Tuesday, June 17, 2008

King-Father's Dethronement History Part 2: He wished to return to Cambodia in March 1970 ... but he was prevented to

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Anonymous said...

Our Khmer former king has so much guilt in his life that he has to write a lot to justified that he is sane.

He certainly should have his head examined ! What a pity. Nothing can clean your tainted mind, King sihanuok. The downfall of our Srok Khmer is entirely your fault ! Go on singing your karaoke and making more film. You are going down as the worst kind in Khmer history.

Anonymous said...

Just wait,in a few minutes AMEY and Athong will appear and defend their king to death.AMEY ATHONG should be hanged.

Anonymous said...

You are too busy attacking the King, you are not worrying that millions who love him will not vote for your party.

Millions love the King are not Amey Athong, they love the King.
How many of you want to hang the millions who love the King, then come down now.

Anonymous said...

10:33 AM,

Tell us why the "millions" still love him?

Just like the current leadership, powerful (dictators) Cambodian men exploit and benefit from illeterates/poors and "ameys athongs," always and for a long time, until people are better educated and fed-up.

Anonymous said...

10:33am !
You said;<< millions love the king >>why didn't millions help Ranarith who is king's son to return home ,i wondered .Furthermore,when HUN SEN trashed royal's family ,why millions are chicken out ?.In Thailand,whoever look down on the monarchy ,they will be burn alive .Are those millions that you mentioned exist only in your dream.

Anonymous said...

Most Cambodians in Cambodia love the King, they want to keep the Monarchy.

Well, there are brown-nosers or amey athongs in every regime, but the people want the monarchy for Cambodia are not amey athongs.

You run a campaign attacking the monarchists?

Now Prince Rannaridh can come, alors, who will they vote for?

SRP or Hun Sen?

Anonymous said...

Most Cambodians in Cambodia love the King, they want to keep the Monarchy.

Well, there are brown-nosers or amey athongs in every regime, but the people want the monarchy for Cambodia are not amey athongs.

You run a campaign attacking the monarchists?

Now Prince Rannaridh can't come, alors, who will they vote for?

SRP or Hun Sen?

Anonymous said...

Your majesty the king of all khmers's troubles.
Do you recall,when the LON NOL'S govnerment send your cousin , PRINCE norodom kantol ,to see you in order to explain to you of what was going on in Cambodia and you refused to see him and not only that ,you accused your government of being a puppet of America .Can you remember all that ?.

Anonymous said...

Dear Samdach ov,
We are your kone chavs waiting for your action to protected our Khmer's Nation. WE knew the past is gone but the future are waiting for you. Please do something that will benefit Monarchy plus jati Khmer Angkor. Do not waste your GOLDEN's time.


Kone chavs Khmer.

Anonymous said...

King Sihanouk created both Lon Nol Republican and Khiev Samphan Communist. The American already knew after CIA ordered Lon Nol to kill Sihanouk he didn't do it. And Vietnam also knew after Pol Pot refused to take Hanoi order to kill Sihanouk. Sihanouk, a mastermind, the father of both Republican and Communist China.

But Vietnam was cleaver then she stopped them from taking South Vietnam.
Look who died in flame? Certainly not Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

This Timong king has never written his true story. In 1970, everyone tried to invite him into Cambodia included Lon Nol and Sirik Matak. But this idiot has listen to his mother in law to destroy Cambodia by opening up Vietcong to freely killing Cambodian in the name of bringing back Idiot Sihanouk. Kon Khmer

Anonymous said...

De ROUM RITH de pyréenné Samdach Ta il est temps pour vous d'assumer votre responsabité Vous avez insulté la mémoire des Khmers sneaha Cheat apres vous avoir détroner Leurs crimes c'était devant des faits l'occupation des VN durant vore gestions avant 1970 Apres vous avoir détroner des émissaires étaient venus vous demander de retouner vous rencontrer à Paris vous connaissez peut etre le trocadéro mais pour punir ces khmers qui estimaient que Troung SIRIMATAK avait une vision juste , vous avez puni ces Khmers , je vous compare Samdach Ta à GOBBEL , à CHAUVCHESKOU à TINO et autre mais ne vous considere pas comme de GAULLE ni Nhéru Faites l'autocritique vous verrez votre tort c'est de laisser guider par cette femme pas une goutte de sand ni ADN Khmer qui avait fait le travail de sape pour les Vietnamiens parce qu'elle est d'origine vietnamienne et c'est elle qui vous a poussé à rejeter la bien aimée REINE KOSSAMAK Qu'avez vous à répondre A l'époque ROUM RITH avait 13 ans il a tout vu mais laissé berner par vos preopagandes Merci Samdach Ta

Anonymous said...

