(អក្ខរានុក្រមខ្មែរ នួនប៊ុត ១៩៥៤)
Pret = Animal born in the “Abayphum”
Abayphum = Hell, beast
(Khmer Dictionary – Nuon Buth, 1954)
Abayphum = Hell, beast
(Khmer Dictionary – Nuon Buth, 1954)
By N. Sihanouk
By N. Sihanouk
Lately, Cambodian newspapers (in Phnom Penh, in particular) published articles about me indicating that, at my death, I would like to become a “ប្រេត” (pret). My Khmer-Khmer dictionary gives the explanation, the meaning, the significance of “ប្រេត” (pret): an animal born in hell; a being which is an animal with an undeniable and authentic savagery.
In reality, in my prayers held in front of the august statue of my great grandfather, H.M. King Norodom, at the Silver Pagoda, I had asked His Majesty who already became a Tevoda (angel) that my ambition was modest: I wish to become a “SPIRIT” at my death.
A “SPIRIT” would be less scary than a “ប្រេត” (pret) which is a monster much worst that those created by “Dr. Frankenstein” in the movie.
If I were to become a “ប្រេត” (pret), watch out you Lonnolian men and women, Republican men and women!!
(Signed) N. Sihanouk
May 2008
In reality, in my prayers held in front of the august statue of my great grandfather, H.M. King Norodom, at the Silver Pagoda, I had asked His Majesty who already became a Tevoda (angel) that my ambition was modest: I wish to become a “SPIRIT” at my death.
A “SPIRIT” would be less scary than a “ប្រេត” (pret) which is a monster much worst that those created by “Dr. Frankenstein” in the movie.
If I were to become a “ប្រេត” (pret), watch out you Lonnolian men and women, Republican men and women!!
(Signed) N. Sihanouk
May 2008
Stop giving khmer people embarrassment with this old retarded king. go to hell please. You have caused us enough suffering and have not admitted a word. Be a man, old man.
The poor man does not know how to go or let go gracefully. Pity.
Kouy Pichet
Samakmith Pouk,we wish you to declare
officially in front of the Kr trial's judges.
what to do if you have an appendix?
here an answer:
Roum RITH Samdach Ta je vous en supplie votre place a été réserver la où vous avez mentionné Pensez vous que Anka va vous accepter comme compagnon Je ne pense pas Vu que vous avez joue sur deux tableau Tenez Samdach Ta je soumets ce proverbe les mous ont les redressent et les durs ont les cassent Comme vous faites parti du second catégorie Gare à vous et bpnséjour samdach Ta Faites l'autocritique vous n'avez pas fait grand chose même la bien aimée reine mère KOSSAMAK vous avez mal mené et c'est à cause de l'autre C'est une honte L'autre batard qui n'a même pas l'ADN khmer s'est autoproclamée reine mère alors qu'elle est viet et française
Oh ,how disappointed we are.We get used to the idea that you will be a famous ZOMBIE.See folks, once you are a flip flop ,you are forever flip flop.But don't worry 1.7 millions angry soul down there can't wait to welcome him.
Hee promised to stop his stupid writings many times before, but he keeps breaking his own promises.
hmmmm...... i don't know what to say.
may god find your rightful place.
ah sdach moha kbot cheat , you are a WALKING MONSTER ....
GO back to Peking and die over there ,your MASTERS MAO and HO are waiting for you in HELL...
Parajey ah sdach condom !!!!!!
At the end the Cambodian PPl .start to see the real color of vicious king or king of the satan.
The Cambodian said Jeit Ought Daach Tveur Sdaach ought Baan so if he wants to be king as he
All the way did(once he wants to be citizen,President,Judge ,Singer,movie star )so he have to kill
His own innocent ppl,for his brain washed wife viet blood Moniqe clique ,he still do not want to admit
Of his mistake that destroy our country under his policy and leading this country. So please ignore him and when the KRT call him on the stand ,just give him the last verdict word SAMDACH TA YOUR NECK MUST BE HANGED WITH THE ROPE
Roum RITH kiom some Sahacchivin krom knea kom ché Sdach , some Sahakchivin saraphears doch poulrath sochivakthor Kom tveu doch neak deuk norm nov srok ché ke che euk Some orkun Sahakchivin krouproub
Shihanouk are you kidding us! do you need to go to a dictionary to look for word "Pret?"
You must be so unreligious, stupid, or lier to be a buddish! Because for us buddish Cambodian we heard about this spirit beast every year at watt during Pchoumbenh!
No wonder that why you belive Hanoi that ah Tep Vong is a supreme fucking monk! For sure you will be pret with ah Tep Vong and ah Goat face Ho Chiminh that already a pret!
And By the way just a small tip for you Shihanouk! "PRET" can not revenge or do anything to people!
_Pret is a prisoner of HELL, and be allowed to come to earth 3 days a year to received food durring Pchombenh!
And "pret: have a verry small mouth in a size of needle hole that can not eat much, so forget about stealing again from hard working people!
And a BIG TIP for you Shihanouk, aH Tep Vong is not Buddish Monk but fucking Ho Chi-monk, and no buddy in buddishim honore the thieves, pimps, robers, gansters, trafickers, or traitor, even how fucking rich and evil powerfull they are! AND If you start go to a real Buddish Temple (WATT) right now you may have to stay as Pret just about 100 years, but if you are not changing your wauy now, you will be there as pret forever, big mouth!
That's right,Sihanouk has no religion,he destroyed Buddha since 1970.All temples became the concentration center.
My beloved Khmers!
Sihanouk is occasionally struck by the feeling of absurdity and lived out a kind of mime. Generally speaking, he often emotionally awares that his accomplishments and actions are absurb and meaningless, but he cannot mentally take them fully seriously. Furthermore without any shame, perhaps he consistently asks himself so many uncountable times, "If I Sihanouk die tomorrow, will my name SihanoukVarman is bether famously heard than Lon Nol, Pol Pot, or my adopted son, Hun SenVarman?
Lon Nol did not make any stupid mistake like said except Sihaknuk it self.
Lon Nol just cleaned up the un-finish business Sihaknuk and wich Sihaknuk itself
Can’t do it ,so what is the point that Sihaknuk put down Lon Nol at every times ,but
Not himself .Here my comment Si hak nuk will be prête the twelve level down below
Because he conspired with Vietcong and khmer rouge to kill his own innocent more than two million
If we count from 18 March 1970 on
Will Lon Nol Name become the Greatest in the future, like Goege Washiton of Modern Cambodia?
No, my beloved friend!
Lon Nol was a sitting duck, soon or later, he would be got hit..
SihanoukVarman or Hun SenVarman will be a Mighty God King of modern Kampuchea?
Fool! how can you shoot Lon Nol it is too late! Go for the real PHD dude!
His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk is very cleaver. He has times to push buttons make these Cambodians/Youn Preits pissed off every time he writes.
Sooner these Preits who curse the King will have headache and some may have heart attacks just reading the King mocks at them around.
HAHAHA... His Majesty King Sihanouk is very amusing.
The west knew Your Majesty created spies Republican Lon Nol to part with the US and created new Khmer Rouge to part with Communist.
Now Your Majesty are making fun at Lon Nol? HAHAHA...
Barack Hussen Obama
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