Thursday, June 26, 2008

King Sihamoni said he was “proud of having a good neighbour and an honest friend like Vietnam” ... good enough to occupy Cambodia more than a decade

Vietnam, Cambodia make high-level pledges on ties

VOV (Hanoi)

VietNamNet Bridge - Communist Party of Vietnam General Secretary Nong Duc Manh and King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia shared views to boost good neighbourliness during their talks held in Hanoi on June 25.

King Sihamoni, who is currently on a visit to Vietnam, said he was “proud of having a good neighbour and an honest friend like Vietnam”.

He thanked the Vietnamese Party, Government and people for their strong support in Cambodia’s past struggle for national salvation and its current national construction.

“Cambodia will continuously strengthen good neighbourliness, traditional friendship and comprehensive and lasting cooperation with Vietnam,” King Sihamoni said.

He concluded by conveying blessings from the former King and Queen to the Vietnamese Party leader and his wife and thanked Vietnamese leaders and people for their fine sentiments given to his parents.

In reply, General Secretary Manh warmly welcomed King Sihamoni, describing his visit as an event of primary importance that ushered in a new stage in bilateral relations as well as bringing the relationship to a new level.

He reiterated Vietnam’s unswerving policy to attach importance and give high priority to relations with Cambodia.

The Party leader pledged to do his utmost to boost bilateral ties on a way towards “best neighbourliness, traditional friendship and comprehensive and long-lasting cooperation”.

He also asked the Cambodian King to convey his best regards to the former King and Queen.


Anonymous said...

This bloody basdard Sihamoni does not know what he is talking about.

Because of this royal monkeys that is what suffer till now.

Anonymous said...

I keep wonder why i still have a king exist in my country ?.
evry time see the news that comming up with the king , i feel very disapointed , because this king seem like he try to detroy CAMBODIA for good.
KHMER suffer by YOUN , MILLION YOUNs invaded CAMBODIA , YOUN still control CAMBODIA but the king doesn't care about those problem , INSTEAD this KING take a trip to HANOI SMILING with the KHMERS ENMEMY leaders , feel very proud to have a picture in front of DEAD YOUN LEADER.
As one of the KHMER BLOOD i feel very shamful with the king action.
I also keep asking myself , are this KING ever feel a bout KHMER peoples suffering , or he never know what YOUN HAVE done to KHMER peoples and her country?.
Why we need the KING any way?

Anonymous said...

Tel Pere tel fils... same same filles...

This picture of Royal visit to VN remind us the visit of our Hero Great King to VN in 1970s... meeting Le Zuan.. General va Giap...and my uncle HO etc...

Oh Preah Ang Mchas....

Excellency Bandit Dr. Phd General Samdach Oknha Achar Knoy....

Anonymous said...

The current Cambodian King is out of touch with Cambodian history and for him to thank the Vietcong for Cambodia’s past struggle for national salvation? Tell me salvation from what? What about Uncle HO tricked his father King Sihanouk to create HO CHI MINH Trail in Cambodia to shift carpet bombing by B-52 from Vietname to Cambodia which help create the Khmer Rouge movement led by his father King Sihanouk!

Any friendship and cooperation between Cambodian the Vietcong must be confirmed through the Vietcong action especially in dealing with the Khmer Krom people!

The fucken Vietcong can't pretend to preach peace, friendship, and cooperation with Cambodia while oppress million and million of Khmer Krom people!

It is very sad to know that Khmer King under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave mother fucker has no saying at all except to repeat AH HUN SEN and the Vietcong leaders words! I have the impression that the Khmer King was forced to visit the Vietcong leaders right before the election to signal the same old stupid Cambodian government will be in power led by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

I want to let all our Khme rpeoples cold down and know that the King Sihamoni no stupid and not scare Hun Sen as well just waitting till the times come up first and should know that CHINA protecting all King families Hun Sen and A Yuon/Vietnamese can't do anything to King families at all, CHINA and Cambodia are like brother and sister not enenmy, a yuon & our Cambodia love like enemy. from Australia

Anonymous said...

You talk nonsene 4:33pm. This stupid animal king is not scare of Hun Sen but he is a slave of Hun Sen.

Every time I see this king face, his father face and especially his brother, the one in Malaysia, I feel sick! Australia

Anonymous said...

Hello Compatriots,

Your negative comments about Khmer King tell me you are too dumb and may be you are from whore bastard parents. You all deserve to be in the jungle of Amazon, because you cannot understand what is a diplomat.

Sad Cambodia has you bastards to be her children, you should just shoot yourselves and stop coming back to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

These bastards are worse than P'norng. Every time the open their mouth only shit they we can see.
Pourk ah.mi Prey. Just read their comments every body know: sot tae peak pnorng taing ach, ot pouch ot ambo, ot trokaul.