La porte est grande ouverte=The door is wide opened>>>>>KR TRIAL is near by you!

Anonymous said...

j'en ai marre de la famille sihanouk
qui passe le temps à montrer qu'elle aime le cambodge .
allez vous faire foutre tous a pékin car soth tè pour a chkourt chkè et khbat cheat en particulier a sihanouk .


Anonymous said...

March 18th was a shock to the Nation. It was one of those things that other people created to defend themself and it happened to be your highness that was in the way. Helpless was what we were during this fateful day. No wonder Mr. Lon Nol could not kill you nor did Mr. Pol Pot. Bad thing happened to good people. It happened to everyone, Mr. Lon Nol, Pol Pot, America. Everyone around the world knew and accept the truth that America President in your time left the office. His country left Vietnam feeling so sick and tired of the unpopular war. Pol Pot Died alone in the jungle. 2 millions innocent of our people also were gone and never come back. It is opt to all of us to choose to forgive, forget about it and move on. Can we spend our times understanding this matter instead of continueing to misscommunicating with each other forever?

To honor the wisdom of The Native American, we like to follow their famous phrase " Seek first to understand then to be understood ".
Hopefully, everyone including Your highness will have a change of heart and that all of us will do it with love.

Ordinary Khmers

Anonymous said...

These ignorant Cambodians knew nothing about what really happened in their country. They think they should know all the high secret missions King Sihanouk did. This King sacrificed his life, his children and family memebers to just save his country and his people.

Without China, Vietnam took Cambodia for a long times ago.

I won't be surprised if Sam Rainsy keeps losing to Hun Sen.

Rainsy may be a good guy, but his supporters are so damned stupid.

The monarchists, please don't go to vote.

If you vote for Hun Sen, ah Quvack won't keep his promises.

If you vote for Rainsy, his supporters will destroy the monarchy you want to keep.

Anonymous said...

No word can express real khmer feeling for ah chkuot king. First, there was no throne for he was no king. He was the head of state, remember. Second, all leaders in the world, would return home immediately, should ones country be falled into turmoil. What this chkuot king did? He went to beg for help to fight the people he called "kon chao" and finally kill almost all of them. Third, a person that did good deed never have to justify. The actions always speak louder than word. Ah chkuot nis tries so hard to bark and tell lies after lies to make his guilt go away.

Khmers will never forgive you a sddach chkuot.

Anonymous said...

Ordinary Khmers,

Gen. Lon Nol and Khieu Samphan, Hu Yun, Hu Nim were all born from King Sihanouk. But Vietnam was too cleaver, they had men and women inside Lon Nol and Khieu Samphan, they never trusted King Sihanouk.
When Sihanouk gave a green light to CIA to bomb Viet army inside Cambodia, Vietnam knew just seconds and fled fast, and who got beatned? innocence Cambodians.
May be 30 years or hundred years from now, people will know the truth, or they never will.

Anonymous said...

11:50 PM.speak for yourself. There are million Khmers don't feel like you do. They love their King.

Anonymous said...

No word can express real khmer feeling for ah chkuot king. First, there was no throne for he was no king. He was the head of state, remember. Second, all leaders in the world, would return home immediately, should ones country be falled into turmoil. What this chkuot king did? He went to beg for help to fight the people he called "kon chao" and finally kill almost all of them. Third, a person that did good deed never have to justify. The actions always speak louder than word. Ah chkuot nis tries so hard to bark and tell lies after lies to make his guilt go away.

Khmers will never forgive you a sddach chkuot.

11:50 PM

This to the top 11:50PM

11:50 PM.speak for yourself. There are million Khmers don't feel like you do. They love their King.

