Saturday, June 07, 2008

King-Father: The Khmer monarchy has some “chances” of being “deposed,” one more time

Translated from French by Luc Sâr
History not exactly funny
By N. Sihanouk

In a not too distant future, the Khmer monarchy has some “chances” of being “deposed,” one more time.

This afternoon, my beloved Son, H.M. Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia, told me: “Papa! Don’t worry about me! I will return to Paris to live in my modest ‘studio’.”

Regarding myself (and H.M. the Queen-Mother, my Wife is in agreement with me about our new life in exile), I will live in a country that will grant me (willingly) asylum, in a friendly manner, and without this country taking care of my expenses for room and board: I will rent (for me and my wife) a small room (with a bathroom) in a very modest hotel and our daily meals will also be very modest (bought in a modest grocery store).

Of course, I will not be involved in politics and I will not meet any journalist, or radio or TV reporters.

(Signed) N. Sihanouk
Phnom Penh, 05 June 2008, at 6:30 PM


Anonymous said...

His Majesty King Sihanouk is amusing.

Anonymous said...

he who criticise a crazy person, he himself is crazy. he who criticise a stupid person, he himself is stupid. what are we trying to achieve? can we achieve? can he change? will he change?

Anonymous said...

Ah Kvak has too much power in his hands. He pressured the King like his toys. Ah chumkourt peasant.

Anonymous said...

I believe that a constitutional monarchy (like England) is good for Cambodia. It will preserve our khmer culture, language, dance, music, and tradition dating back to the Angkor period. Thailand monarchy copies all these Khmer royal traditions and language (traditional ramayana dance, pin peat musics, bon om touk, chat preah nongkal etc..). Without the Khmer monarchy the Thai will claim to be the sole inventor of royal khmer traditions,royal language,traditional musics, and dances.

Anonymous said...

I believe that a constitutional monarchy (like England) is good for Cambodia. It will preserve our khmer culture, language, dance, music, and tradition dating back to the Angkor period. Thailand monarchy copies all these Khmer royal traditions and language (traditional ramayana dance, pin peat musics, bon om touk, chat preah nongkal etc..). Without the Khmer monarchy the Thai will claim to be the sole inventor of royal khmer traditions,royal language,traditional musics, and dances.

Anonymous said...

Thai monarchy is an absolute power.
People outside don't know so don't even try to know.
Thailand is just lucky for having Laos and Cambodia as the barrier.

Thai King is the most powerful man and after him his only one son who has HIV is even cruel.

Khmer Monarchy is more open minded than Thai monarchy.

Anonymous said...

With regard to the future of the moarchy, our August, Great and Valorous King may not be "amusing" or may not be "crazy" as some might think.

In an article published in The Nation newspaper in Thailand in October 1990 I advocated the restroration of the monarchy in Cambodia and the new enthronment of our August, Great and Valorous King Sihanouk. I saw Him as the biggest piece to which the other small pieces could be fixed to reconstruct our shattered nation.

Compared with all other regimes ruling Cambodia, the constitutional monarchy with parliamentary demmocracy is the best regime for Cambodia: from 1947to 1960 and from 1993 to around 2004. After 1960 (King Suramarith's death) Camdodia already became a republic but name, when Queen Kossamak was not head of state but only a symbol of the monarchy, and our August King Sihanouk became head of state with all executive power. Since 2004 our Prime Minister Hun Sen has held all power and has become, in comparison, more powerful than our August King before his overthrow in 1970. In their respective times, both have become demigods.

Not long after our Prime Minister's appeal to the King(s) to ban references to the monarchy in the election campaign, our August King obliged and issued a request to members of the royal family not to use such references to Him and His Samgkum Reatr Nyum anymore. Who is leading and who is following now?

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is traitor or patriot,
please read this:

Anonymous said...

Dr. Lao,

You are out of tune with the times, just as your beloved kings is now senile and is obviously afflicted with a failing memory, perhaps there is even an onset of dementia. Monarchies have outlived their times. It was a unifying force in 1993 but has now become obsolete. Only the older part of the population still want to retain the monarchy.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Lao may have his PhD in his field, but his intelligence is below King Norodom Sihanouk's.

Whatever happens to Cambodia was her fate. King Sihanouk did all he could to save, and the rest falls to the people of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I second this amekhmer in France is one of the Youn's instrument.

Anonymous said...

The majority inside the country want to keep the monarchy.

This old monarch is not losing his memory, he is politician and born to be.

Anonymous said...

I pray and pray every day that dear Dr. Lao will not eventually end up like Dr. Keng Van Sak, the brilliant Khmer typewritter inventor.

I don't know why all the Khmer intellectuals with advanced degrees can't improve the Khmer nation. I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

If Sdach Ta stay out of the country

but not in Peking and Pyungyang KRT will easy to summon him in with his creating Khiev Somphan to answer the killing field matter,is it Viet behind this khmer killer or Sihaknuk himself did,so have a good tip to France!

Anonymous said...

i guess it's all about samdech ta, forget the little khmer people! i mean, it's like a teamsport, you can win by yourself only; you don't need your team to cooperate to win. i wonder is it possible to win without teamwork? i mean one has to wonder, same concept applies here.

Anonymous said...

Once apon a time Dr Lao was a good Republican .
He learned to play a Flute.
To make him more popular in the Kingdom he had changed his tune to suite the audience.
He was the one who suggested and proposed Monique to be the Queen of Cambodia before her son became the King.
Hong Kong is not a fun place ,but Cambodia is.
DR Lao,you can play a hundred tunes but its sounds don't look right.
Pls play only one DECENT TUNE that will keep your crebility forever.

Anonymous said...

oh, another good example of cooperation is in the music business. take for example the great sin sisamouth, although he sang the best khmer voice in cambodia, however, without the great talented musicians who also contributed to his greatness and popularity with their skillful know-how to play drum, guitars, and any other musical instruments, mr. sin sisamouth's golden voice would mean nothing. so, the moral of this story is that it takes teamwork to have a great, successful anyone, politician or not or what have you, for that matter. god bless.

Anonymous said...

Nope, many good singers can stand on their own without any back up music. If you need music, then you can't be good singer or vice-versa.

Anonymous said...

1 05 am. Stop your nonesense.
The King did not kill his own people, you son of the gun need to stop bcoz you don't know shit.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Quelle lâcheté ! Quelle honte ! Quelle ignominie !

Anonymous said...

11:11PM how are you so sure, the way he (SHIHANOUK) hare the republocan and even want to to get revange even he became a hepless PRET!

Can you see why he think that he when to hell and be a pret?