Friday, May 23, 2008

Quake threat to Thailand

Friday May 23, 2008
Bangkok Post

Thailand is sitting on active faults which could cause a powerful earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale or more, a seminar was told yesterday. Panithan Lakkhunaprasit, of Chulalongkorn University which organised the seminar, said layers of soft sediment from the Chao Phraya river would increase the severity of the tremors fourfold in Bangkok. Referring to the recent earthquake in China, he said many were crushed when buildings collapsed.

Mr Panithan said there are about two million buildings in Bangkok.

Though most were not designed for earthquake resistance, good structures and quality building materials would matter most during an earthquake.

He called for structural reviews of existing buildings and quality assessments of new building projects.

Disaster Mitigation and Prevention Department deputy director-general Suwit Khanikul said that under the disaster prevention plan, grassroots bodies were tasked with monitoring situations around-the-clock and issuing warnings.


Anonymous said...

Phnom Penh Rolum
Prey Nokor Rolear
Bangkok Kchat-Kchay
Sapbay Angkor

The miracle had shown .May12,Visak day,the awakening of nature had caused the natural of Earthquake to warn China on Tibetan People .
Myanmar was hitting by cyclone.

Thailand is the next. Siem-People are not true Buddhists.

Lady Spychic

Anonymous said...

I hope it's true. I hate Thai government. I hate their gay soldiers.

Anonymous said...

OMG, we got to get the oil out from the ground now before it's too late!

Let's go 50/50 and done with it, no time to waste.

Anonymous said...

Bangkok roleay
Hanoi rolum
Prey Nokor Kchat-Kchay
Sabbay Phnom Penh
Reak Reay Angkor Wat

The miracle had shown .May12,Visak day,the awakening of nature had caused the natural of Earthquake to warn China on Tibetan People.
Myanmar was hitting by cyclone.
Vietnam is the next. Youn-People are not true Buddhists.

Lady Spychic

Anonymous said...

About time Thai can feel the suffer, the pain. It is time for them to go down. Thats what karma is. You do good, you will getting good. If you do bad, you will get bad deed. Down the Thai!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

cast the Lady Spychic's superstitious belief aside 'cause it sounds ridiculous. Nontheless, it would be about time that Thailand could feel the suffering cuased by nature. Because nature is considered as god, we can interprete that it is an act of god.

Anonymous said...

I should not say this but for the villain nation such Ah Siamese, they deserved to be punished one way or an other; they must pay the price. Eyes of the world are opening wider and wider so do Budha, I hope Siamese remember Budha said: (Act of good will, soon or later must be met with prize., Act of bad or villain, soon or later will pay the price with a miserable evil thing). Here is my question for Siamese GV ARE YOU BELEAVE IN BUDHIST? if so watch your back and check your steps.
May lord Budha bless Khmer people!

Anonymous said...

Thailand says poor rating is misinformed

May 24, 2008
The Nation (Thailand)

Rating falls from 105 to 118 with strong possibility of violence

Thailand has dismissed the Global Peace Index (GPI) report downgrading the country's peace and happiness ranking, saying the survey was not based on proper information.

Thailand's GPI rank dropped from 105 last year to 118 this year out of 140 countries. The most peaceful country is ranked first. Thailand is placed near Congo and Kenya in the rankings, while neighbouring countries such as Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia have higher rankings of 37, 51 and 91 respectively.

The GPI, conducted by Australia-based Vision of Humanity and University of Sydney, was unfair as the survey judged the situation in Thailand only on violence in the South, which only makes up a minor part of the country, said the Foreign Ministry's spokesman Tharit Charungvat.

Violence in the three southernmost provinces could not be used as weight indicators since people in 73 other provinces lived their lives normally and peacefully, he said.

Thailand's political instability was ranked at 3.6, almost the same level as last year. The highest point of instability is ranked 5.

The likelihood of violent demonstrations and the potential for terrorist acts in the country are both ranked as high as 4.

Tharit said the methodology and data-collecting system were doubtful in terms of updated information and accuracy.

The GPI survey was contrary to many previous surveys by other independent agencies, such as the Swiss-based Institute of Management Development, which upgraded Thailand in the World Competitiveness Yearbook 2008 from a ranking of 33 last year to 27 this year, he said.

Thailand is in top place for the World's Best Tourist Country surveyed by Swedish-based Travel News Magazine, he added.

"Even people from countries that are ranked high in terms of peace come to visit Thailand. That means we are peaceful as they are at home," he said.

They going down. See this article is also showing that the Thai is heading that direction.

Anonymous said...

Bangkok rolum ,phnom penh roleay,preng kor(saigon) kchat kchay sabbay HAWAII. Who care ?

Anonymous said...

Folks keep saying and chasing your shallow dreams.
ONCE the quake hits the center of Phnom Penh with 10.0, the lady sidekick put her head in the rubbles and quiet or cry foul for aids.

Anonymous said...

She won't cry for help, she's dead.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No one cannot resisist the law of Nature ,Karma.

The Hurricane was hit so hard over New Orleans,bush fires at the west coast of America.