Anonymous said...

Yeah mr.12:21am please refrain from put your own words in to my mouth, there won’t be million
As your stated whom love your retarded ,stupid ,ignorant and crazy king, may be you have the same problems with SIHANOOK does, or if it won’t be mistaken you must be one of the royal off spring ‘servant ,that accident Sihaknuk lost his consciences while he drunk with your mother ,why you are so defensive like the way you behave right now. I do not care it doesn’t matters you have documents and documents to support your case, only one thing that I know is Sihaknuk the treason,#1 He called Vietcong to burn down his country#2 Ah sdach tmath Sihaknuk was the sdach khmer rouge# 3 Because
Of it revenges( ah Sihaknuk) he ordered to kill PPL in Phnom Penh and provinces before he left Peking to Phnom Penh in 1975 #4
Ah sdach chkout order his son to joint mr.Prime minister cobra Hun Sen for the sake of the country.
#5 ah sdach lob still support PM .Hun Sen for dollar to keep his son and his families in the royal palace .
So all the crab that ah chkout Sihaknuk did not benefit our beloved country Cambodia, and the people whom defending him also called puk amei ah thong,or the kids from the royal palace ‘sluts,so all of you included that called idiots. The monarchy shall be get rid of and ah Lob 12:21AM shall go to find your brain check or replace it ,even my dog smarter than you 100 times ,because it could smell hundred miles a ways for Cambodian treasons like your self and ah kbot jeati SIHAKNUK.
GO TO HELL HAS NEVER RETURNED AH SDACH KBOT and ah mei ah thong!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's say that South Vietnam won the war with The American and The North had lost. After all, the north and the south fought each other just to stay out of France control and to be just one Vietnam. Did the American know about this? You bet! and they took off. The American life was worth dying to protect the psycho.

Here is the math:

North V = communist
South V = free world.

If the south had won the war, Vietnam will be one and live as the rest of the free world on the globe and live happily ever after.. Therefore South V, America and Thailand would be one happy family in South East Asia. Do we want to be free and happy too? why not? What wrong with that? Yes, there was something very wrong. Someone said. Why? because .. don't really know South Viet or Thailand or The American. Happiness could not be for real. It's impossible.

So we went on to pursue our perception of believing China the true savor. It's good to have a friend or to have The giant China as our protector like we use to hear over and over, but what could be worse than brought more than 2 millions death to our own country? All because we were believing in China as our God? and supposely the North Vietnam whom also claiming to be Mr. Good friend of the Chinese? What for? ( or may be Communists aren't the same color and attitude on the inside).

Someone must able to figure out why there were so many people dying inside Cambodia during the year of 1975- to 1979. Until this day, The Chinese , The Vietcong are trying really hard to be Mr. Good guy to Cambodia, but it looks as thought they are trying to supress and installing control rather than a true helpful friend. They both need to do a better job convincing the world, if that what they really want to do. So far deception is the word and pretty much nothing more than a morning dew. We need hail! storm and a hurry cane! if they really want to help.

Anonymous said...

or getta hell out of Cambodia!

Anonymous said...


If American won the war, then South V will be under control of the US. Don't know how long but it will. Because Viet Cong were pro Viet Minh (Hanoi) South V will fall to North V to be one or may be not. We all know that American foreign policy, its policy is making money.

I predict Vietnam cannot afford to be divided South and North because Cambodia is looking to take back Kampuchea Krom.

Cambodia is so unfortunate to be surrounded by Vietnam and Thailand, and these two will never leave Cambodia alone.

2 millions died, but it could be worse, it could be 5 or 6 millions died if Viet Cong and Viet Minh got their ways and Thais got from back door. From the history Vietnam never did anything good to Cambodians, and it is hard to blame the Cambodians.

To survive, it is the only one way for Cambodia to be good friend with China.

Since Angkor was smashed by Thailand about 500 to 600 hundred years ago, and later Thai and Vietnam became surogate parents of Cambodia, Have Cambodians had peace? Yes they did for a very short time during Sangkum Reast Niyum under Vietnam invasion quietly. Samdech Pen Nuth, King Sihanouk's Sr. advisor knew it that was why Republican of Lon Nol, Commie of Khieu Samphan, Hou Yun, Hou Nim, Salot Sar were born.
Your Math should add more differential equations why the American wanted replace Barang in South Asia.

