Saturday, May 03, 2008

US-ASEAN Business Council Meets With Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen

KUALA LUMPUR, May 3 (Bernama) -- Fifteen business executives from ten United States-based companies met with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and other leaders in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh Friday as part of a delegation sponsored by the US ASEAN Business Council. The mission was led by its president Matthew Daley and William Lafferandre, ConocoPhillips Manager of Asia Pacific Business Development, the council said in a statement here Friday. Lafferandre said compared to 2006, the number of participating companies almost doubled for the current mission, reflecting the increased interest in Cambodia by the American business community. “Our delegation is here to deepen existing economic ties between the US and Cambodia and to explore new opportunities. We know Cambodia is experiencing unprecedented growth. We believe our corporations bring the wherewithal to help sustain the growth in ways that will strengthen Cambodia,” he said. Other companies participating in the mission include Boeing, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Ford Motor company, GE and UPS.


Anonymous said...

There you go! Who could asked for anything more?

Anonymous said...

Khmer needs no Vietcong on Khmer land.

Go home Vietcong go home!

Anonymous said...

The government might has very good investment packages for investors, but I think it's not enough, the government must put real works on law systems, educations, and infrastructure to make this country more appeal to investors!

Anonymous said...

It is a good start, but Cambodia rule of law is very weak. This weekness will hinder real business investments. We need an impartial court system (business and contract law especially), and a clean govenment (no corruption, illegal land grabing..), and a stable multi-pary goverment (no political intimidation or assasination..). All these bad news in parenthesis deter business confidence and long term investement..

Anonymous said...

USA companies, please invest in cambodia. please don't be afraid of investing in cambodia. think long term because that will be very lucrative in cambodia as we are just now beginning to join the world community of nations. please don't leave cambodia out. we have huge potential. waiting for too long might be a big mistake. invest in cambodia soon before everthing goes sky high in prices. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Any big and well known global company who are exploring investment opportunity in any country would always look into the investment law, incentives, rule of law of the country and once they decide to get in they will always introduce their systems [cooperate practice and transparency].

Investment law in Cambodia is reasonably good to attract investors and direct injection to the national economy but rule of law must be tighten up in order to secure more investors.

Anonymous said...

I think MNCs look at not only investment packages and law systems, they also look at human resource and infastructure in the country.

Anonymous said...

For human resources, Cambodia is 100 times better than long beach.