Thursday, May 29, 2008

IRI survey rejected: Groups

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

After the International Republican Institute (IRI) issued its report on Tuesday claiming that 77% of Cambodians believe that the country is moving in the right direction, government opposition groups have expressed their displeased reactions to this report. Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodia Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA) told The Mekong Times that he rejected the IRI results because all the road, school, hospital developments are not on par with the amount of loans and grants provided by foreign aid. He said that if, indeed, the government is leading in the right direction up until now, all the roads in the country would be paved with asphalt, electricity would be available all over the country, and the salaries of civil servants and teachers would be increased so that these workers would have a decent living condition already. Kem Sokha, HRP president, also rejected the IRI report, and he considered this report as not being correct. Kem Sokha said that the Cambodian people are not pleased with the current government leadership as indicated by the IRI survey, and their displeasure also extends over to the economic and social policy. He added that the survey based on a sample of 2,000 people cannot provide reliable results.


Anonymous said...

What has happened?

IRI that used to be on the oppositions' side keeps on issuing surveys that will leave its former friends in the cold. The SRP should have a word with its friend John McCain, president of the IRI.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

The simplest explanation is that the survey has accurately measured grassroots sentiment, and the opposition groups understandably are panicking.

Anonymous said...

A sample of 2000 people is too small.
Who carried out this survey, and one wonders what people/type of people were surveryed? Were they given any money, (even a small amount) for participating in the survey?

The devil is in the detail. A simple percentage result of satisfaction is too vague and is only used by groups/people to focus on a narrow line of reasoning.

I would not pay too much attention to this result.

Anonymous said...

What is a shit load of crock? Had the survey resulted in people displeased with the government, I am sure they will considered 2,000 sample is more than big enough. Who are you trying to fool, morons?

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha, HRP president, also rejected the IRI report, and he considered this report as not being correct. Kem Sokha said that the Cambodian people are not pleased with the current government leadership as indicated by the IRI survey, and their displeasure also extends over to the economic and social policy. He added that the survey based on a sample of 2,000 people cannot provide reliable results.

What's up Mr. Ken?

You are well aware in the past as the CEO of the HR org that IRI [everyone knew that J. MaCain is chairman and strong support of SRP and SR jimself, and many American people would considered the next person to replace G. Bush in the white house] was the sole amin funding of the ORG and IRI had never in the past said anything good about the RGC but had alway critized in particular directly and personal attacked the RGC for corruption and human rights abuse, and now that you are no longer in the Org and you are starting to question whether their survey is correct.
if, indeed, the government is leading in the right direction up until now, all the roads in the country would be paved with asphalt, electricity would be available all over the country, and the salaries of civil servants and teachers would be increased so that these workers would have a decent living condition already.

Personally would think that RGC would like to pave even roads to the paddies just like those in Korea, however, the past national budget of 800 millions or 1.2 Billions a year would not be able for the RGC to tackle every frontiers in one go.

On the subject of electricity, if people really think that those small power stations at the Km 6 and Chak Angre and Krirom are enough to supply the entire demands of electricty for the entire PP then would say people are totally wrong and out of touch. When RGC decided to embark on hydro-power there are many opposition to the project.

So what's the best way to the power outtagged?

Solar and wind powers are environmental friendly but it price tags are not cheap.

Anonymous said...

My beloved Khmers!

The survey based on a sample of 2,000 CPP's relatives are evidently and logically reliable results enough, since Hun SenVarman has already confidently believed that his CPP's parasites will always be won all the election 4-ever!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that 2,000 people are the CPP chosen figures to be interviewed by the IRI.

Anonymous said...

From 'Details are Sketchy' blog

Here’s something the current crop of opposition parties don’t seem to understand: people don’t vote on the issues, they vote with their guts. When rural people look at Hun Sen they see somebody just like them, a simple, hard-working farm boy. When they look at Sam Rainsy, they see the urban-elite stereotype personified: raised in France, speaks French, and looks like he’s never known a minute of hard work in his life. Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter one bit. That’s the perception. City people might like Sam Rainsy, but rural people will never identify with him, not in a million years.

Anonymous said...

10 09 pm. I agree with you but Rainsy's supporters don't see this.
Many of his supporters are like Ung Bunheang, the air head cartoonist. Rainsy needs all support from the rural people the people who believe in Monarchy.
What this guy Ung Bunmheang does is he throwing his indirectly support to Hun Sen. The monarchists hate Hun Sen but with the attitude of Khmer Rouge like Ung Bunheang, they will turn away from Rainsy then vote for Hun Sen.

Before he does his drawings does he think the effect may harm the opposition leader. Did he visit Cambodia and do a survey? I tell you whereever I went to people love the King.

Anonymous said...

survey can't lie, the majority of khmer people speak. so politicians should take a serious look at this survey and see what ordinary people are thinking. thanks for doing the survey, my beloved USA. khmer-american friendship forever. god bless america and cambodia.

Anonymous said...