China Earthquake was occured after the Chinese had oppressed again over Tibetan People.

The cyclone was hit Mayanmar.

Thailand is ready to be the next disaster from law of Karma (?).

Where else ?
Cambodia,Laos,Vietnam will also be cleaned up by the Universe .

Hun Sen regime will be end soon,
the second half of 2008.Believe or not ? It'll be happend.

So many Khmer People who are put in the Box(Jail),no freedom,no food.A lot of children have sufferings the most and end up they are selling to the pedophiles.
It will be a "war but short" in Cambodia as Hun Sen always warned .
He throws the Boomerang and this tool will fly to hit him back.

Lady Psychic

Anonymous said...

Khmer people love Buddha.
The nature will never punish Cambodia:

Sabbay Phnom Penh, Angkor Wat.
Rolum Hanoi, Bangkok.

Anonymous said...

Lady Psychic :)

May buddha god nature punish the injustice. Long live faithful Cambodia!

Can't wait fo the day to happen. Punish Thailand and Vietnam for being so evils.

Anonymous said...

I have been told that lady pchy is right,karma,sama,samput.

Anonymous said...

In the book of Lauk late Noun Koeurn:

" Damneur Chpuok Teov Tiss Khang Lex "
He had said :" Jeat Khmer Ming Sap=Saon ".

It was so true.

Anonymous said...

To 7:38AM,

Cheat Khmer Min Sab Sone, except all Khmers United together ! What Nuon Khoeun wants to say so !

How many provinces we had lost to Viet and Thai invaders in the past 100 years ?

We were in DECLINE since the Cucumber's dynasty usurped the power from the Varman of Angkor in 1308 A.D.

Now we will vanish around 2012 A.D
as it had been planned by Ho Chi Minh, Sihanouk's father.

57 Viet associations throughout Cambodia with one Viet consulate in each Khmer province. What is that ?????

Dancing, dancing, and enjoying to play the Viet Fake Democracy, all Khmers, inside and outside.

What will we do after 2008 election
or just accept it as a STATUS QUO ?

Hun Kh'vang will win again for sure
as CPP manipulated, cheated, bought the votes...etc.

Cambodia will stop existing as a COUNTRY, but will be a STATE OF VIET INDOCHINA FEDERATION, except we, all Khmers, wake up on time to FREE our country from Viet yoke.

The author of Norna Chea Kheatakors ?

Anonymous said...

Dear the author of Norna Chea Kheatakors ?,
I couldn't agree more with your facts.
How many centuries that our Cambodia was controlled by Yuon & Siem ? Period of Lonvek was so depressed of Khmer History and also Oudong.

Why does Cambodia & its People survive until now ?
By Khmer-Kings ? the answer is no.
Cambodia has been survived cuz she
was protected by Tevoda , the Universe and Lord Buddha.
We look back to our glorious day of Angkor Empire that we had ruled almost big part of South East Asia,Dendey Sovannaphoum,from south of Cambodia to the north-border with Srok Chen.That was time there were no Laos,Thailand , the Centre & South of Vietnam.
To ruling as the Empire we had strong army around a million soldiers.We conquered the small nations were around us.And then we had forced all of the prisoners of war to build a several hundred of the Temples.They died in vaine.....
We ruled the Empire from 4-13 centuries .Something 9 hundred years ruling.
The Empire was collapsed and made Cambodia that became smaller & smaller as today.
If you all believe in Buddhism.this is the Nature of Karma that Cambodia has dearly to pay back.

Cambodia will survive as Lauk Noun Koeurn had quoted.

After the election,July 2008,you'll see no more the tyranny regime of Hun Sen which will be finished in the second half of this year,2008.

The Awakening of our Sacred land will bring us together.From one people to one people,from the villagers to another and to whole Khmer-People are going to stand up to kick the Viets out of Cambodia.

New Cambodia will bring the best properity & happyness back to Khmer People once again as DendeySovannaphoum.
Pls wait and see it.
Every night we should pray to Preah Ang Kok Tlork who has given birthplace to our Khmer-Race,Cambodia .

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 11:14AM.

Anonymous said...

i am Cambodian, but i do not wish ill upon anybody. As a true Buddhist, i hope everyone (despite their nationality) will be safe and can avoid natural disasters.

Anonymous said...

Dear bang paone sne ha cheart,

Anger, complain, frustration won't bring us anything.
The only way for our dear country survive is to unite with our hero Sam rainsy to fight all the evil and win the next election by personal or financial contributions to his party. He is our last hope. Don't miss it. Soon YUON will be all over our country.


SRP Daily Radio ProgramSam Rainsy’s

autobiography: Rooted in stone

La version française se trouve à la fin du texte anglais

Rooted in Stone - My struggle for the revival of Cambodia
By Sam Rainsy

Ravaged by genocide, coveted by powerful and predatory neighbors, submitted to a corrupt nomenklatura, choked by a neo-feudal regime, Cambodia is a martyr country, and no one knows this better than Sam Rainsy. Born into a patrician family in Phnom Penh, close to King Norodom Sihanouk, young Rainsy lived an opulent life but then also lived through decline, when his father, a major politician, was brutally dismissed and had to live in hiding before being assassinated.

