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Anti-Thai govt protest over Thai-Cambodia border dispute in Preah Vihear
Thousands of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) members protest outside Foreign Ministry in Bangkok, Thailand Wednesday, June 18, 2008. Protestors accused the Thai government of yielding a disputed border region with an ancient temple to Cambodia, the latest trouble for the embattled Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej who has been facing daily protests calling for his resignation. (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit)
Thousands of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) members protest outside Foreign Ministry in Bangkok, Thailand Wednesday, June 18, 2008. The protestors accused the Thai government of yielding a disputed border region with an ancient temple to Cambodia, the latest trouble for the embattled Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej who has been facing daily protests calling for his resignation. (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit)
Thousands of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) members protest outside Foreign Ministry in Bangkok, Thailand Wednesday, June 18, 2008. The protestors accused the Thai government of yielding a disputed border region with an ancient temple to Cambodia, the latest trouble for the embattled Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej who has been facing daily protests calling for his resignation. (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit)
Thousands of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) members protest outside Foreign Ministry in Bangkok, Thailand Wednesday, June 18, 2008. The protestors accused the Thai government of yielding a disputed border region with an ancient temple to Cambodia, the latest trouble for the embattled Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej who has been facing daily protests calling for his resignation. (AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit)
Let's build Cambodia to be a stronger nation so that our neighbors will respect us a little bit.
The better living standard of Cambodians is the first priority to stop Thai and Vietnamese from insulting us!
Le peuple khmer ne laisse plus faire piétiner par les thaïs et viets. Il faut que nous, le peuple khmer soit solidaire pour se défendre notre patrimoine et notre intégralité territoiriale. Il ne faut surtout pas impressionner par ce genre de manifestation thailandaise inutile. C'est une pure provocation gratuite des thaïs.
Vive le peuple khmer !
@2:55 PM
Totally agree, Cambodia must be strong for the neighbor to respect
ខ្ញុំឆ្ងល់ថាតើអ្នកនយោបាយ និងប្រជាជនសៀមចេះអៀនខ្លួននឹងទង្វើរបស់ខ្លួន រឺយ៉ាងណា? តើជនជាតិនេះមិនចេះខ្មាសនឹងមតិអន្តរជាតិ ទេ ?
ពិតជាគួរឲ្យអាសូរខ្មែរណាស់ដែលមានអ្នករស់នៅក្បែរខ្លួនបែបនេះ ។
I think we HUN SEN should declare war on Thailand. Hun SEN, you better show the theft Thai or ignorant Thai you muscle. Come on! don't just be tough or strong only to our fellow innocent Khmer. You got to show the Thai that you can eat their liver like you used to druing the KR's regime. I bet HUN SEN had tasted human's liver before. Cause most of KR's soldiers they had tried YOUN's liver when they captured YOUN back then. GO doggy go! Don't just bark or bite to your own people!! Goto to bite YOUN and SIEM ..Hurry!!!!!!!!
Calm don't brother (Khmer-Thai). Everything will worked out for both countries.
Ah fucking thai protest over something they don't have, but a h hun sen decided to give them anyway
Go home Thai-Cheaters, review your Internation Map first, and don't try to claim by your own cheater Map. Shame on Thailand !
Yeah, I agreed that HUN SEN needs to wake up!!!!!!!!! He got to do something to the theift THAI.
I think Thai people are stupid. They claim that they are not barbarian style like. But in reality they are. Cause they don't even know the histroy. If they smart they wouldn't insist what or which that are not belong to them already. Khmer or HUN SEN government should take this matter to the Hague or UN to present the world body and ask them to vote I bet you all probably vote for Khmer 100%. Khmer will always win!!!!!!!!!!!
Those Thai people are trouble maker. They have no clue of what they got with their government, their peaceful country and their monarchy. It's a true shame.
Who gave a green light to this huge protest in Thailand? The GOD-KING, King Phumibol. He is the most powerful King behind all Coup d'Etats in Thailand.
He is lucky that Thailand has Cambodia and Laos as its barrier, prevented Vietnam from invading his country.
