Saturday, June 07, 2008

King-Father: Royals, stop saying or writing about the secret and known truth that I formed Funcinpec ... unless you want the monarchy to disappear

Translated from French by Luc Sâr
N. Sihanouk
Phnom Penh, 05 June 2008, at 6:00 PM

1- In order not to make the monarchy – which is again threatened of being “swept out” – disappear too fast, as its “Dean,” I am taking the liberty to ask the esteemed Members (Ladies & Gentlemen) of the Khmer Royal Family not to say or write that FUNCINPEC was formed by N. Sihanouk; not to say or write that such and such parties or groups are “Royalist” or “Sihanoukist” or SangkumReastrNiyumian.

2- To all members of the Khmer Royal Family and to all my compatriots (Older Brothers, Younger Brothers, Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, Great Great Grandchildren), please accept the assurance of my very deepest affection with my fervent Buddhist wishes of Ayu, Vanna, Sokha, Poleak, Padepheanak.

(Signed) N. Sihanouk


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen used his absolute power to keep FUNCENPECH to be his puppet.
Let the new King Abdicate and let Hun Sen play chess with Youn alone.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is traitor or patriot,
please read this:

Anonymous said...

Why this Youn's instrument amekhemr keeps showing the same lies?

Anonymous said...

Don't put time with this low life group like amekhmer. Ce sont des chaumeur bas market in Strasbourg.

Anonymous said...

i don't think any khmer person wants our beloved monarchy to disappear completely off the face of the earth, i think all along, khmer people, if i may say so, just want our beloved royal to be like the english monarchy or something along that line. thank you and may god help and bless our great, beloved monarchy forever. god bless cambodia and her beautiful khmer people.

Anonymous said...

You got it 3:40AM. King Sihamoni only reigns not rules, but ah Hun Kvak still abuse his power and he controls the King what to do.
Ah kapeuss (shrimp) leung porng leu kampoul phnom, ka-eng ka-ang doch k-at.

Anonymous said...

Stand as a men royal! don't beg to live! SEE what we commone people do we give our live to fight Ah Youn son of ah Goat Face Motherfucker Ho Chi Minh any time!