Sunday, June 08, 2008

Cambodia sends off third batch of UN peacekeeping deminers to Sudan

PHNOM PENH, June 8 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia sent off its third batch of deminers here Sunday at the Pochentong Air Base to take part in the UN peacekeeping missions in Sudan.

"Today's send-off is evidence of the willingness of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Cambodian people to provide essential security and support to those in conflict," said Douglas Broderick, UN resident coordinator in the kingdom.

The third batch consists of 139 staff members, 15 of whom had left on June 2 for camping work, said a military press release.

Ke Kim Yan, Commander in Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), told the send-off ceremony that Cambodia has participated in "the UN peacekeeping operation on humanitarian mine clearance in Sudan for the third consecutive year."

So far, Cambodian deminers have cleared 57,542,488 square meters of areas in Sudan, he added.

RCAF Lt. Gen. Sem Sovanny said that the third batch of deminers will replace the second one, who will return from Sudan to Cambodia Tuesday.

Along with consistent economic growth, Cambodia has also been seeking to enlarge its international military presence. It has joined two multinational military exercises respectively in Mongolia and Bangladesh, since peace was established in the kingdom in 1997.


Anonymous said...

Hun shit please don't send any troop as part of the UN to otehr country since you didn't want the UN to work on improving human rights in cambodia. Don't forget about Yash gai affairs. Don't be a hypocrite, fuckwit.

Anonymous said...

"RCAF Lt. Gen. Sem Sovanny said that the third batch of deminers will replace the second one, who will return from Sudan to Cambodia Tuesday".

Welcome back home soldiers. A job well done and thank you. The Khmers are proud of you going out and assisting others in need. Step by step we will rebuild our great glory shattered by our own weakness and the aggression of our neighbors.

Anonymous said...

who says cambodian people can't be a productive member of the world community. let this be a living proof of that claim, despite some people labeled us third-world. shame on them, when cambodia is fully developped. and don't try to stop us from development. cynics! cambodia do not need cynics and pessimist! we need experts who can and will help cambodia develop in all fields. god bless cambodia