Friday, June 27, 2008

NEC: No drinking and campaigning! ... (and absolutely NO driking of CPP magic swearing water)

NEC Warns Against Drinking, Violence

By Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
26 June 2008

As the election campaign period began Thursday, the National Election Committee called for all political candidates not to drink alcohol and to avoid violence and threats against other candidates and voters.

The separate appeals come as election watchdogs expressed concern for the increase of intimidation and murders of political party activists.

All political parties and candidates must avoid threats or intimidation or violence, Im Sousdey, chairman of the NEC, said in a statement to political parties issued Wednesday.

He warned candidates and parties not to incite supporters and voters to violence or intimidation.

In another letter to Prime Minister Hun Sen, Im Sousdey requested the leader issue a statement for the public to discourage drinking the day before the election and on Election Day itself.

Prime Minister Hun Sen issued a statement Wednesday warning all security forces and local authorities to prevent threats and irregularities and any attempts to disturb the election period and Election Day.

The appeal and other government security measures were an important move toward free and fair elections, said Koul Panha, director of the Committee for Free and Fair Elections.

"But we are still concerned that threats and intimidation will occur in the campaign and on Election Day," he said, "because threats and intimidation against political activists has increased since April."


Anonymous said...

THe NEC should have put a law signing by all Canididates of all parties who have stood for the election various terms and conditions such as;
During election campaign if they will be found to have:
-bribery to voters by way of giving monies, inviting them for eating in the restaurant, intimidating voters.
-Over spend their limite per candidate
-Using power to pressure voters to vote for them,
Their winning will avoid and the second high will be elected. Meng Ly former candidate of NZ parliamentarian election

Anonymous said...

Mr. Meng ly 3"50AM should business like restaurent close for a month? Can those compainers stay fast for month?
Hoh can you controle money spending in Cabodia, stay in NZ confuser!

Anonymous said...

Dear Poster 4:04AM, Please play the ball and do not insult personal. I do not mind to be insulted but for a full democratic system and for a prosperous Cambodia, we need to sacrify ourselve for the system. A system should be respected at a high level to archieve a good goal for Cambodia. We need to build a country for our general population to prosper. Therefore we must be stricted with rule and law. English proverb goes" if you have a will, you have a way ". I am neutral to all parties. Without briberies by all the candidates, all restaurants in Cambodia will still survive in their businesses. Meng Ly

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe, In the States, in God we trust, but in Cambodia, in Cash we trust. So put the cash where you mouth is Mr. Areak Prey ooopsss Mr. Meng LY!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia has been led by a group of incompetent leaders who have led them with misleading and mismanagement of natural resourses and to keep employing everyone in a salary worst than any slave in the world, therefore monies is so important to everyone. People is daring to sell their friends, their daughters, their family member for monies. For most educated people, they have lost their integrity, their conscience for monies. Indeed, they should only reject their incompentent leaders and start to choose a group of competent leaders to change their prosperous future.

Anonymous said...

Wrong planet, here we are moving in the right direction as witnessed by the entire world.