Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Large number of parties not registering for the election

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

One week after the start of party registration for the election, a larger number of parties still did not bother to register with the NEC yet. Tep Nytha, NEC secretary-general, told the Kampuchea Thmei newspaper in the afternoon of Monday 05 May that, up until now, only 3 parties have registered on the NEC list. Tep Nytha did not elaborate as to why these parties are delaying their registration with the NEC. He claimed that he did not know because these parties did not make any announcement. Chuon Narong, Khmer Republican Party spokesman, indicated that his party delayed the registration because the party is still preparing the candidate list in each province. Muth Chantha, NRP spokesman, could not be reached over the phone, and Eng Chhay Eang of the SRP could not be reached yet either. However, Chiv Katta, a member of SRP steering committee, said that his party delayed its registration because it is still reviewing its candidates in each province.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps some trivial political parties know that they are no match for the big ones; therefore, why waste time and money to do it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NO, you are damn wrong, 9:51PM. It's right through your mother's pussy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 11:06.

Anonymous said...

thank very much, 11:08PM. This my first time I used such nasty words.

Anonymous said...

11:44PM, are you better than Hun Xen?

Anonymous said...

Nope, ah HUN SEN is the #1 ignorant bastard on this planet earth!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am. You cannot let an idiot insult your mother, can you? If you let a son of the devil like the one insulted my mother, you must a disgrateful man.

Anonymous said...

The SRP is dead. They will not make it to the election. Vote CPP or HRP. That is the future political parties for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Hang all the bloody Viet troller/pimp and parasites on KI-Media such as the ones @11:56 AM.

You Viet parasites must know the universal language:

"The world sees and knows the Viet true color too well already".