcinpec Party no matter what. So what changed his mind? The only explanation would be that Mr. Hun Sen is 100% sure, and has been assured by the National Election Committee, that his CPP will win the upcoming election with a comfortable margin. So, after having been used and abused by Mr. Hun Sen for his own political gains for more than 15 years, should Funcinpec invest its trusts in Hun Sen’s empty and broken promises anymore?

Another of Mr. Hun Sen’s worrying declaration has been his decision to govern the National Assembly by himself. Currently the positions for the parliamentary commissions have been shared among the parties that won seats in the election. It would be a travesty of democracy if the parliamentary commissions are not distributed proportionately to the seats won by the individual parties. Mr. Hun Sen’s declaration of a solo government and running the parliamentary commissions by his own party alone is an attempt to lead Cambodia away from democracy toward dictatorship. In reality, Mr Hun Sen is advocating a government of national disunity instead of a government of national unity. Mr. Hun Sen had declared that he had already appointed the people to head the nine parliamentary commissions. To seasoned political observers, Mr. Hun Sen is behaving like he is winning the election already. And to experienced political observers, this sort of behaviour seemed to reinforce the suggestions that Mr. Hun Sen has no intention of relinquishing power should he loses the election.

Seeing the tense political atmosphere at present, one cannot avoid touching on the issues of defections. While people are free to join any party they like, tactics employed by a certain political party to coerce defections are worrisome. Defections from the oppositions to the ruling CPP are not spontaneous but coerced and bribed. The defectors have been unnecessarily appointed to the highly paid positions inside the already inflated bureaucracy. By any standard of government, this is corruptly squandering public money for one’s own political gains, and it is morally wrong. The money that have been paid to these defectors, who won’t have any real jobs to perform inside the bureaucracy, should be diverted to fund the pay increases for public servants like the teachers, the police, the army and administrative bureaucrats in order to assist in reducing corruption.

Coming to this point, one cannot help but mention the issue of corruption. Mr Sam Rainsy was right when he said that political buyouts are Mr. Hun Sen’s attempts to whitewash and divert public attention from the real issues of corruption and economic problems. Mr Hun Sen’s inability and, to a certain extent, his reluctant to deal with the current soaring prices of goods reflect on his conflict of interests. His daughter’s owned Tela Petroleum Company has a monopolistic right of imports of refined petrol to Cambodia. News coming out of Cambodia recently is that Tela has received government subsidy in the form of tax reduction to the tune of around $100 million dollars per year. And due to monopolistic rights given to Tela, all the petrol companies like Total, Shell and others must buy their petrol from Tela. Only Sokimex has its own imported petrol but must set retail prices commensurate with Hun Sen’s Tela. And the result is that it is a price collusion between Tela and Sokimex which kept the petrol prices very high.

The soaring prices of goods at present are related to the costs of petrol. While the petrol prices remain high, the prices of other commodities will always remain high. In order to curb the food prices, petrol prices have to be brought down. Hun Sen doesn’t have the will to resolve the current price hikes because it would affect his daughter’s petrol business. Hun Sen was just paying lip service when he said that he will do what he can to curb the current high food prices. The fact is, he will not do it because he has a conflict of interests. So, his promises for the solutions to the food prices have become another statistics of his many broken promises.


Anonymous said...

No one can change the situation in Cambodia only the Khmer people themselves if they want the corrupt government and feel ok with it that's fine by me, but I feel so painful and sorry for Cambodia. Yes indeed cambodia is moving in the right direction where all the crocks' families are getting richer and death and miseries to the bloody poor khmer peasants.

Anonymous said...

If someone believe the promise of Hun Sen, those are damn stupid. Farmer

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, LOL, hahaha, Ah Gorilla Fucker don't have nothing better to do than to published the dumbest article anyone ever seen, hahaha, LOL, hahaha.

PM doesn't lied like other leaders do, period. And also the CPP has been pro-unity since day1, which is why they accepted everyone into the party. What they don't want is separatist and liar like Ah Spam Rainxy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and the bloody Viet trollers, parasites, plunderers and cock sucker like yourself @ 6:44 AM are so scared of the will and determination of the Cambodian people to get rid of ah Hun Sen's Viet puppet thus deciding to hog and spam KI-Media day and night since day one...You damn Viet parasites including that self-proclaimed Free-thinker Viet's slave arse kisser Klaus!

