Saturday, June 07, 2008

Noppadon Pattama gloating after Hun Sen gave in to Thailand's demand

Noppadon hails Preah Vihear proposal

June 7, 2008
By Supalak G Khundee
The Nation (Thailand)

Cambodia's new annexe map for a proposal to list the Hindu temple of Preah Vihear as a World Heritage Site does not claim 4.6 square kilometres of overlapping territory, Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama said yesterday.

Following an agreement between the two countries in Paris last month to list only the temple itself as a heritage site, Phnom Penh on Thursday sent the new map to Bangkok for consideration.

"I have seen the map, which makes clear that Cambodia no longer claims the overlapping downhill area as part of the temple for the World Heritage Site," Noppadon said in a press briefing.

However, the Supreme Command's Royal Thai Survey Department will use satellite imaging to verify the map and location on the ground, he added.

If there is no objection, the National Security Council and the Cabinet will endorse the map and respond to Phnom Penh within a week, enabling Cambodia to send its proposal to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation by the middle of this month. Unesco's World Heritage Committee will make a final decision on the proposal at a meeting in Canada in July.

Even though Cambodia won its claim to Preah Vihear in the International Court of Justice in 1962, its proposal to list the temple as a Unesco heritage site was opposed by Thailand because the map appended by Phnom Penh showed an area claimed by both countries as part of the temple site.

The agreement reached by Noppadon and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An in Paris will end not only conflict with Cambodia, but also allegations made by street protesters that the foreign minister might cause Thailand to lose its territory.


Anonymous said...

Anything new about ah choi marai trator hun sen the fuckin yuan slave , now turn to another slave, yuan slave

fuckin his mother's cunt

Anonymous said...

No war, Better security, no casualty, ..., that is the right direction for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

7pm: your fucking right direction, why dont you give your fucking home to someone else to avoid argument.

as Khmer, it better to die to protect your country seveigrity as you will fight to protect you proper or piece of land. why the fucking thai say they will not loss an ainch to cambodia and we need to loss our 4 SQUARE KILO METRE to fucking thai because you think dont want security and casualties??? go to hell

Anonymous said...

New Khmer Generation has changed our philosophies comrade. We are no longer die for our land, we rather let the other bastards die for their.
Team up, get healthy and smart. We will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Don't jump to a conclusion yet.

"I have seen the map, which makes clear that Cambodia no longer claims the overlapping downhill area as part of the temple for the World Heritage Site," Noppadon said in a press briefing.

That does not mean that the Thai can claim the land as the Thai's. We just did not list the land as the world herritage. That land is in fact still solidly belongs to Khmer or at least still in negotiation.

I think Cambodian PM made a good move. 1) get the temple listed on the World Herritage page. 2) Fight for our land. It is best to take the case to the international court.

Stupid Thai Foreign minnister tries to mislead the Thai people and the public that Cambodia stops claiming the 4.6 sk land. Yeah right!! what's stupid fool.

Anonymous said...

That was a brilliant idea, the CPP just reach a new level of stupidity.
Keep going guys the sky is the limit.
Please don't tell me the universe is the limit.

Anonymous said...

This is stupid. Preah Vihear stair and territories belong to Cambodia. Not Thailand. Karma will get thme some day for the lies and violence they have caused. The Teple and everything around it belongs to cambodia.

Anonymous said...

the so-called "4.6 sq km area is still to be demarcate later even after the cambodian preah vihear temple is registered with unesco. cambodian people will not conceit to losing our previous territory either. preah vihear was a cambodian temple, so the remaining "4.6 sq km" disputed area still needs to be demarcate properly as it is a "disputed area". the temple and the disputed area are two separate things. cambodia, please don't be confuse like the thai who thinks the temple is disputed as that was finalized by the court already in 1962. so, the real dispute is the so-called "4.6 sq km" area only. so still more work to be done with this 4.6 sq km area. cambodia will not lose an inch of our territory. god bless cambodia.

cambodia sticks with the 1962 court ruling which is permenant in our view.

Anonymous said...

the so-called 4.6 sq km area is a disputed area with cambodia, therefore it still needs to be demarcate with the approval of cambodia as well. the temple and the disputed area are two separate things. the temple belongs to cambodia already, so the disputed area is still claims by cambodia as well as our khmer people will protest any loss of our territory as well. khmer people say we will not lose even an inch of our sacred soil, cambodia. the 4.6s sq km area still need to be worked on to benefit cambodia as well. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Yes this scenary look terrible sad for many Khmer people. Dear compatriots Khmer nation did not have border line streading with these two theives(Viet.& Thai), honesty border demarcation is not Khmer problem, every time, once encauchment occured on our territory; the pression from them build up to the cronny GV to accepting their demanded. It's sad to see this happened but precisely that our border is immense the world aware of that, Please be unify keep stronger than theives. The true collour will prevailed, and justice will served. The theives are now struggling to swallowed us daily.
May god bless Khmer nation

Anonymous said...

It's not about CPP.But Hanoi has to give a small cream to Thai for a time being when Youn will be ready for its journey to the West.
Dumnoeuy Chpuok Tov Tiss Khang Lex
The Croc youn will eat the Tiger Thai
in near the future.
Right now Thai politicians learn from
khmers to kill each others,that we haven't seen before in Thai politic.

Anonymous said...

jouney to the westward by the viets my ass, excuse my poor language. i think that was history, and for viets to continue to do the same in today's world or in modern world, tough luck. this is not that so-called dark ages era when the entire world seemed to encrouched on one another, however, this is the 21st century and for vietnam and thailand to dreamed that again is too much than they can swallow. in other words, they could lose what they have already gained from cambodia if they continue to be greedy and keep stealing our land like they did in the past dark age era. i don't think khmer people would sit still for them to do that again this time, not to mention the whole wide world is our witnesses. give me a break, that may just be their wishful thinking only, unless they want to lose what they've already gained from cambodia because a dam can only hold so much water before it gives way to the tremendous pressure of the mighty, powerful water, the power of nature, and cambodia may be that power when push comes to shove! so this is not even funny to make rhetoric about how cambodia give away lands or how weak cambodia is in comparison to thailand or vietnam or the world for that matter. i just don't buy any of it from anyone. believe me, cambodia is not alone in world; there are many many countries all over the world of different shapes and sizes, so for thai and vietcongs criminal to only pick on gentle cambodia is injustice and ought not condone by anyone who are educated enough to know professionally. i just don't buy it a bit. what a joke and a wishful thinking some people have and the world are so full of it, sometimes. pick on someone your own size for a change! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The Thaicong want to play catch-22 with stupid Khmer leaders with their stupid theory and logic!

If the Khmer leaders can list the Khmer Phrea Vihear temple with UNESCO and the Thaicong would still claim the overlapping boundary as an issue to be solved!

If the Khmer leaders can claim the land as part of their sovereignty but the Thaicong will always oppose the Khmer leaders to list the Phrea Vihear temple as the world heritage with UNESCO!

Now let turn the table upside down!

So the fucken Thaicong claimed that the French force them to sign unfair treaty in 1903-1904 on the issue of Khmer Preah Vihear temple which cost them to lose their territory. And now in 2008, the Thaicong feel that they have to power to reverse such treaty?

Hey! If the fucken Thaicong can go back in time to claim what belong to them and certainly Cambodia can go back in time too and claimed all former Khmer territory such as Surin, Buriram, Srisaket...provinces in Thailame! And why not claim the whole Thailame as part of Khmer empire!

The fact is the Thaicong can't just go back in time and start claiming every part of Cambodia belongs to them!

If the world court can grant Cambodia sovereignty over the Khmer Preah Vihear temple in 1962 and how come the world court can't grant Cambodia sovereignty over Surin,Buriram,Srisaket...provinces in Thailame!

Here another example
"The Japanese then intervened and arranged a treaty, signed in Tokyo in March 1941, compelling the French to concede to Thailand the provinces of Batdambang, Siemreab, and parts of Kampong Thum and Stoeng Treng. Cambodia thus lost one-third of its territory and nearly half a million citizens."

Base on the above incident in 1941 and can the Thaicong takes Cambodia to the world court for losing their territories after WWII? Maybe if the Japanese won the war! And the Thaicong can keep those Cambodian provinces! So what if Japan lost the war and why the fucken Thaicong don't hold on to those Cambodian provinces and why do they took off to their country? Is it because the Thaicong afraid of the French colonial master of Indochina! Hell yes!

It is the victor that dictates everything in the world! The French was a victor in 1903 and the French was still a victor after WWII over Japan! And the French dictate those treaties and even the world court confirmed and dictated the Cambodian sovereignty over Khmer Phrea Vihear temple issue!

So here is my suggestion to all the Thaicong leaders, if they are seriously about taking back Khmer Phrea Vihear temple and they will have to invade Cambodia and become a victor and then they can force Cambodian leaders to sign a fucken treaty to hand over the Khmer Phrea Vihear temple! But as up to now everything will be based on the French victory in 1903-04 treaty!

By the way, the Vietcong invaded Cambodia in 1979 and for 10 years they were fighting civil war with the support of the Russian and AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave and eventually withdrew their troop. Even AH HUN SEN can't even help the Vietcong! And the issues of the Vietcong are far from over!

So if the Thaicong want to invade Cambodia and they are more than welcome and let see what the Thaicong can do! Cambodia won’t be pushed around like a useless hooker!

Anonymous said...

2:23am, good argument. i'm with you. cambodia should use your argument when settling the so-called remaining dispust of the 4.6 sq km area on the world arena later after the listing our preah vihear temple with unesco is settled. god bless.

Anonymous said...

7:27, I will be sharing my parent's inheritances with all my bro and sis when they are gone. There will not be war among us. However, you may kill all your bro and sis if you like but don't do it here, okay?

Anonymous said...

You got the right point 2:23AM we should have to reclaim evrery thing against 4.6Km2.
Gog bless khmer all

Anonymous said...

Several months ago in front of the French and Cambodian ambassadors, Noppadon Pattama protested or repudiated the France-Siam 1904-1907 treaty that is the base of our present Khmer Thai border including Preah Vihear area. I agree with 2:23pm, that if the Thai don't recognize the last france -siam treaty of 1903-1907, we may have to reclaim the whole Thai territory that belonged to the khmer empire long before the Thai took over our land. We may have to go to world court again to get this straight with the Thai. If so we need a good lawyer team as we had in 1962. Give away our land right is not a solution since we have very little land and sea left.

Anonymous said...

Remember thse refugee camps lands along the border ? most of those lands were on khmer side, but now the thai got them all. Their stategy is to claim everthing as theirs or white zone, then move in frommthere when the dumb khmer are busy fighting for their own power. A few ancient temples located along the borders have been formally taken by the siam. The Hun Khwack said nothing and see nothing.

Anonymous said...

well, i'm surprised that no khmer people, yet, to protest against mr. hun sen decision, if it's so true what he did or is it just political rhetoric on this blog only? sometimes, protesting the gov't action like they did in thailand can make gov't think harder on the national interest of cambodia. just look at the thai and how they are doing this, or maybe cambodia doesn't want to do like the thai. i say we do the same as they do to us so to get our point across as well. or is it because our leaders see it as no problem. well, i say our leaders have to listen to its citizens, too as khmer people are very furious at what the thai did to us like that. where is the justice for cambodia?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but at that time, everyone were happy to give the white zone to Khmer-Thai, 6:04. Who in their right mind would want to give anything to the Khmer-Rouge?

Anonymous said...

Ah Siamese where were you before 13th centuries?, Ah Thai who you were Bofore 1937?. Convinced the world if you believed The 10,11 centuries PRASAAT PREAH VIHEAR is your belonging. The true collour will prevail.
May Budha Bless Khmer, and the King

Anonymous said...

I wish our PM Hun Sen will not become a prisoner of history.He must draw himself from dealing with hyenas and return as soon as possible to build a healthy society and stronger nation by sending good Khmer students abroad to study all kind of essential fields that Cambodia needs.

Anonymous said...

It is not too late if our PM stops abusing his power. If he does not stop the world history will write down he is a monster.