By Philippa Fogarty
BBC News, Bangkok
The view from the top of Preah Vihear temple is well worth the steamy, uphill trek to get there.
Stone steps and paths lead visitors through a series of ancient entranceways to the carved sanctuary high in the Dangrek mountain range.
Look one way and a Thai flag flies on a distant rocky outcrop. Turn the other way and the cliffs fall sharply down to the blue-green Cambodian jungle below.
At the top, the only sound is of cicadas and dragonflies. Lower down, in a market with a frontier feel to it, vendors sell gems and rare animal parts.
Things were good these days, one vendor said. The temple was open and visitors were coming. "The war is over," he smiled.
But the temple has not always been so accessible, or so peaceful.
Bullet holes scar one stone wall, while to the side of another stands a rusting artillery gun. Further down, both Cambodian and Thai guards maintain a low-key presence.
These are reminders that bitter battles have dominated Preah Vihear's recent history - and that one of them is still being fought today.
Court ruling
Preah Vihear was built mainly in the 11th and 12th centuries when the Khmer empire was at its height, its construction ordered by the kings that commissioned the temples of Angkor.
According to Sanskrit inscriptions, it was called Sri Sikharisvara, meaning Glorious Lord of the Mountain - a dedication to the Hindu god Shiva.
It sits on a mountain-top promontory, facing north towards Thailand. The main access comes from the Thai side, because of the sheer cliffs behind it.
Cambodian ownership of the temple was first formally established in boundary settlements between its colonial ruler, France, and Siam, as Thailand was then known, a century ago.
A joint commission in 1904 set the border between the two countries atop the Dangrek mountain range - but its subsequent map, in 1907, put Preah Vihear in Cambodia.
In 1954, shortly after Cambodia achieved independence, Thai forces occupied the temple. In response, Cambodia took its case to the international courts.
Thai authorities argued that as the border was supposed to follow the watershed line of the mountains, the temple was theirs. They had not challenged the map, they said, because their access to the site gave them de facto control over it.
But the court ruled against Thailand and in 1962, the Thai troops withdrew.
More trouble was in store for Preah Vihear as conflict engulfed Cambodia.
With its hill-top location, it was the last place to fall to the Khmer Rouge in 1975. Four years later, when a Vietnamese invasion swept the Maoist regime from power, it was one of the strongholds to which the Khmer Rouge retreated.
Years of fighting followed. Government forces managed to reopen the temple briefly in 1992, but Khmer Rouge guerrillas soon seized it back. Scores of fighters holed up in reinforced bunkers and held the complex for six more years.
But the Khmer Rouge was on its last legs, its leaders dead or defected.
In December 1998 the commander of the last group of fighters met negotiators at the temple to agree a historic surrender - one that ended three long decades of civil war.
Unesco row
Preah Vihear could finally be reopened. Landmines were cleared and paths made safe.
Visitors began to return, market traders set up stalls and there was talk of much-needed restoration work.
But the sovereignty row lingered on. In late 2001, Thai troops blocked access for a more than a year in a row over polluted water at the site.
Since then, it has stayed open, but the issue remains extremely sensitive - as Cambodia's application to have Preah Vihear listed as the country's second Unesco World Heritage site has shown.
"Becoming a Unesco World Heritage Site would bring international recognition to the Preah Vihear temple, especially the recognition of its universal value," says Ty Yao, president of Cambodia's National Authority for Preah Vihear.
The added prestige would bring technical assistance from Unesco and other donors, he says, while the listing would formalise Cambodia's obligations in terms of managing and maintaining the site.
It could also be a boon to the tourism industry, Cambodia's second biggest foreign currency earner, particularly given work to improve access from inside Cambodia.
But there is a problem. Although the international courts settled the row over the temple itself, the surrounding land remains the subject of overlapping territorial claims.
Thailand says it would not object if Cambodia applied to list the temple area only. But it says Cambodia has, in its submission to Unesco, included disputed territory within the listed zone.
It wants both countries to jointly manage the disputed areas until the border is agreed - and last month, sent a formal protest to Cambodia accusing it of deploying troops and mine clearers in a mutually-claimed area.
Senior officials from the two countries are due to meet at Unesco headquarters in Paris today in a bid to iron out the dispute.
"We would like to reach a win-win agreement," The Bangkok Post quoted Thai Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama as saying ahead of the meeting. "We will try to be more flexible."
