Monday, May 12, 2008

Long Visalo to defend Hor Namhong, his boss

Long Visalaud during the interview (Photo: Narith, Koh Santepheap)

Long Visalo to act as defense witness for Hor Namhong in Sam Rainsy’s accusation case

Monday, May 12, 2008
Koh Santepheap
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
"A committee chief (such as the one occupied by Hor Namhong) must put into application the plans issued by the (alleged Khmer Rouge) Boeng Trabek center chief" - Job description of the Boeng Trabek committee chief as provided by Long Visalo
Phnom Penh – In the afternoon of Friday 09 May 2008, Long Visalo, the state secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, gave a brief interview to reporters at his ministry regarding the Boeng Trabek education center or re-education center under the genocidal Pol Pot regime.

In response to several questions asked by reporters, Long Visalo declared that during the KR regime, he was a prisoner of the Boeng Trabek education center which was divided into 3 centers: B-30, B-31, and B-32, and these centers were reserved for people who returned from overseas. B-30 was reserved for students and intellectuals, B-32 for diplomats and their families, and B-31 was filled by the KR with people who did a good job, at the beginning, people there were ordered to listen to radio station, teach foreign language to KR youths, type or create various documents, and hard labor was also performed.

Long Visalo indicated also that the Boeng Trabek education center is a re-education center to change the classes of those people returning from overseas, and at least to lower their classes also because they cannot be considered as revolutionary. Therefore, they have to be changed to a class of the poor or the class of workers and farmers. In there, people cannot think about fathers, mothers, siblings, or relatives anymore, each person is considered an entity of the Angkar, and there is a lot of work there, such as building houses, roads that must be dug out, pulling out water hyacinth (kamphloak) to plant water bindweed (trakuon) and other vegetables, because the (KR) believe that houses, villas, roads or cars are used by the rich people, and the Angkar does not need them, they must be destroyed, and vegetables must be planted to have food to eat every day. At Boeng Trabek, people was put to work from dawn to dusk, after eating porridge (rice soup), work must be continued until late at night, then meeting would be held, and shifts were set up to stand guard until morning time.

He added that those who returned from overseas, were brought to the Boeng Trabek center. These people were classified into 2 groups: (1) members of the liberation front formed by Sihanouk in 1970, following the Lon Nol coup d’état, and nationalist students and intellectuals from overseas who were members of the front, and (2) those who were not members of the front, but these people thought that since the country is at peace, they wanted to return back to help rebuild the country, or they thought about re-uniting with their relatives whom they were separated from during the war. At the Boeng Trabek center, there were changes among the common chief, but a man by name of Savorn was the one who was the chief for the longest amount of time. In Boeng Trabek, there were 3 subdivisions, the inner center selected a committee along with a committee chief who must put into application the plans issued by the Boeng Trabek center chief, however these chiefs work like all the others and ate the same as the others.

Regarding the accusation made by Sam Rainsy to Hor Namhong, involving the Beong Trabek center, Long Visalo indicated that he saw and knew Hor Namhong as a diplomat who came from overseas just like him. All of Hor Namhong’s family members were brought to the center like everybody else. Later on, he was designated as the B-32 committee chief, after Chao Seng and Van Phiny, the former committee chiefs were taken to be killed. During that time, Hor Namhong was no different from the others in term of work labor and food to eat, and he faced hardship like others also, and (for example), he even tore the bedspread to use as a scarf in lieu of a “kroma” for wiping the face [KI-Media note: Kroma, the scarf-towel, was used a status symbol under the KR regime, it shows that the person donning it belong to the farmer/worker class, i.e. a real communist proletarian. According to Long Visalo, Hor Namhong has to come up with a makeshift kroma during that period. Sleeping on a bedspread is considered very luxurious for common prisoner]. Furthermore, he was almost taken to be killed also because the KR planned to take him out of Boeng Trabek to go to another place, and (usually) those who were taken out, they all faced death, and this, Hor Namhong did not know about.

