Thursday, May 29, 2008

Will Hun Sen Become The Saddam Hun Sen Of Cambodia?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Editorial by Khmerization
On the web at

“Mr. Hun Sen must not be so sure that his cordial relationships with other U.S leaders would guarantee him full immunity from any possible U.S actions against him. By showing his photo with President Bush, Mr. Hun Sen must not believe that people and the U.S are gullible enough to allow him to do whatever he wants against all democrats in Cambodia.”
Prime Minister Hun Sen’s recent warning to the opposition parties not to use the U.S to counter his threats against them is a sign that Mr. Hun Sen is very wary of the U.S policy toward his iron-fist rule. His speech seem directed at Mr. Sam Rainsy in particular and Mr. Hun Sen knew full well that, compared to his bully against Prince Ranariddh, his attempts to intimidate Rainsy on many occasions did not work because Rainsy was brave enough to confront this sort of bullying tactics undeterred. As usual, when his bullying tactics did not yield any results, he turned to blame the U.S for being Rainsy’s backbone. (Read Hun Sen’s Speech Warning the Democrats).

The PM has a very valid point when he said that all the Cambodian leaders who followed the U.S are all dead and that he is not scared of the U.S, under the present circumstances. The PM is right. The U.S is too pre-occupied with the wars against global terrorism, in particular the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cambodia’s problems, in particular in regard to protecting Hun Sen’s possible harm against Rainsy, are irrelevant to the present U.S policy. People should look at the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, the assassination of the Lebanese ex-PM, Rafiq Harriri, and the recent assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan as examples. What did the world and the U.S do to punish the culprits? And those named above are more high profile than Rainsy. I draw the lines here because I would like to make an analogy to the fact that, should Rainsy be jailed or assassinated, the U.S would not come to get Hun Sen.

By the same token, Mr. Hun Sen must not be so sure that his cordial relationships with other U.S leaders would guarantee him full immunity from any possible U.S actions against him. By showing his photo with President Bush, Mr. Hun Sen must not believe that people and the U.S are gullible enough to allow him to do whatever he wants against all democrats in Cambodia. Mr Hun Sen must look at the fates of all dictators around the world. The Panamanian dictator, General Manuel Noriega, was a close ally of the U.S., but when the U.S suspected that he was a drug trafficker, he was abusing the democrats and had turned against America, America did not hesitate to send the troops in to Panama in 1989 to capture him alive. The U.S later convicted him and sentenced him to nearly 20 years in jail.

Another high profile example would be Saddam Hussein. He was a long term ally of the U.S against Iran. At the end, the U.S sent the troops in to Iraq, captured Saddam and sentenced him to hang. Osama Bin Laden is another good case for Hun Sen to remember. Osama Bin Laden was a U.S ally in the war against the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s. In the 1990s Bin Laden turned against America and in 2001 he was suspected to be a mastermind of the attacks on World Trade Center in New York. Now Bin Laden has become America’s public enemy number one. These parallels are drawn so that we don’t have an international pariah or a Saddam Hun Sen in Cambodia.

Mr Hun Sen should also be mindful that all dictators are America’s enemy. His claims of being a good friend of American leaders are misleading. American leaders, like all leaders around the world, due to diplomatic protocol, are obliged to deal with all other leaders in the world, including Hun Sen. Mr. Hun Sen should not confuse this with diplomacy and protocol and makes a claim to being a darling of America. And by the look at the way he is running the country and maltreating the democrats, he must be mindful that he will not be immune to American policy of dealing with the dictators.


Anonymous said...

Hasn't he been already the Saddam HUN SEN of Cambodia for over three generations now?...Where have you been???

Anonymous said...

Yes, KI media. When Hun Xen becomes Saddam Hussein, SRP can invite its friend president McCain to do a regime change for Cambodia.

Kuoy Picheat

Anonymous said...

And so what if PM becomes Saddam, Ah Gorilla Fucker? FYI, not everyone hated Saddam.

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen has become Saddam Hussein since after the coup of 5-6 July 1997.

Anonymous said...

As I said it's up to the khmer people to kick this former cock fighter out of office, he's a bully and so arrogant and a thug. No brain no pain.

Anonymous said...

You stupid 11:04a.m knows nothing about Saddam or what he did that why. You stupid frog go back to your jar. Talking about being dump!Fool!

