Friday, June 27, 2008

Court asked to nullify deal on Preah Vihear: Democrats, senators say Noppadon wrong

Burning of the Thai embassy in Cambodia in 2003

Friday June 27, 2008
Supreme Commander Gen Boonsang Niampradit said the air force had already put its C-130 aircraft on standby in case it was necessary to evacuate Thais from Cambodia if the issue gets out of hand.
The Democrat party and a group of senators are separately asking the Constitution Court to nullify Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama's signing of the joint statement with Cambodia to back Phnom Penh's bid to have the Preah Vihear temple listed as a World Heritage site. The move comes as the Administrative Court yesterday started the process of deciding whether to accept the case forwarded by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to nullify the cabinet resolution on June 17 to endorse the map of the temple.

The map and the joint statement will be used by the Cambodian government to forward its listing proposal to a World Heritage Committee meeting starting next week in Quebec.

The committee comes under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco).

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday that Democrat MPs would ask the Constitution Court probably by Monday to rule if Mr Noppadon had acted beyond his authority by signing the joint statement with Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An in Bangkok on June 18.

Mr Abhisit cited Article 190 of the constitution which requires the government to seek parliamentary approval before signing any international agreement that affects national sovereignty. A move to impeach the minister would come later, he added.

The opposition also said if the House votes against Mr Noppadon after the censure debate, then that vote could convince Unesco not to list the Preah Vihear temple.

In the censure debate a few days ago, the Democrats insisted the Thai government's support for Cambodia's unilateral listing of Preah Vihear would remove Thailand's right to have ownership of the temple reviewed.

Mr Abhisit said the Cambodian map Mr Noppadon had acknowledged could put Thailand at a disadvantage in talks to settle the borderline with Cambodia.

Senator Somchai Sawaengkarn said his group of senators was also preparing to ask for a similar ruling from the Constitution Court. He was confident the group could gather at least 63 signatures, as the charter requires, to back the petition. More than 50 senators signed yesterday, including Rosana Tositrakul, Wichian Khanchong and Sumon Sutawiriyawat.

If the Constitution Court rules that Mr Noppadon's action was unconstitutional, he should show responsibility at once so senators would not need to push for his impeachment, Senator Somchai said.

Historian Thepmontri Limpaphayom suggested that if the Cambodian request is put on the agenda of the World Heritage Committee in Quebec early next month, Thailand's World Heritage Committee should resign to pressure other member states on the World Heritage Committee to postpone considering the issue.

Supreme Commander Gen Boonsang Niampradit said the air force had already put its C-130 aircraft on standby in case it was necessary to evacuate Thais from Cambodia if the issue gets out of hand.

He also warned the government to carefully consider the territorial issue with Cambodia. Any loss of land would provoke similar situations concerning many disputed areas with other neighbouring countries, he said.

At the Administrative Court yesterday, Mr Noppadon assigned director-general of the Treaties and Legal Affairs Department Krit Kraichitti to testify before the court on his behalf.


Anonymous said...

If the issue intensifies and turns ugly only a handful of Thais citizens can be held responsible for the unnecessary chaos. All must remember the burning of Thai embassy in 2003 and know who started it all. Good common sense will allow you to understand the human reaction when it comes to good versus evil, or wrong vs. right. A lying tongue only a big loser will possess.

Anonymous said...

I am wonderring that Thai army is strong? I think if it is strong, it can deal with the problem happenning in the southern Thailand. They can stop militants who killed many Thai soldiers, teachers even though farmers. If you fly your air crafts into Cambodian territory with out permission, sure your crafts will be shot down.

Anonymous said...

9:47AM! Thai's Army is much stronger then the khmer's and make no mistake about that .They have Air force,Army,Navy ,marine.Thai'AIR FORCE has F-16s fighters falcons.These planes are very sophisticates.
Why the Thai did not win decisively over the separatist Thai muslim because in general,Thai people rarely shed each other blood like the khmers.In its history, every time there were a coup d'etat,there were almost no one got killed.If the Thai's Army want to crush the rebels,they can do in a matter of weeks, but they rather solve it politically.

Anonymous said...

10:31 AM

Their army, navy, or whatever.... are perfect for a show. When was the last time the Thaicings fought and won a war?

Khmers and viet might be culturally different. but when it come to fight a war, we bind together and every united. So make no mistake, my friend.

Anonymous said...

If these son-of-bitches encroach our airspace ... we'll shoot them down.

Anonymous said...

Stay calm Siam-Dog if there a war the Siam will definitely lose.
Think about it this time it's not your embassy but Bangkok will be burn to the ground.

Anonymous said...

History will inevitably repeat itself. ... Prepare for the inevitability!

Anonymous said...

It's time to declare war since friendly negotiation don't seem to make them understand that they are encroaching on Cambodian territorial integrity in broad daylight... Preah Vihear is under Cambodian jurisdiction since 1962. The whole world knows that, except the Thais. Cambodia has the right to list the temple and the surrounding areas in its incription for a world heritage listing with UNESCO according to international law. I suggest Bhumibol should restraint his subjects again as he once did in 1962.