Long Visalo claimed that Sam Rainsy’s accusation was done for political gain, and those who said this, never saw the KR, never suffered under the KR [KI-Media note: King-Father said the same thing about Hor Namhong also, and he also lived under the KR regime]. He said that when Cambodian people suffered and had no food to eat, were tortured and killed, these people (who accused Hor Namhong) were sleeping quietly in peace in France, and they did not know anything, they dreamt that this person did this, that person did that, they did not participated in the suffering with the people, but when the people are at peace, then they came back to join the people, when the people suffered, they abandoned them. “Regarding Mr. Sam Rainsy’s accusation, I (Long Visalo) agree to act as a witness for Mr. Hor Namhong, and I am not doing this because he (Hor Namhong) works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and I am one of his subordinates, but I want to show the truth of each individuals who were victims at the Boeng Trabek center during the KR regime, and also for the actual truth which I was myself a victim, or for what the other victims also said.”

Long Visalo indicated also that: “For those who survived from the KR regime, I think that it was their great luck, furthermore, those who worked hard under the Angkar and they did not talk and protest about all out hardships, they all survived until now because of the unforgettable 07 January 1979 liberation.” He indicated that he will look for 2 or 3 more witnesses (to defend Hor Namhong) who had survived the Boeng Trabek center also. The Boeng Trabek jail issue will then be revealed to the public.


Anonymous said...

[KI-Media note: King-Father said the same thing about Hor Namhong also, and he also lived under the KR regime].

Oh yeah, Mee Jkout (Socheata)? And what hard labor did the King Father had done under the Khmer Rouge?

Anonymous said...

Ah Visalo looks like ah youn Chrouy Changvar

Anonymous said...


The account of Mr Long Visalo described as victims of KR, we have been aware of that.
The question is not that initially he was in re-education camp, but what he actually committed in sending or killing those intellectuals while he was directer of BTB prison.

Interesting to know how the system worked? And Who was Mr HOR's superior? What kind of documentations utilised when sending victims over?(SAMBOT UTESNEAM???). Fascinatingly enough that Mr Long Visalo knew that Mr HOR was almost taken away???.
Should not we need to know how Mr HOR was promoted to the chief without being an accomplish prior to promotion???.Could not be a plot(report) so that Mr HOR became promoted?. WHATEVER HAD HAPPENED, MR HOR needed to gain trust from ANGKAR.

By the way, is'nt that conflict of interest that Mr Visalo, who is Mr HOR's subordinate,claimsto be suspect witness???

Not all people had lived oversea, a lot of survivers lined through KR regime.The victims of his reign have to be witnesses against him.
I had also lived through KR as victim, gentleman!!!.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

អូហ៍! អាមិនគ្រប់ទឹកអាចម៍ឧត្តម ឡុង វិសាឡូ និយាយពភ្លីពភ្លើមែន! គិតទៅ នៅមានមនុស្សមិនគ្រប់ទឹក ប៉ុន្មាននាក់ទៀត ក្រៅពីអាហ៊ុន សែន និង​អាឡុង វិសាឡូ?

Anonymous said...

Ah psychopath Long Visalo can't save ah Hor Nam Hong about his acts of president of Boeng Trabek prison during KR regime (1975-1979)

អា ហោ ណាំហុង ថា ឈឺចាប់ណាស់ ដែលថា អា ហោ ណាំហុង ជាមេគុកបឹងត្របែក ក្នុងសម័យខ្មែរក្រហម ប៉ុន្តែសូមជំរាប អាហោ ណាំហុងថា អ្នកដែលឈឺចាប់ជាង អា
ហោ ណាំហុង ទៅទៀតនោះ គឺប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ដែលមានបងប្អូន ត្រូវអា ហោ ណាំហុង បញ្ជាយកទៅសំលាប់ នៅគុកត្របែក រាប់មិនអស់។ អា ហោ ណាំហុង សមចូលគុក ដោយ តុលាការខ្មែរក្រហមហើយ។

ah Hor Nam Hong must be in jail with Noun Chea, Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan in KR tribunal because ah Hor Nam Hong was the president of Boeng Tra Baek prison during Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979).

Anonymous said...

