Friday, June 27, 2008

The CPP silence on a declaration to pass the Anti-Corruption Law tells it all

NGOs demand for an Anti-Corruption Law (Photo: RFA)

10 Parties Promise Anti-Corruption Law

By Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
26 June 2008

With the election one month away, 10 of the country's 11 competing political parties have signed a declaration to pass anti-corruption legislation if brought to power in July.

The ruling Cambodian People's Party has not responded to a request from the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations Against Corruption, which was sent to each party and asked for cooperation in passing an anti-corruption law of international standards.

"The Cambodian People's Party has not replied to [the coalition] because we have done a draft law on corruption already," government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said, accusing the coalition of ignorance of Cambodian law.

The draft law on corruption has been at the Council of Ministers for more than a decade.

The current government is not willing to pass a corruption law because many officials are corrupt, said Mam Sitha, president the Independent Committee Against Corruption and chairman of the Peace and Transparency for Human Rights Group.

"Because of the corruption in Cambodia, we lose $300 million to $500 million per year," she said. "That means we lose $1 million per day."


Anonymous said...

How can the CPP promises to pass that laws if its all leaders live on corruption??????

Anonymous said...

Wrong, CPP didn't promise anything. It is Ah Scam Rainxy who's has been promising thing and then flip-floping all along.

Vote CPP to send Ah Scam Rainxy back to Zimbabwe.

Anonymous said...

The reason that: CPP not responded to a request from the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations against corruption, because they are corruptions people.
Cambodia present government (CPP) has been the most corruptions in south East Asia for more then 30 years, it hard to change. As long as CPP still in power the corruption still remain.

Anonymous said...

Hope someday Cambodia have better educate government.

Anonymous said...

To CPP, corruption law is like a suicidal.They will never pass the law because everyone benefit from the absence of it,and they are filthy rich.If khmer people want them to get richer then vote for CPP, and then don't complain and whine later on .It's time for khmer people to change the govt now if you want the better future for your children.

Anonymous said...

Actually there is already a law on the books- Untac Article 38, so pushing for another new law really is not the issue- it's enforcement of the existing laws. Perhaps the proponents of the new law weren't aware of the fact that it's already on the books.

Anonymous said...

6:18 AM, now that's just plain bullshit!!!

Anonymous said...

The other issue is what is corruption? In VN any broker fee is considered corruption but in most other countries of the world- it isn't. Corruption is whatever is defined in that law as corruption. For example, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practice Act, forbids any citizen to bribe a foreign public official to get or keep a contract, but it has two major loopholes. It also states that you may pay a pribe to speed up getting documents etc, and it also says it's not corruption to pay for the official's children's room, board and fees at an American university.
In Cambodia, "corruption" runs from the bottom up, so that anything done for someone may be asked to pay. However, it's part of what capitolism is.

Anonymous said...

Yeah go to bloody Vetnam and campaign for it okay you freaking bloody Viet @6:27AM?

Anonymous said...

yes, take this time for opportunity to pass that long-waiting anti-corruption law. the khmer people will see to it which party will support it and which one will not support it; and that will say a lot about them. please use laws only, no violence. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

If CORRUPTION laws pass HUN SEN and it dog ( THAT INCLUDE A CHUM KOSAL CTN TV SHOW HOST) will face the real court of laws ,( not the corrupted court now day.)

Anonymous said...


Here is the text of the law:

Me Samdach Techo General Commander Prime Minister (...) promise from now on not to be corrupt anymore.

Right after I win the election I will pass this law.

P.M. Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Yes,samdech akeak moha sena is the law of the land.

Anonymous said...

I wished because that will the best law on the planet.