Saturday, June 07, 2008

Gentlemen, the King is crazy. But, he is a crazy genius: History by King-Father

Translated from French by Luc Sâr
“Gentlemen, the King is crazy.
But, he is a crazy genius”
By N. Sihanouk

Sometimes after acquiring the total Independence for my country, Cambodia, on my request, I received in audience H.E. the US Ambassador. During this audience, this US Ambassador told me: “You know that General de Langlade called you as a crazy King?” General Baron de Langlade went to WWII within the famous tank division led by the illustrious General (then Marshall) Leclerc (de Hautecloque), the (Gaullist) winner over the (Hitlerian) Germans. After the war, in 1948, at the Practice School for tanks and cavalry in Saumur (France), I took a second internship (N. Sihanouk’s first internship took place in 1946, under the commandment of Colonel (then General) Durosoy (from the same Leclerc Division)).

In 1948, at this famous Cavalry School in Saumur, I had General de Langlade himself as my Studies Director. He invited me to visit his Castle in Langlade and offered me a memorable lunch.

During my Royal Crusade for the total Independence of Cambodia (1952-1953), the French Government took the decision to nominate General Baron de Langlade as the Commander of the French Armed Forces in Cambodia, most likely in the hope of intimidating me since I did an internship in Saumur under the direction of General de Langlade, an authentic WWII Hero.

I replied to the US Ambassador: “Your Excellency, I prefer being a crazy genius than being a normal person without genius. Because a crazy genius can maneuver (with genius) to bring benefits to his Homeland and to his people, whereas a normal man without genius cannot realize good performances.”
o o
This is what exactly took place: It was 08 November 1953. On 09 November 1953, the High Commandment and all troops of the French Armed Forces in Cambodia will leave, without any possibility to return, the Khmer Kingdom which would become totally independent.

Let’s go back to 08 November 1953. In the big meeting room for the French officers in Phnom Penh, several young decked out French officers told General de Langlade: “General, you are not going to be manipulated by this King named Sihanouk who is crazy!”

Baron de Langlade answered to his young officers: “Gentlemen, the Cambodian King is crazy. But, … he is a crazy genius.”

My “genius” consisted of telling General Baron de Langlade, several months earlier (in 1952): “General! I am giving you my promise that, after the pacific acquisition of our total Independence and the departure from Cambodia of all your armed forces, the friendship linking forever our 2 countries and our 2 people will bloom to the maximum. In order not to lose it, your war in Dien Bien Phu requires many many troops. Cambodia is able to defend herself with her own means. Being totally independent, Cambodia will easily win over the Vietminh and their lackeys, the ‘Pracheachon.’ Whereas France will risk meeting a very humiliating defeat in Dien Bien Phu if France does not have sufficient troops there.” French troops will provide remarkable services for their Homeland, France, by leaving Cambodia which was very friendly, in order to go fight in Dien Bien Phu.

I was successful in persuading my beloved “Guru,” General De Langlade.

(Signed) N. Sihanouk


Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is traitor or patriot,
please read this:

Anonymous said...

The former king became an insantly egregious traitor in exchange to bring Ah Khmer-Yuon to live overseas.

Anonymous said...

Professor Keng Vannsak quoted :
Laosian King didn't do anything but
Laos was still having a full Independence from France as Cambodia.
Why was that ?

Anonymous said...

It is good to be a "crazy-genius" but it is quite a difference when it is a "genius-has-gone-crazy!"

Khmer Rouge's Killing Field made Dien Bien Phu's French defeat pale in comparison.

Bravo, genius, Bravo!

Anonymous said...

The King is genius politician. For all of the things he did he drove the Capitalist and Communist going crazy chasing and licking after his shadow.

Some of the Youn spies and the King haters keep guessing.

Anonymous said...

Without China and Soviet helped Vietnam, Vietnam wouldn't have had a chance to stay as Vietnam.
King Sihanouk would have put Ho Chi Minh in a dark shit hole.

The enemies embraced and shook hands are not friends.

The King is genius politician, no doubt about it. He created Lon Nol and he created Khiev Samphan to infiltrate into both sides in time of danger.