Anonymous said...

Ok! they already in Cambodia let they jump into the Mekong!

Can you understand DIPLOMATIC! fool?

Anonymous said...

So the Khmer King went to Vietname for diplomatic reason? Tell me what kind a diplomacy is this when the Khmer King can't even bring up the issue of the Khmer Krom oppression with the Vietcong government!

This Khmer King is like a robot and when it is turn on it just repeating all the words of AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave mother fucker and the Vietcong leaders!

I don't know any King on the planet who is willing to make diplomacy with the enemy who oppress his people!

To be a King is to be love by all his people, to protect his people, and to have compassion for his people! But so far this stupid Khmer King never show any compassion for the Khmer people!

Just remember even diplomacy has its limitation! Without the Khmer people and there would be no King!

Anonymous said...

Do not ever trust Vietnamese. Remember “Champa” (Khmer Islamic country).

Anonymous said...

What a stupid king he is to say that vietnam is his best friend. He will some day go to hell just his father.

Anonymous said...

I know why all of you don't like this king, because many of you live in other countries..and you see our country as hell...if it is, so 15 millions of Cambodians are now the "Pret" living in the hell..

You hate this king, I know why?..coz you are not appointed as the king..You can say..No..I don't need this kind of King..but if they give you, you will say thank you..

To me, I hate Hun Sen and his fucking family. I also hate the opposition politicians too , why?..coz they are like nothing to help our country..Just sit and talk about corruption and democracy..

Pls if you wanna help this country, come to Cambodia..Don't hide urself somewhere around Macdonald or King burger fucking shops..Mouling rouge..Come to see what you can this country..OK?

Anonymous said...

To 7:36AM

I been there and done that! So you need to shut the fuck up!

What Cambodia need is a wide spread and a speedy reform in leadership and the whole Cambodian economic system for dirt poor Cambodian population to see any real benefit in the long run otherwise they will have to suffer under the same Vietcong puppet government for many more years to come!

Anonymous said...

To 9:03 am
9:03 am you have the same policy as HUN SAN's,win win policy,just don't care who is right and who is wrong??worst of all you can not analize any kind of situation cambodia is facing at this moment.If you want the king or the government help the poor better,you need to send more donation and don't just barking and send no penny to help poor khmer back home,because cambodian just get out of the longest war and cambodia government could only do their best to help her people.Don't you ever read news about cambodian economy and the improvement of her people lives??remember,cambodia restart her country from year zero.If you want to compare cambodia to its neighbors,don't you think cambodia is pretty fast??our neighbor had been developing their country for centuries and look how far they can get to up untill now??You really think that cambodia can turn their poorest people to be rich in a matter of 10-15 years after year zero??No country in this world would want their people to be poor but how can cambodia do without dollars??Can't you see cambodia is trying to do business with her friends and neighbors in every fields possible,why??is it not because cambodia need more money to improve her people living standard?? and rebuild cambodia foundation back strong once again.when cambodia has more money;cambodia foundation will be strong,cambodian living standard will be high,more cambodian will have better education,cambodia will have modern defend hardwares and sofware,and once cambodia achieved all these goals,then what ever cambodia want to request to the world and its neighbors,they will have most respect and attention to her requests.As you know in this world,almost none of the rich would listen to the poor.So,you should use your brain to think a little deeper and if you still can't used your brain,go back to school,don't just hanging out,smoking weeds,selling drugs and get drunk everyday and get online and leave all the profainity comment to show your low educated lifestyle.
from someone in USA,i am khmer and belong to all political party that care about khmer people and her nation.
quests to the world

Anonymous said...

My Khmer people don't deserve this so-called "powerless King", this is the 21st century.
For he is a human being just like myself and everyone else....... no more no less.
Ask yourself; What is a king without power?
Therefore, I bow to no one!

Anonymous said...

The King and Queen in most country in this new world don't have power anymore, except Thai King.
The King of Cambodia exercises his limit authority to make friend before he can talk about ethnic Khmer Krom. Your guys need to calm down and let our King smooth the bumpy road with Youn.
I don't understand why are too many paranoid crazy dogs don't understand how to deal with other powerful neighbors when we are poor with no army?

What are their suggestions?

Anonymous said...

To 10:50AM

You have too many excuses and you are full of it! Don't you think it is time to move beyond all the fucken excuses for not doing the right thing!

By the way, I don't waste my fucken time doing some of the teenager stuffs like you mention! It is outrageous for you to say that! I have to wonder what kind of community you live!

Anonymous said...

Thank You to Vietnam and Yuon for liberating Cambodia from the Khmer-Rouge regime, and we will be pal forever.

God blesses Vietnam.