Taking refuge in Paris, the Sam family resigned themselves to live as poor immigrants. However, they never lost their hope or dignity. A gifted student, Rainsy undertook brilliant studies that led him to become a high level finance expert, specializing in mergers and acquisitions for the luxury industry…

But, how could he be happy earning money and making money for others, when his country was sinking into cruelty in the hands of a regime practicing mass murder? From humanitarian action in Paris for the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime to election campaigns in the field following the fall of the communists, Rainsy and Saumura, his wife, launch themselves into political action, taking over the torch from their respective fathers, both of whom were signatories of the 1954 Geneva agreements on Indochina.

However, for these two westernized Cambodians, their return home was rough. Facing with difficulties, aggressions, and even assassination attempts, Rainsy countered them with Buddhist-like pacifism, while constantly seeking for calm and compromise. Becoming the Minister of Economy in the first post-war mandate government, he was able to bring order to the State finances which earned him more hostilities. It was in the opposition that he found his calling when he founded a democratic and liberal party involved in the defense of freedom. Facing the unleashing of violence prompted by such provocation, Rainsy stays the course, unperturbed and smiling, unshakable and frugal, just like the trees deeply rooted in the stones of the Angkor temples.

In May 2008, Sam Rainsy’s 300-page long autobiography detailing his struggle for the revival of Cambodia, “Rooted in stone,” will be published in France by Calmann-Lévy. This book can be pre-ordered through SRP-France at a cost of 20 euros, or 22.97 euros including shipping.

The Khmer and English version of the book will be published in the following months.

For additional information, please contact
or call the following telephone numbers in France: +33 6 19 31 42 98 or +33 6 13 06 77 00

Des racines dans la pierre

Ravagé par un génocide, convoité par des voisins puissants et prédateurs, mis en coupe réglée par une nomenklatura corrompue, asphyxié par un régime néo-féodal, le Cambodge est un pays martyr. Nul ne le sait mieux que Sam Rainsy. Né dans une famille patricienne de Phnom Penh proche du roi Norodom Sihanouk, le jeune Rainsy connaît l’opulence, puis la déchéance lorsque son père, un homme politique de premier plan, est brutalement limogé et doit passer dans la clandestinité avant de finir assassiné.

Réfugiés à Paris, les Sam vont se résigner à une vie d’immigrés pauvres. Mais jamais ils ne perdront l’espoir ni la dignité. Elève surdoué, Rainsy fera des études brillantes qui lui permettront de devenir un financier de haut vol, spécialiste des fusions-acquisitions dans l’industrie du luxe…

Mais comment se contenter de gagner de l’argent et d’en faire gagner, quand son pays s’enfonce dans la barbarie aux mains d’un régime qui pratique le meurtre en masse ? De l’action humanitaire à Paris en faveur des victimes des Khmers rouges aux campagnes électorales sur le terrain après la chute du régime communiste, Rainsy et sa femme Saumura se lancent dans l’action politique, reprenant le flambeau de leurs pères respectifs : ceux-ci n’étaient-ils pas co-signataires des accords de Genève sur l’Indochine en 1954 ?

Mais pour ces deux Cambodgiens occidentalisés, le retour au pays est rude. Aux difficultés, aux agressions, aux attentats, même, Rainsy oppose un pacifisme d’essence bouddhique, cherchant avec constance l’apaisement et le compromis. Ministre de l’Economie du premier gouvernement de l’après-guerre, il parvient à mettre de l’ordre dans les finances de l’Etat, ce qui lui vaut de nouvelles inimitiés. Mais c’est dans l’opposition qu’il trouvera sa voie, en créant un parti démocrate, libéral et attaché à la défense des libertés. Devant le déchaînement de violence que déclenche une telle provocation, Rainsy maintient le cap, impavide et souriant, inébranlable et frugal, à l’image de ces arbres qui poussent dans la pierre des temples d’Angkor.
Please contact your nearest SRP chapter to send us your contribution.
Alternatively, you can send us your contribution by direct electronic
bank account wiring transfer to:

Beneficiary: Sam Rainsy Party
Account No.: 800-03-2 15931-6
Bank: Cambodian Commercial Bank Limited
Swift Code: SICOKHPP
Address: 26 Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Telephone: (855) 23 426 145
Fax: (855) 23 426 116
Please mark "Elections" with your contribution.


Anonymous said...

There will be a 8.9 earthquake magnitude will occur in LA and Long Beach in the next few months, followed by San Francisco.

Anonymous said...

Some folks might totally plung into an ocean of belief. Remember, what can harm a person the most, a belief can do the same. If one belives in Buddhism, one should have a concrete proof for their belief. Don't just believe the shadow of unreality. Recently, I have heard a lot of blind believes in our country, such as: Taboss, Ta Lagnong, and Chuon Nath, etc, who are all seen as the stupid, silly persons, but they can make a lot of $ by fooling those who are more foolish than they are, especially those who are living in America. Their brains hold just a little common sense in them. It's ridiculous indeed!