Anonymous said...

If the Thaicong dare cross Cambodian border and they will be sorry like the Vietcong in the 1980! This is the opportunity to drag the Thaicong into a long conflict and send them back to the Stone Age and make them stay behind the rest of Southeast Asian countries!

If the Thaicong think that their war machines are the best in Southeast Asia and they better think again because it going to cost them billion and billion of dollars in repair,fueling, and replacement!

It had been proven that unconventional weapons can defeat the conventional weapons and in the long run in a protracted gurilla warfare conventional weapons are a sitting duck!

In the 1980, the Vietcong drove their tanks and flown their jet fighters straight to the heart of Phnom Phen and they thought they gain full victory overnight! What they didn't know was that the real war haven't start yet and they begin to realize it 10 years later!

By way the Vietcong even have AH HUN SEN to back them up and still lose the war and who is going to back up the Thaicong?

(The Thaicong said that they are American ally and how come they don't help fight American in Iraq and Afganistan and why are they so chicken shit?)

Anonymous said...

If diplomacy fails, the Cambodian government should get its military readiness rachet up for the inevitability. We can no longer let these son-of-bitches step over us over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Believe me I think Cambodia ready have a back up plans. Last time when the Khmer have riots in PP, we already drew our plans to tackle the Thai if things get worst. Cambodian is pretty good with this. And they also place tank or artillery to shoot down the toy F-16s. Oh belive me we can take them. Thai seems to be very sissy in term of war. Somebody said about the war in southern Thai, you're right! You nailed them. They can't even beat the rebel groups in thte South. But what they solved was they have to put a Muslim general in charge in that of that area. I think Khmer will kill them and eat their livers.

Anonymous said...

6:02 PM

Suffice to say, let's them (Thailand) have it!

Anonymous said...

Ah Khmer-Yuon must unconditionally be shot if found within a few kilometers of the Thai's embassy.

Anonymous said...

Listen up war enthousiasms,Don't drum up for war ever, and stay oversea to avoid fighting , and never ever underestimate the power of your neighbor.Cambodia has a long way to go.She need at least 20 years or so to prepare for the conflict with its neighbor if it happen,hope and praise that it will never happen .First and foremost ,Our country did not even have a true democracy yet.We want a democracy that is wholeheartly elected freely by its people.If hun sen's govt dare to go to war with the Thai,i think only him and CPP will do the fighting.Thai did not even use their armed forces to fight us,they will create their puppet force(the disgrentle khmers or the one who don't like the present khmer govt and there are alot of them) to do the job for them.Cambodia is not Israel,the smallest country that can defeat its much bigger neighbor.My advice if we don't have NUKES don't try.

Anonymous said...

Don't count on the Viets whatsoever.They just waiting for the khmer to disappear so they can extend their frontier all the way to the Eastside of the Mekong.

Anonymous said...

To 10:38PM

You are a chicken shit! What do you know about warfare? Who said that Cambodia is Israel?

Well, I just prove to you that when the Vietcong invaded Cambodia during the 1980 and they have bigger country and bigger army than Cambodia and how come they withdrew their troop from Cambodia?

The Khmer Rouge would have finished off the Vietcong if Uncle SAM didn't step in to support AH HUN SEN government! ahhahahhahah

Let say that the Thaicong invaded Cambodia tommorrow and will the Vietcong stand still? Of course not! The Vietcong will step in and China will step in and Uncle SAM will step in and the whole ASEAN will step in and before you know it and it will be the same thing like during 1980!

It would be a joke if the Thaicong dare to invade Cambodia over the issue of Phrea Vihear!

Even a beautiful rose has thorns to protect itself and Cambodia is no different from a rose!

I would like to send my purple rose to the Thaicong if they ever dare to invade Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

To Bullshit 10:31 AM,

Actually, we want the issue settled through deplomatic work.

However, if Ah Siem prefers war, we are ready to welcome them.

Don't think we are scared of you, Ah thief Siam. No matter what you boast about your so-called modern armed force, it is not fearful for Khmer people, who have gone through wars for many generations. we are accustomed to wars.

Vietnam is well known in Asia for making wars. They have a lot of soldiers and used to fight with khmer. We have never scared of fighting against them.
Because we were undefeatable, Vietnam withdrew the troop from Cambodia.

Dare you fight with Vietnam, Siam? I know you are afraid to have war with Vietname. You are chicken! You can't even subdue a small Islamic rebels in your own country.
How can you say you are good at war?

If your country wants to taste war with Cambodia, we're pleased to welcome you.




Anonymous said...

It is only political reasons from some Thai who illiteracy in international law as Thai Democrate party president only. If this guy become premier of Thai. I am sure Thailand will become stupid country to the world. As The world already know that Preah Vihear is a property of Cambodia officially since 1962.

Cambodians still strong enough to fight if there are necessary to prevent our country. Now all military group already united into but Thai they start to divide their land at southern part .etc.

In thailand still have many Khmer as Surin.... The Democrate of Thai party should not make them angry and then they do as muslim group at the other part... hahaha...