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up, Ah Khmer-Yuon (11:41). There is nothing wrong with Saddam, enough with your stupid propaganda, alright? No one is going to buy your lousy Hollywood craps.

Anonymous said...

ah lop 12.11 pm is so yabbb. Every word it said ah khmer yuon rohout. min deung ah na te yuon noh. In fact, it( vea) is lopp, ah khour kbal chhke, ah thorkkkk!
your cpp friend :P tongue out!! haha

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmerization;

Personally, love to read your blog and your style of writing. However, there's something that indicate your are a stnning supporter of SRP, anti the current RGC and have discounted many facts about the progresses' Cambodia since the UN sponsored election in 1993.

Believed that you are Melbourne, home of the professor David Chadlers who wrote extensively about Cambodia and would sugget that you should read more to understand in depth of the situation in Cambodia in the past and present.
There are a few questions related to the below sentences which doubtly you have full knowledge about the circumstances.

A - The PM has a very valid point when he said that all the Cambodian leaders who followed the U.S are all dead and that he is not scared of the U.S, under the present circumstances. The PM is right. The U.S is too pre-occupied with the wars against global terrorism, in particular the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Personally think that the coup and the overthrown of Sangkum Reastr Niyum regime by Marshall Lon Nol is the biggest mistake of all time and it the beginning of the Cambodia Year Zero.

Personally think that Richard Nixon and his so called "Purely Nixon doactrine to help Cambodia to help themselves was nothing more than personal discontent and got square with the then Prince Norodom Sihanouk and the lost of Vietnam war and discounted the facts that its people [ 7 millions at the time] were the sufferers - Not Marshall Lon Nol who had been airlifted by the US and retired with handsome money until his death.
You are fully aware and so does the world. that the war in Iraq is illegal and unmandated by the UN unlikely the war against terrorist in Afghan where amny countries involved - the US, Canada, Australia and NATO Etc.. to say a few.

In fact, US went into war in Iraq by itself and 2 other stunning allied - the UK and Australia and no one else except when the Japanese went in as non-combat troop but purely concentrate on reconstruction of Iraq and the Australian contigent are there to guard and support them.

Iraq war was based on inflated dossiers. Tony Bliar decided to call a quit at the high of his carrer because of tremendous pressure within the Westminster and within his own party and saw the withdrawal of Brithish from Basra and Iraq..
The former PM "John Howard" was another one but was booted out by the people of Australia during last year election and Kevin Rudd who stood up to the US and told Bush that his troop would be pulling out sooner except in Afghan where is eligimate cause. It woi\uld not be long before you will be welcoming the Aussie troop home and in fact some of them was already back home to base in Darwin

Cambodia’s problems, in particular in regard to protecting Hun Sen’s possible harm against Rainsy, are irrelevant to the present U.S policy. People should look at the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, the assassination of the Lebanese ex-PM, Rafiq Harriri, and the recent assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan as examples. What did the world and the U.S do to punish the culprits? And those named above are more high profile than Rainsy. draw the lines here because I would like to make an analogy to the fact that, should Rainsy be jailed or assassinated, the U.S would not come to get Hun Sen.
1st of all, would draw your attention to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan.

The US is indeed need the support of Pakistan to fight war agaignst the insurgents in Iraq as well the Bin Laden group, who is said hidding along the border of Pakistan and Iraq and the disputed area of Cashmere.

Benazir Bhutto was indeed lived in exile in UK and citizen of UK, and during the time of her assasination her party did not ask US to involve in finding the truth but rather leave it to MI5 [ the British intelleligent to do so].
People should look at the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma.

Aung San Suu Kyi is another British citizen. Personally admired her stance and commitment for the people of Burma - willing to be under house-arrest then got out the country and ignore the plight of her people to attend the Nobel Peace Price and the funeral of her late husband which cannot see or existing in our opposition leader.

Burma a few month back looked into admending certain clauses of the constitution to refrain politician who is a foreign citizen to run for the office.

Must say that current PM of Cambodia is very open by allowing politicians and leader of political parties who are currently holding other nationality to run for the top job and lead Cambodia.

Don't you agree with that?

the assassination of the Lebanese ex-PM.