You Viet parasites must remember the universal language:
"The world sees and knows the Viet's true color already"

Go home to Hanoi Viet parasite!
Go home to Hanoi Klaus Englehart!

Anonymous said...

HERE we go a gain you stupit KHMER BODY with YOUN brain we all
know that you are a -SEE ME PEE -(HUN SHIT dog)supporter if you think you are khmer(which is not but a youn slave thirsty for a coruption power with $700/month)look what happen to khmer people and their country no trees no fishs
you know who detroy it? it your master YOUN and a dog like you and the BLACK lip HUN SHIT...LOL>>>
ha ha hes hes >>>>

Anonymous said...

Fucking Hun Sen is a god damn coward. No one listen to him, esp. those in his government. They know Hun Sen well enough that this dog is only barking, he's not going to bite. even I know that.

Chea sim faction will kill hun sen one day, and blame on the Vietnamese. He'll die in a pond of his own blood, and his ass-kissers like the one on this blog.


Anonymous said...

Enough propaganda, Ah Pleu (7:43), it ain't going to help you accomplish anything. You got no credibility with anyone whatsoever. The more shit you spray out, the better the CPP look. Get the picture?

Anonymous said...

Nope that is you, you bloody Viet troller, parasite, plunderer and cock sucker like yourself @ 8:09 AM that got nowhere because you are so scared of the will and determination of the Cambodian people to get rid of ah Hun Sen's Viet puppet thus deciding to hog, loiter and spam KI-Media day and night since day one...You damn Viet parasites including your clan self-proclaimed Free-thinker Viet's slave arse kisser Klaus Englehart of!

You Viet parasites must remember the universal language:
"The world sees and knows the Viet's true color already"

Go home to Hanoi Viet parasite!
Go home to Hanoi Klaus Englehart!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is so bombastic about his unchallenged power. Like 7:42 AM said, one day the Chea Sim faction will topple him. Now Hun Sen is very jealous of Sok An's power. The other day Sok An distributed gifts to villagers and claimed the gifts to be from himself and Hun Sen was so angry. The next day Sok An retracted the comments and said the gifts were from Hun Sen. The other day Sok An issued directives to officials saying the directives are from the Council of Ministers which Sok An contols and Hun Sen was so pissed off and told So An next time the directives must come from the PM. See? even on Hun Sen's camp there might be a disunity too. Some people claimed that Hok Lundy sometimes is at odds with Hun Sen as well and Lundy has a very strong base too. So Hun Sen must be careful.

Sony said...

To the first poster and I guess some other people who may be CPP supporters:

It's a difficult challenge in the current socio-political climate. Most of the people in Cambodia do not want a corrupt govt. They just don't have much of a voice. They want change but no one is listening. No one in power is listening and or no one in power cares.

There are many people who want change, but the current govt. does not even allow free and fair elections as evidenced by the same group of people ruling the country for more than 28 years. There is no rational reason why the general populace would want the same people leading the country for that long! Given all the poverty, land grabbing, loss of territory, corruption, and the problems that Cambodia has been through during the span of 28 years, political change should be inevitable. The only way it would not be is if a corrupt govt inhibits real democracy. It's unfortunate that some people in Cambodia (cpp supporters) do not realize this or like the status quo.

The current govt would rather pass a bill that bans cellphone msgs, fines adulterers, etc. than pass the anti-corruption bill. Doesn't that send red flags to all CPP supporters? Where is the priority? Would you rather your government worry about scantily clad women or worry about the millions of dollars being pocketed by friends of the finance minister? Those millions of dollars could actually have helped build something useful for the country.

Sometimes I lose hope. It feels like it is too late. Hun Sen is not really the one in power, he's a figurehead for all the cartels and the corrupt companies that have a large stake in Cambodia. For someone like Sam Rainsy to win this election, he has to go up against not just Hun Sen and the CPP, but sokimex, Tela, and the whole family tree of corruption. So when I read about Hun Sen disregarding the voice of the seat winners in the national assembly, I had this feeling in my heart that Cambodia is just spiraling out of control. The seat winners are the representatives of the people, when the representatives don't have a voice, the people don't have a voice. No matter how small the sound was, it was still a sound. I'd rather not hear only crickets in the NEWLY BUILT national assembly building...