King Phumibol killed the King, his old brother. The King was shot on the head by him.
No one Thai can dare to show disrespect to him and his family.
His only one son is infected with Aid disease, the playboy sob.
Absolute power dictator King, the world richest King, no one dares to challenge. He is Chakri Dynasty, the family have no real blood of Royalty.
He thinks he is entitled to Preah Viheah, because his ancestor was general Chakri who ruled the whole Cambodia including KKK ad Champa.
Yeah, Thai people need to learn the real history who built Preah Viheah. It was built before Angkor Wat by Khmer Kings.
With such ignorant people and unstable politics the future is no bright for the Siam, I guess they don't even realized that.
Hey Siam your not is not Britain, they know when to stop and you don't.
Go home Thai people- Siem. Shame on you. We Cambodia should be the one who do demonstration because Cambodian's land has been stolen by Thai for a couple decades of years. Now, we have only Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear Temple. Thai should be ashame of demanding something that is not belong to them. Even now, the surounded area of the Temple has been lost to Thai already, what eles you demand for Cambodia?
Shame on you, Thai people.
You had better learn how to read the World Map and your history. You were one thief of China or Chineses's Slave. You stole Burma's land and Cambodian's land for so ever.
Shame on you!
I am proud to be Cambodian.
Long life Cambodia!
I just hope HUN SEN should do something to the Thai thru UN, just go to UN and present them the map and evidence. Thai will have nothing to say and they will be shameful to the world. Kounkhmer please wake up in Thailand!!!!!!!!!
these people are a bunch of ignorant thugs that do not know right from wrong, if you ask me. i wonder who is behind such mass ignorant in thailand? one has to wonder! i'm sure if it's up to these thugs, thailand wouldn't be where it is today. go home, thieves!
We need a stronger military. Let's get CPP out and rebuild our nation with military and economic strength, then let's see if Youns or Siems have any thing to say,
but first thing first: remove CPP from power, then we move on the right track,
vote SRP,
So where are Ah Hun Sen counter demonstration? Ah Hun Sen can only intimidate his own people and grabbing his people's land, but do nonething with Thai and Hanoi. He let them have all Cambodia land. If one comments said about Hague court, you're wrong my friend. Why don't Ah Hun Sen go to the Hague court with Hanoi when he still post the border with his master?
Ah CPP government are all stupid and asshole. They're stupid people who lead the country and let Thai and Hanoi do whatever they want.
Why don't the Khmer do counter protest against Ah Thai.
Hun Sen Gov. doesn't have troupes, but there are a lot of star generals.
very WEAK!
Sam Rainsy is caught in the middle. He wants to help his country, but he is afraid his supporters who hate the monarchists too much will not support him financially, so he lose votes from monarchists to other parties.
I like your call, but you didn't address how you are going to persuade the people in Cambodia to listen to you. I know you are King Sihanouk's hater. So what will be your next plan?
Do your Math may be help.
Thai people believe in Yellow is lucky color.
After this King dies, his little grand son will be King, and he is still a little boy. That little boy is the last child of Crown Prince with the new wife he mariied to. This crown Prince cannot become King because he is dying from Aid disease. I think he may be already dead.
The King's oldest daughter married to the White american now divorced is just like a whore. She loves party and going screwing every body's husbands.
fuck thai
Fuck you Cambodia, you should all go to hell. If we loose this land unfairly there will be war!!!!
I am from India and have been to Khao Preah Vihar. There is no doubt that this ancient Shiva Temple is more like Angkor Wat and Khmer temples. Secondly once you cross the Khao Preah Vihar National Park and cross over the rocks, one enters into Cambodia. I have been to Cambodia several times. The Cambodians are peaceful non-violent people. But if you provoke them they are like ferocious tigers. They beat the Americans in the Vietnam war, they beat the Vietnamese, the Chinese. If the tribals from Rattanakiri use their voodoo Thailand will be in deep trouble. Thailand is a big country so let go KPV or Thailands nose will be in the dust.
The Cambodians are one of the toughest gureilla fighters in the world after the gurkhas and the Sikhs. Don't forget that
An unknown Indian
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