Thursday, June 26, 2008

The politicization of Preah Vihear temple by Thailand

Thursday June 26, 2008

Lack of public understanding caused by confusing messages and unreliable information has transformed Cambodia's bid to register Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site into a testy political issue.

The People's Alliance for Democracy, a group of senators and the opposition Democrat party are united in their belief that the issue will cause Thailand to lose part of its territory near the temple. They are opposed to the Samak government's approval of a joint Thailand-Cambodia communique on the proposed World Heritage status.

A solution to this problem may be found today, when the Administrative Court is scheduled to issue its ruling on a request for the court to nullify the Samak government's approval of the joint communique. At the same time, a group of senators have asked Unesco to delay its decision on the temple. The PAD and its supporters believe the government has violated Section 190 of the Constitution, which states that any treaty that may result in an alteration of the Thai border or national sovereignty under international law, or affect the country's economic and social security, must be approved by Parliament. In this respect, Parliament must conduct its own investigations and make its decision known within 60 days.

This is a lesson all parties concerned must take into consideration. They must prevent this issue from harming neighbourly relations. For their part, the Thai people must not let nationalism cloud their judgement. We hope this issue can be resolved amicably by Thailand and Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Forget about ah Siems slave and land-grabber of Khmer territory. Ah Siems slave are simply the race of thieves that originated in Nan Chao. Ah Siem race really need to pack up and return to their ancestral land of Nan Chao. Ah Siems never complained with King Sihanouk. Ah Siems never complained with Lon NOL. Ah Siems never complained with Pol Pot. Now Ah Siems want to complain with Cambodia. F*ck you ah Siems. I say Cambodia retakes what has been given to her legally by the International Tribunal way back in 1962. There is no more negotiation with ah Siem land-grabbing thieves. SEAL Cambodia off with Ah Siems. Curse and damn all of Ah Siems to hell for wanting to steal more Khmer territory.

Cambodia needs to SEAL off Preah Vihear to ah Siems for all eternity.

Anonymous said...

These Siems have definately known that Preah Vihea temple belongs to Cambodia. Not only just this,all of the temples standing within the Siem border were all built by Khmer Great Kings, as they took a lot of Khmer territory.
Everyone knows, people in the world know about it.
Obviously they just want it.
These guys are just ridiculous and stupid.
Preah Vihear is Khmer, so we deserve to take care of it and register as the WORLD HERITAGE SITE.

Anonymous said...

Yea Khmer GV'T must be clever of this issue, it's belong to Khmer al. Mr.HUn Sen should have a well prepare against this arrogant thieves.
God bless Khmerall!

Anonymous said...

you know, this shows that there are a lot of ignorant people in thailand. i first thought that they were highly educated until their true color shows. oh my god, they are so full of it. in the past, they often say like this to cambodia; look at them now, their people are so ignorant and ignorant people are the one to create a lot of trouble like disturbing peace and orderly. they really show that. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Thais are the masters of manipulation throughout the history. WILL UNESCO BITE THEIR BAITS?

Anonymous said...

The temple belongs to the Taxpayers.