US did point figure and single out that Syria is behind the assasiantion.

Lebanon is still crucial place for US to solve the Middle East problem and to safe guard its allies in the region such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia Etc.. in particular the Israel.

Why do you think that US secretary of state was in and out of Israel and Gaza Strip or Egypt or Saudi?

Mr Hun Sen should also be mindful that all dictators are America’s enemy.

Would say that everyone is US enemy when they consider and put their interests and security of their country as utmost priority.

People of NZ can tell you that US is not happy with NZ when their PM refused US warship to dock in NZ.

US is not happy with China either but because China is economy super house, the US benefits from the economy in China and the China advance techno so US is unwilling to press on too hard.

Russia is now emerging back and US doesn't want to press on with any issue either.

Australia is stunning support of US but when it come to trade US has no good will or consider any allownace either.

These prove that US is about US interest [economy is utmost as every nation would be affected should US economy slumped] and security of its country.

he must be mindful that he will not be immune to American policy of dealing with the dictators.

US policy is always shift to fit its inerest and security.

What US should be mindful that enemy today might be an ally tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter he is with President Bush or not. Look back during Saddam Hussein, he was friend with Ronald Regan, Donald Rumsfield etc. US still taken Saddam out. Got to remember, HUN SEN will be next in line.

Anonymous said...

To 5:05 PM:
Admire your thought!
I agree with you that we should accept the truth that Cambodia has progressed to some extent compared to the past, and also the openness of the government towards the opposition leaders compared to some chaotic countries.

I would say it is quite interesting to read your impressive explanation of the cases from so many countries.

But I see that you compared our countries to all the countries that have chaos and complex situations inside. May be , we cannot see from only one side of the coin.

I agree and accept that Cambodia has a positive trend to go forward, if the leaders have true willingness to do things.

Your attacks go to the US policy. See that to a larger extent you are right. But to frankly speak, the US plays a big role in world politics.

I am sorry if I used any wrong or imappropriate words. I wrote what I think.

Just wondering if the US will take Hun Sen or not if something happen to Sam Rainsy?

Wondering that will the US put hands in Cambodia's inernal affairs then, once we not really have a good relations so far since the then king Sihanouk, let's say if something happens?

My last words go to the point that war, or revolution ( the case of Lon Nol revolution) which shed blood on innocent people is not worth doing, that is why it will be good if all committed leaders join hands and work together to reach our development goal.

Thanks so much,
Your online friend or sis

Anonymous said...

POL POT,SIHAKNUK,HUN SEN CAN'T BE the angle,because the khmer rouge are the khmer that Viet used and continious to use to kill Khmer ppl so I do not give a damn to support those
and I will let the PPL and the world know those has never change and it won't do any good to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

My beloved 5:05PM!

Forgive me for my illiteracy and lacking of the historical world, but I have suffocatingly learnt a little bit about our Khmer modern history. According to your magnificent statement above, you are so confidenly, evidently, and scholarly embraced that was the ultimate mistake to overthrow Sihanouk in March 18, 70.

My simple questions are..

Why his right man, Lon Nol, forcefully overthrow Sihanouk?

Did Sihnouk is the great leader, doing his best job to protect the innocent Khmers or actively running away from his duty?

Anonymous said...

you posed some good questions? I hope
they will answer your questions fairly. I want to know, too, why did Sihanouk shifted all of his responsibility to Lon Nol and ran away from the country while he was the one who pushed it into danger? Lon Nol was in tears when he decided he had to agree with the majority of the House Assembly members. One should learn to understand King Sihanouk foxy nature.

Khmerization said...

5:05 PM, thanks for your long explanations. I read all or nearly all of David Chandler's books. I can explain in detail as you did if I was writing on the details that you are analysing here. I don't disagree but I just want to add that if I go as far as you wrote my editorial would go out of track and your analysis here do not relate to my discussion topic.

Anonymous said...

5:05 is right. The problem with Khmerization is that he very often uses inapplicable analogies to make a strong anti-CPP point. For one Noriega was involved in drug-dealing that directly affected the U. S., Saddam Hussein had occupied Kuwait, a vital oil supplier, and secondly Bush II invaded it under false pretenses, again to secure oil supplies. So all these were of vital importance to the then current U. S. government, likewise the Lon Nol regime. But once it had served its purpose, and the U. S. withdrew from SE Asia, Cambodia became non-existent. Khmerization is right in using Burma as an example.