ឯកឧត្តមសម រង្ស៊ីគ្រាន់តែលើកឡើងថា មានរដ្ឋមន្រ្តីខ្លះក្រោយរបបខ្មែរក្រហម ជាអតីតមេខ្មែរក្រហម។ អាហោ ណាំហុង មានខ្លួន រអៀសខ្លួន ព្រោះធ្លាប់ធ្វើជា មេគុកបឹងត្របែក ដោយឥតសង្ស័យ ក៏ប្រតិកម្មនឹងពាក្យសំដី របស់ឯកឧត្តមសម រង្ស៊ី។ គិតទៅចោររអៀសខ្លួន (ករណីអាហោ ណាំហុង) ពេលឮគេនិយាយ ពីរឿងចាប់ចោរ មកជំនុំជំរះដាក់គុក។
ហ៊ុន សែន(រដ្ឋមន្រ្តីការបរទេស យួនបន្តុប), រស់ សម័យ(រដ្ឋមន្រ្តីពាណិជ្ជកម្ម យួនបន្តុប), ប៉ែន សុវណ្ណ(នាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី យួនបន្តុប), ជា ស៊ីម(ប្រធានសភា យួនបន្តុប), ហេង សំរិន(ប្រធានរណសិរ្ស យួនបន្តុប), ប៊ូ ថង (រដ្ឋមន្រ្តីការពារជាតិ យួនបន្តុប), គាត ឈន់ (រដ្ឋមន្រ្តីហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ យួនបន្តុប), ... ពួកគេទាំងនេះ មិនទាំងប្រតិកម្មអ្វីផង
ប៉ុន្តែអាហោ ណាំហុងរអៀសភ័យខ្លួន ខ្លាចចូលគុក របស់តុលាការខ្មែរក្រហម ដោយសារអាហោ ណាំហុងធ្លាប់បញ្ជាសំលាប់ ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរយ៉ាច្រើន មានភស្តុតាងជាក់ស្តែង ។

Anonymous said...

The issue become more and more serious now. Hope the court will find justice to both sides without interference, and the media will not politicize more the story.

Anonymous said...

Face of a liar already, look at his pic...

Anonymous said...

Looks 100% innocent to me.

Anonymous said...

Ah Long Visalo is a real Yuon in Chruoy Changvar. A son âge actuel Ah Long Visalo ne comprend rien du tout. Il ne comprend pas non plus qu'est-ce que Khmer rouge. Ah Long Visalo ! répondez moi ? Qui est-il Ah Hor Nam hong ? N'est-il pas cadre du Funk et du Grunk ? Quelle est la différence entre les cadres des Khmers rouges et les cadres du Funk et du Grunk ? Ce sont les mêmes. Ils sont tous sous le commandement du traitre Ah criminel Norodom Sihanouk, Chef des Khmers rouges du 18 mars 1970 au 07 janvier 1979. Ce n'est-il pas vrai ? Ah sale long Visalo ?
Ah Hor Nam Hong avait été désigné comme Chef du centre de rééducation de Boeng Trâbèk parce qu'il est le haut cadre des Khmers depuis le 18 mars 1970. Ah hor Nam Hong est vrai et réel Khmer rouge de l'Angkar Khmer rouge. Dans le système de l'Angkar des khmers rouges tout le monde travaille sans exception même la femme de Nuon Chea, elle travaille comme cuisinière. Il n'y a pas question de dire que Ah Hor Nam Hong et sa famille travaillent comme les autres internes dans ce camp. Tous les Khmers Rouges sont tous éliminés s'ils sont trouvés coupables envers leur Angkar. C'est pourqoi Ah HOr Nam Hong est inscrit sur la liste d'extermination à la prison S21 de Tuol Slèng parce que Ah Hor Nam Hong est un des Khmers rouges, qui aurait des problèmes sérieux avec son Angkar. Ne soyez pas ignorant de celà Ah salo Long Visalo ?

Anonymous said...

Anoter KR liar ! Long Visalo was in fact working closely with Pol Pot team negotiating with the yuon about the border disputes in 1977-78. I have documents to prove that.The minutes of meetings of the KR committee survive. He might have been in BTB for sometime, but he was later on plucked out to serve Pol Pot.

Hor Nam Hong is a Kor Dambao Khnang. He is looking for a loyal servant to testify. Why didn't he get Chem Sgnuon's son to do it ? Unlikely, as they are both the CPP members despite the bitterness of the later.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you do have any document that will help Sam Rainsy, I propose you send him a copy because he going to need everything if he is to even have the slightest chance to keep his ass out of Prey Sor.

Anonymous said...

បើគ្រាន់បើ ទុកអោយតុលាការខ្មែរក្រហម កាត់ក្តីអាហោ ណាំហុង, មិនត្រូវប្រើប្រាស់ តុលាការខ្មែរ ក្រោមឃ្នាបអាពួកកុំមុយនិស្តបំរើយួន នោះទេ។

Anonymous said...

Oh another khmer rouge come to confess??

Anonymous said...