Anonymous said...

6:25AM. Your war against the monarchists is in your dream. We won't let the barbarians like you take over Cambodia. We will keep you out of Cambodia. If you use SRP as your protector, then you only drag SRP go down with you.

You are warned, you SOB.

Anonymous said...

11:39pm you afraid of the smart people like me to open my big mouth tel them the true but noting else beside the true or
tell the whole world &Cambodian ppl to know how dirty and a crook monarchy that the world almost abandon all of it except your little group in Scambodia? I do not believe any people in Cambodia let your monarchy make the rice field on their back anymore ,so have a good dream about that stinky monarchy and king khmer rouge you can get them all your sucker team to suck Cambodian dirt poor PPL,but damn I won't have any suggestion tha your royal clique are sucked and infamous.
Go to hell have never returned Cambodian Monarchy and AhMei Ah thong

Anonymous said...

7:35am !you are a bright person and awesome.It's so impossible to reverse pourk ah LUT KRAP.They still love to carry the king's toilet on the top of their damned head.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian Monarchy will go no where as long as the people in Cambodia still love the King.
Almost everywhere people love the King.

No need to be King to have amey athong or lut krap, just check how the rich people in Cambodia live.
Their servants lut krap just as the same.

The majority people in Cambodia want to keep the monarchy.

Anonymous said...

7:35AM. You are smart??? smart my arse, ah jkourt. You knew shitt ah preit, ah runteas ptub.

9:25AM. you are one of ah CPP or ah Youn. Stop you propaganda, okie?

Rainsy's supporters are mostly youn's tools. They fight with CPP, then fight with the Monarchists.

Shut the fukk sore loosers.

Leave my country and my King alone. Understand?

Anonymous said...

9 25 am is youn commie.
7 35 am , stop talkin' shitt. just come down to Cambodia and find out yourself are PPL still loving the King? Yes.

The King didn't give land to ah youn or ah Siam, but ah Hun Sen does. The King sacrificed his life, family and children to save his people and country from ah youn and ah siam, and saved your damn life. Now you got to a safe place you bite back? Ah krapeu, ah t'mil.

Anonymous said...

Ah 11:14AM and 10:43am ah puk no brainer ah puk doing farm on the citizen back, you know what I mean? It too heavy for us to hold it on. Now you claim that you want us to go to Cambodia so you gonna hurt us? What a psycho ah Mey ah Thong are ? That what you claimed your king is good ,people still love your king? Let go back to my phrase once again ( Sihaknuk ordered khmer rouge to clean the resident in Phnom Penh and all the cities up before he return from Peking so he hate Lonalian Peple so much in 1975 Sic! Some records has said he (SIHAKNUK) worry about the disease kill all of the resident because those are supporting Lon Nol ,don’t you know Lon Nol was created by si haknuk hoh? Why AH sdach tmart Sihaknuk ordered khmer rouge to do that? And after Phnom Penh is cleaned ah Sdach CHKOUT Sihaknuk go to leave in Siem Riep in the cottage ( quote from French news paper)
Ah lobsters brain and shit brain11:14&10:43 do not criticize ah HUN SEN is bad ,your monarchy are hundred times worse and nothing is differences(puk ah tveur sreh leur knong reastr, stop abuse Cambodian peole, they are not your slaves I meant all to Ah Hun Sen and Ah Sihaknuk team also,
I am not owed you anything I owed my life to Cambodia ,I am won’t trade my families live for the safe heaven, I wanted my Cambodian people know all monarchy and Youn slavery are suck ,we need some change ,change for better country like Israel ,you get it ah royal toilet on your head?

Anonymous said...

7 27pm. around 14 million Cambodians satisfied what they have, and you out caster need to stop making a fool of yourself.
Come down to Cambodia and do your own survey.
They don't want Khmer Kraharm like you back. Get a clue?

If you Rainsy's supporter, then Rainsy has to kick you out, because you cause troubles in his party.