But nevertheless, all these comments and op-eds seem rather futile when seen in the context that they mostly don't reach the people in Cambodia but only overseas Khmer and other interested in Khmer politics and social issues.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful that issue is being discussed calmly and rationally? There are differences here. But that is great!!!

All of you who posted these positive comments should be complimented for this civilized discussion.

Love the debate.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cambodia needs all Cambodian people to save her. The Republican and the Monarchist have to come together if they want to defeat the foreign invaders through Hun Sen. I hope the Cambodian people meet and discuss how to pause the great dangerous is happening.

It looks to me Cambodia is being destroyed not only by the foreigners but by her own people who still fight with each others.

Sam Rainsy needs to reach out to those poor rural people and meet with his supporters at oversea to change their tune.

Anonymous said...

My beloved Khmers!

Why we Khmer from the old generation to recent genernation, perhaps in the future's one are academically and scholarly feeling the profoud confusion about our suffocating history?

According to the old educated Khmer folks during 50's and 60's...

Only a few Khmers know their history, and we repeatedly tell them that it is regrettable that, until the present, the most important pages of our history have been written by foreigners. Without being chauvinists, we think that it is dangerous for our country to neglect the training of a team of historians worthy of the title. Moreover, the specialists in our history are, in almost all cases, content with decribing the Khmer monuments as perfectly as possible and then studying their chronology in conjunction with the chronology of Khmer kings.

The present study consists of three parts:

1. the correct statement of the problem to be solved..

2. the reasons advanced until the present to explain hsi phenomenon.

3. Our hypothesis.

Anonymous said...

maybe it's time to step down, mr. hun sen and let other a chance at khmer position. sometimes being in office too long can look bad, especially when there are a lot of other capable leaders as well. please stop using jungle law to threat your opponents. look at thailand, for example, or the vietnamese as well, they want peace, cooperation and prosperity for their country, so their leaders like thaksin and others are stepping down to let younger and more educated leaders a chance to lead cambodia into the new millenium. maybe it's time for mr. hun sen to think twice about wanting to be the prime minister forever? or what. this is why people don't like it. i mean, congratulations for doing a good job that have made cambodia different from the time of the KR until now, however, still not good enough when cambodia still have the same old people running it without letting others capable people a chance to lead as well is just not fair to cambodia and her khmer people. for the sake of national reconciliation, please think again, mr. prime minister. maybe this is a good reason why cambodia should have law to limit the terms of its leadership. otherwise, this kind of problem will not go away. please be the one to initiate the term limit for official. this way, maybe khmer people can recognize you forever for being the first one to do this for the good of cambodia. otherwise, like pol pot, got no recognition, instead was being cremated in the rubbish and people hated him, instead of remembering him for being a KR prime minister. so power greed is never good for a country as it cause people to continue to suffer. why would anyone in their right mind want cambodia to go through that again? god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

If there is a civil war in Cambodia after the July election ,every country, especially Vietnam and Thailand, will laught at Khmer people who will live in poverty forever.

Anonymous said...

Everyone but you, you moron 11:04!!

Anonymous said...

5:05 PM, or free-thinker or Jay Robert- please don't try to hide by trying to disguise by writing with a broken English. Just write with your perfect English and unmask yourself. We know it's you Jay Rupert.

And we know that 5:05 PM and 6:58 PM are the same person, trying to indulge oneself with self-praises.

Anonymous said...

Down and Out ! ah Hun Sen, a third-year- elementary-school- educated Prime Minister with 29 years of holding power, is the Criminal against humanity in Cambodia and is a former Khmer Rouge soldier in Khmer Rouge Regime, from CPP (Communist Pro youn Party)

Khmer people always support H.E. Sam RainSy who serves Khmers,

Khmer people are always against ah psychopath Hun Sen who is ah youn servant. Ah psychopath Hun Sen, CPP (Communist Pro youn Party) member, is ah criminal against humanity in Cambodia .

ah Hun Sen massacred Khmer people on Sunday 30 march 1997

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen will not become like Saddam Hussen if we don't scare the poor Cambodian away. We need them to be on our side.

Anonymous said...