But these sons and daughters of bitches are clueless.

Anonymous said...

The Genuis king created Lon No and Khiev Somphan and he also made killing field happen to empty Cambodia for Hun Sen his god son and at the end the king still think the win and win situation,oh my God the commentors above must be born with half side of her or his brain,what the gain out of this king Politic? Amagin they kill all their mother and father to become to be Cambodia now do they prefer that?

Anonymous said...

Well,some people still believe Elvis Presley or even Hitler are still alive . Some people still think that the United States invited JAPAN to attack PEARL HABOR so that they can drop Atomic Bomb on japan.

11:38pm, i think you are in that particular group.

Anonymous said...

Naturally,men tend to love women.In this case Sihanouk is genius by answering CHAS CHAS CHAS instead of BAT so that he can get all the attention.

Anonymous said...

how old is our beloved samdech ta? why is samdech ta always speaks for his 52 year old son, the king? maybe the son just wanted to make samdech ta happy as he wishes in his sunset years. god bless our beloved king.

Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots please be together as Khmer united. Sdach-ta is talking THE MORE HE TALK, THe MORE THEIVES STRUGGLING; not to mind any destration from the theives; they don't wanted Sdach-Ta alive because they are feeling needles in their oculars. The justice will prevail.

Long lives Sdach-Ta, and Khmer people

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk has made a mistake about dates. He could not talk to general de Langlade in 1952 about Dien Bien Phu camp. Because this fortified camp was an idea of general Navarre who had been appointed as commander of French foreces in Indochina only in May 1953. Navarre began the camp instalment only in November 20, 1953. That's why it was impossible for Sihanouk to know all this in 1952.

Anonymous said...

Khmer king loves whitewashing or playing-down things in history. Fact of the matter is, there can't be independence for Cambodia without fierce pressure on the French from the Vietminh.

Anonymous said...

12 21am. The critic is a faultfinder like you, but you were not King Sihanouk.

You and those critics only know how to guess.

Anonymous said...

12:21am is Ah Khmer-Yuon idiot. Somdach Euv did not decided to leave his throne just to created Khmer Rouge to kill Khmer People. It was Ah Khmer-Yuon and the CIA in Vietnam that kick him out of Cambodia and caused hell to broke loose in Cambodia. At any rate, Ah Khmer-Yuon still have a lot of debt to pay back to Khmer, Loa, and Yuon for destroying the entire region. They are not going to get away with anything.

Anonymous said...

you are a konthor yuon's washer,what i see!

Anonymous said...

Ah kwack said to hoclundi to prepare
Preah Reachh Knorss,you understand?

Anonymous said...

1:55PM your birth certificate from Svai Paak district,you must come from one of the brothel house with Vietnamese mother that work over there ,Cambodian people do not need that kind of virus or paraside nation borned to be spy and try to destroy us as original born in Angkor's land so I am appreciate if you shut your thieve 's viet mouth up,me know your well than you know your self.
Shut up and Go home ,Lon Nol will reborn to kick your Viet ass once again

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:21 to me am not learning how to guest but been through that field with my own experiences,to me f I was Sihaknuk I did better job than that retarded and syupid idiot king way better, because I won't kiss viet cong ass number one ,number two am not suck d**china I go for Supper power like USA atleast the country (Cambodia)could be compareable to Singapore ,Thai or Hong Kong but what can I do Sihaknuk wants to be king for ever thus he need China can support him for ever defferences from USA only four years term and every one has the equal right,the king do not like that so all the distrative and one point seven million killed because ah retarded Sihaknuk no one else fault that what I can say.
Orkon for reading

Anonymous said...

6:28AM. You are clueless about what's inside your country.
US didn't give a dumb to your country but Vietnam only. Don't hold your breath.
Kiss or no kiss your country will be invaded by foreigners. Because you got no shitt to defend yourself.

Anonymous said...

This quote for Keng Van Sak!

Keng Vansak father had been away for years and his mother able to be pregnan him!

The fucking bastart Keng van Sak!!!