Preah Vihear is not about to fall down - it has already survived a great deal.
It is a staggeringly beautiful reminder of the area's turbulent past. Perhaps soon it will be known only for this beauty, rather than for the battles fought over it for so many decades.
Siem Buy Kry -----> Si Buy Kriem
When are you going to stop being a Thief-Race ?
Clearly the Thai are greedy. UN or international court already handed this temple to us. Why we drag on about this. I don't think they dare to challenge world court. Regardless of their stupid claim, they have no proofs. The thing they worry is that if we open our mouth and point our finger further into Thailand we can tell the UN that places, this temples, this villages, this provinces etc. belong to Cambodia. Nevermind of us didn't say anything, if Cambodian leaders want to instigate the uprising in Thailand they wake up and fight the stupid Thai. God bless Cambodia.
The BBC editor should talk about what did the Cambodian government respond to Thai claim or accusation of deploying troops and mine clearers. Why he only talks about Thai's rejection? Is this journalistic profession? Even though I dont know much about journalism BUT in this case I feel that the BBC editor seems to biased.
The temple belongs to the majority of Khmer people; that is the 20 millions Khmer-Thai in Thailand.
BBC should not take Thailand at face value. They did not tell the Cambodian side of the story and Thailand's ultorier motive.
You have got to know. The British is on Thai side way back before WWII.
The Khmer-Thai has the right to a fair share of the temple, period.
a lot of free countries on the planet are probably thinking the thai are everything without regards to the real owner. i think they are just ignorant about it, that's all. in the past i've heard talk and gossips about how this or that cambodia is, until thailand or whatever. people in the west seem to think that only thailand can do everything rights unlike cambodia, etc. well, they are just plain ignorant for taking side without trying to study the history of the khmer. it's not fair to cambodia when the western world take side or being ignorant about cambodia altogether. just because cambodian people and cambodia have been through a lot doesn't mean cambodia should give up what is properly ours. i guess this is why there are so many hates and fighting in the world among countries of the world because of this kind of taking sides, etc., without regards to the true history behind such and such event. if people chose to take side like this, then don't expect friendliness of cambodia or our friends as well. what goes around comes around. no wonders china and russia hate countries like that because they think they are better than others without any education. i wont' support it nor buy it a bit. what is khmer will always be khmer at heart. get used to it! god bless cambodia.
just because some countries claimed allies with thailand or even have businessess in thailand doesn't mean they should blindly taking side with the criminals who try to steal what belongs to cambodia in broard daylight. how pathetic could they be! no wonder cambodian people hated thailand for what they done to us. remember cambodia can be an ally to any nation too, so it's up to those countries to want to be friends with us, otherwise, i don't think cambodia need them, to tell you the truth. if it weren't for laws and orders or what have you, we will fight to the end and take back all of our old provinces back from the thieves who stole them in the first place. cambodia will never forget that.
You absolutely right! Since we can survived the KR without the intervene from Thailand. I'm telling you Khmer will live forever. If they could have wiped us they could have done so. Now we woke up from the death we will surely be strong. It just a matter of time. You've got to learn that the YOUN and Thai never want to see Cambodia strong. They will be scare of Cambodia. Example just like back in the year of 1100-1300 (Khmer Empire). Cambodia fully control almost the whole Southeast Asia. Remember the glory day of Cambodia? I think the history will repeat go round and round. It is just a cycle.
a lot of royalty married other royalty in the world. take for instance, england's royal has ties with greece, russia, etc., however that doesn't mean england should claim greece or russia or whatever. the same concepts applies here to perhaps royal ties between cambodia, thailand and laos or vietnam or whatever. still, that don't give them the rights to claim cambodia as their own. got to have respect for your fellow world community of nations. god bless cambodia.
10:18 Your country is probably over 60% Tai and Chinese mix, that leaves 10% Mon, 20% Khmer and 10% others. Seem to be more likely mixed ratio. 20% of your 63 is only 12 million. By your math Cambodia still is majority with 14 million Khmer.
If those 12 million mixed-khmer blood Thai exist, not many call themselves Khmer. So they don't need a share of the Khmer riches. Even if Cambodia share our riches, it would not go to our Khmer brothers. It would go to your rich greedy taicoons
5:20, that is no excuse. The Khmer-Thai want job from tourist too.
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