One more thing to end this really long comment/rant. I've read a few people bashing the way government works in western countries. I live in the US. the government here is considered a joke but it works for the most part... I vote. I can get together with friends and voice our opinions, I can write to my congressman and ask him to help our communities here. More times than not, it works. Please tell me you can do the same in Cambodia. Why would you want the Cambodian government to resemble the Chinese or the Vietnamese? They are some of the worst human rights abusers in the world. I feel sad for the Kampuchea Krom people and the Montagnards, and the Hmong people that have little to no rights. I'll ask another question. If China and Vietnam are so good, do you think the western countries should be more like them? Anyways, I think I just realized that the people who like them would be communists anyways, so nevermind...

AND NO, CAMBODIA IS NOT MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION... Only an imbecile would think so. I'd like to see the way the survey was conducted. How was the polling done and what the confidence. For all we know, they could have polled 2000 CPP supporters...

Anonymous said...

A fool never cares about promise. A fool will do whatever to be better than the others, and those who advocate and admire a fool is more foolish. If they are not more foolish they wouldn't see a fool as their hero.

Anonymous said...

"Hahaha, LOL, hahaha, Ah Gorilla Fucker don't have nothing better to do than to published the dumbest article anyone ever seen, hahaha, LOL, hahaha.

PM doesn't lied like other leaders do, period. And also the CPP has been pro-unity since day1, which is why they accepted everyone into the party. What they don't want is separatist and liar like Ah Spam Rainxy."

This person comment in the quotation proved that the CPP's ofspring barely make it pass the Kindergarten class. I am sorry; I only have one sucker left in the candy box.

Krom Meak, Loer Dey

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen's aim is to control the Naational Assembly, the Government,and the Judiciary then they can do anything they like. For example giving out land to Vietnam as 99 years concession and then people of this generation die, the next generation don't know anything. This is a 100-year plan from Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

If Hok Lundy is too strong, he will kill Hun Sen one day.

Anonymous said...

I am Khmer by birth. I have learned and realized that Mr. Hun Sen existence is to DO HARM! If Harm because of his existence, then removing the harm.

What will become of us in relation to the moral principles?

Anonymous said...

77% of Khmer people approved the government performance. That is all that count. We don't care what Ah Khmer-Yuon or Ah Spam Rainxy say. They are nothing but a lowlife who is trying to cheat Khmer people in any way they can.

Anonymous said...

Hatered is like the Law of Entropy. It has no boundary. Galaxies expansion is vast; hate is infectious.


Anonymous said...

Go home to Hanoi you damn bloody Viet parasite @10:13AM! You have been loitering and spamming KI-Media long enough...Nobody gives a shit about you spams. To be blunt...fuck off you bloody Viet parasite!

Anonymous said...

No way, Ah Khmer-Yuon (10:27), you should scram because you got no friend here.

Anonymous said...

Mate 12:21 PM. How much Khmer are you dude? I am full through my arse.

Anonymous said...

You are right, but miracles don't happen. The West took 300 years to shed their autocratic hereditary monarchies with their injustices to develop into more or less functioning democracies. It is outright foolish to expect countries without any democratic traditions to turn in role models for a humane and free society. One should be realistic and see the things for what they are. There are many inequities in Cambodia, but there has been some progress, some good, some not so good. It will take many more years to make it into a half-way working democracy with all the rights people are afforded in other countries. And since you live in the U. S., you should take a closer look at the workings of the government there, especially of the present administration and their curtailment of civil rights. Don't make the mistake of seeing things only in black and white. Even model European democracies are moving toward a more restrictive attitude in the face of terrorist threats - or is just an excuse? And look at the current economic picture in the U. S. The rich and predatory mega-companies exploited the poor with promises of affordability for things they couldn't really afford. In a sense this is no different from Cambodia. The powerful exploit the masses. But on a positive note there is a historical correcting process whenever things get too far out of hand. Whether you believe it or not that correcting process has already begun in Cambodia. The signs, albeit small, are there.