A note to Socheata
Sam Rainsy is the defendant in this case so his witnesses will be defense witnesses.
Visalaud would be a witness for the plaintiff, which is Hor Nam Hong.

Besides that:
That Mirror articles says it all.

Anonymous said...

This guy name written in French,

Quel Salaud!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Visalo = Oui, Salaud (in French) or in English "Yes, bastard"!)
...Now that says it all! ROFL!

Anonymous said...

If you in prison or work camp and you are chosen to be the leader of your group, are you not a collaborator with the very people who have you there?

Anonymous said...

Is this guy a prisoner? Why did he know so much about everything in the prison? He says he come to defend Hor Nam Hong not because he is subordinate but to reveal the truth. Then, hey say he will look for more witnesses to defend Hor. Is he a defend lawyer or a witness? He calls Jan 07th, the day of liberation. Doesn't he smell like the CPP devil advocate?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter; Your lawyer will discredited him for perjury if he'll lied, and the court will strike all of his testimonies from the record.

Anonymous said...


Was Mr Visalo a prisoner in BTB prison? In fact he only was in France in KR regime until being called to work in cambodia in 1990's.
How Visalo knew Mr Hor was almost being killed??? unless Mr Visalo was CEO of BTB prison?

Procedure of promotion in KR happened unless Mr HOR was subordinate of Chao Seng, or Mr Hor did something serious enough to gain TRUST from ANGKAR.

Mr HOR has a lot to explain to khmer victims and the public.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Mr Hor is a well educated diplomat and he's 100% innocent, and Sam Rainsy will soon to face justice for accusing a noble man as killer.

Anonymous said...

Another former KR rouge leader, Long Visalo, just comes out from the closet. Let's put this guy on Khmer Rouge Tribunal along with Duch, Khiev Samphan, Ieng Sary, Hor Nam Hong, and others. Who else will come forward?

Anonymous said...

Okay, just send us 30 millions usd, and we'll take care of it.

Anonymous said...

Here's the ECCC service fee:

International standard procedure: 30 millions usd per accused.

Normal standard procedure: 10 millions usd per accused.

And thank you for doing business with the ECCC. We'll always value all of our customers.

Anonymous said...

Which one of these Khmer Rouge(s) list below is a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32?

a) Pol Pot
b) Nuon Chea
c) Ta Mok 
d) Khieu Samphan 
e) Son Sen 
f) Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
g) Ieng Sary 
h) Ieng Thearith
i) Chea Sim
j) Heng Samrin
k) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
l) Keat Chhon
m) Ouk Bunchhoeun
n) Sim Ka
o) Hun Sen

Document Center of Cambodia

During the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime;
There are 196 prisons.
There are 196 prison chiefs.
There are 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples killed by the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka
Hun Sen...

Kaing Guek Eav is a prison chief of Toul Sleng prison S21.
Document Center of Cambodia

The UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) must indict 195 other prison chiefs.

"I will not allow the UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) to indict more Khmer Rouge Regime leaders, I rather let the court (KRT ECCC) fail.  Indict more Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders will lead the country into a civil war."
Samak Mith Hun Sen
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leader

Samak Mith Hun Sen will not allow the UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) to indict more Khmer Rouge Regime leaders who is responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.

Samak Mith Hun Sen threaten to turn Cambodia back into the Killing Fields all over again.

War with whom?
War with innocent Khmer peoples without weapon?

Once a Khmer Rouge, always a Khmer Rouge.

A good Khmer Rouge(s) is a dead Khmer Rouge(s)

Khmer Rouge(s) continue to kill innocent Khmer peoples.

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

"(Samak Mith) Duch (Kaing Guek Eav) 19 years sentence is too short and doesn't fit his crimes."
Samak Mith Yaem (Hor Namhong)
Prison Chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32

What's Hor Namhong trying to do is, he want the whole world to know that he is not a Khmer Rouge and a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison.

Hor Namhong is a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32.
Phnom Penh Post

Hor Namhong said to the French judge that he is not a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison, in fact members of his family was killed by Khmer Rouge(s).

Hor Namhong can lies all he want, at the end, he got summoned and will get indict, prosecute, convict and sentence.

Criminals likes to lies.

The place where criminals lies the most is inside the court room in front of the judge(s).

On October 7, 2009 Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor Namhong, Keat Chhon, Ouk Bunchhoeun and Sim Ka has been summoned by the UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC).