Sunday, June 08, 2008

Political Cartoon: The last saga of the God-King

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at

King Father : "Regarding myself (and H.M. the Queen-Mother, my Wife is in agreement with me about our new life in exile), I will live in a country that will grant me (willingly) asylum, in a friendly manner, and without this country taking care of my expenses for room and board: I will rent (for me and my wife) a small room (with a bathroom) in a very modest hotel and our daily meals will also be very modest (bought in a modest grocery store)".

Note : This is our Sacravatoons No. 1000

We hope the toons have been contributed to the Khmer-Political climate and sharing the truth and facts on Khmer-Sufferings.

And again many thanks for your kindly supporting,critictism and cursing.

May Lord Buddha & the Universe bless you all.

From Down Under,
Sacrava team


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh mate!
This is so beautiful.
The funny thing is that I really do find it moving . . moving because your dear King feels the need to paint such a pitiful picture of himself.
There is really no reason why he shouldn't do exactly what he writes. He really could retire to such a simple modest life . . but of course he never will.
There is something about the way he paints such a pitiful picture of himself - exactly the picture you have drawn. And you do it in sepia too You are brilliant, BunH. I love it. I love it. And you know i love this dear old King of yours too. He is such a character. He does have a soul and his games are so transparent.
I have started re-reading Milton Osborne's 'Prince of Light Pr of Darkness' Osborne is such a pompous twit He despises Sihanouk and is determined to show us every reason why we all should share his contempt for S's flaws and failings. At least your dear King has blood in his veins. I end up feeling I'd rather have a dozen of S's failings than any one of Osborne's 'virtues'.

Yes, he has made some terrible mistakes and he's so VAIN. But he is who he is . And the very idea of him in his tiny hotel room with the dripping shower and a couple of pots on the stove in the corner. The old camera and his photos. Its fantastic. And he'll never know. It'll never happen. But you've made it happen just as he had a pitiful little fantasy of the very same scene.
Thanks, my great friend.

From your fan

Anonymous said...

i know, well, everybody loves to hate him or not everybody loved him. let him be, he is in his sunset years. he does have a colorful life. god bless our beloved samdech ta.

Anonymous said...

i'm wondering, is it the culture thing or something? i mean, some cambodian people just love to look sad or be sad and wants other to feel that emotional pain as well. why is that? is that a culture thing, for wanting to be sad and miserable and want others to see and feel sorry for them at the same time? i can't understand this kind of mentality, sometime; i'd rather choose to be happy and fun or sadness and misery.

Anonymous said...

This is one of your great cartoons.
I love that.

From one of your fan.


Anonymous said...

Thannk Sacrava I love your Politoon,great work for this history of our king very unlike the rest of leader in this planet.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful rendition of Sihanouk's fantasy. You are such a genius Mr. Bunheang. Thank Heaven for a person like you, who has such an in-depth insight on Cambodian society and mentality. I hope that you live up to 100 years old so that I could see your 100,000th cartoon.
Your fan from up north.

Anonymous said...

Sharing Truth, Ah Xvakrava? hahaha, LOL, hahaha ....

Anonymous said...

well, our beloved samdech ta had played many roles in cambodian modern history. after all, he is a movie producer, director, actor, singing, etc..., these are his favorite hobbies as we all know. nothing's wrong with it. i think, our beloved ex-king was just being a king like any king at a certain time in world history. or maybe our ex-king was unique in that sense. although, cambodian people wished he was more like the monarchy of england. thank you for the opportunity to express myself. god bless cambodia and our new king.

Anonymous said...

Dear Down Under:

You really let us, the Khmers, down in "at least" a couple ways. Wish you change your cartoon mentality and stop drawing the yuon as a winner yet we Khmers're being portrated as clumsy and big losers. Please stop all that. It hurts, ouch. As Khmers I really expect you to start making some sense. Sank Q.

From the above, watching you.

Anonymous said...

please let the former king a peaceful time of his retirement. if what he write in his website is not pleased you, please forgive him or react in respectful manner.

Anonymous said...

The ex King will enjoy his peaceful of his retirement.Alot of khmer people are still suffering from his insane political path that he had created for them.

Jayavarman 7 :

The People's suffering are also the King's suffering.

Anonymous said...

It is just a fantasies and everyone has it. What's wrong for our King wants to have a life like a commonner? I bet that if the King decides to live like that it'd be thousand and thousand or million people who love him pay all the expensive, and he doesn't have to worry anything.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut da fukk ah youn-khmer 2;13PM.

You don't belong anywhere but the zoo. Deung tae ah kmorch jumkourt?

Anonymous said...


[Deja tu as vu clairement que ton sort et le sort de ta soi-disant monarchie ne reste que dans les mains des Viets et celles de Hun Sen, n'est-ce pas?

Et tu verras bien finalement que tu ne peux compter sur personnes pour te sauver meme ton soi-disant "petit peuple" n'est-ce-pas? Car ton petit peuple est controle et oppresse par les Viets et ton Hero Hun Sen lui-meme.

Alors, esperes-tu toujours d'etre enterre a cote de HO?

Juste un gars Cambodgien]

You have seen already that your fate and the fate of your monarchy rest entirely in the hands of the Viets and those of Hun Sen, haven't you?

You will also see that finally, you can count on nobody to save you, not even your so-called "Petit peuple" because your petit peuple is controlled and oppressed by the Viets and your hero, Hun Sen himself, won't you?

And then, are you still hoping to be burried next to HO?

Just one Cambodian lad

Anonymous said...

Oh shut de fukk 8:47AM.
Cambodian lad my azz, you are Youn teing ach.