Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ranariddh: Don't turn me into a guinea pig (in Hun Sen's trap)

Ranariddh says that he will not return to Cambodia before the election

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Prince Norodom Ranariddh who is now living in exile in Malaysia, called on his supporters to stop wanting him to return back to Cambodia because taking such a course would lead him to Hun Sen’s trap. In a speech addressed to his supporters on Wednesday, the prince said that if people want to find justice for him, there is only one way: they have to bring victory to the NRP. The prince said that when the NRP wins, he can return back to Cambodia fairly and honorably. He also thanked US Ambassador Joseph Mussomeli who called on the government to allow the prince to return back home to participate in the election, but the prince said not to turn Norodom Ranariddh into a guinea pig. Prince Ranariddh also said: “In Cambodia, it is a fact that (1) the court is not independent and it is under Hun Sen’s order, and (2) Prime minister Hun Sen has prepared handcuffs for Ranariddh as well as sending him to jail.” The prince said that he is concerned he would be detained or placed under house arrest, just like Mrs. Aung San Suu Kui of Burma.


Anonymous said...

please stay away from Cambodian people. you are discredited due to your past activities.

Go to France to teach your students.

Anonymous said...

It would be better for cease your political career. Have you learned any thing ?. You don't care about your supporter, cambodia and khmer people. You only think for yourself that is why your party go down to the ground. If you jointed with Sam Rainsy, you're probably not in this situation.

Anonymous said...

no need to come sir. You are crazy leader, gave very bad model for Cambodia society.

I wish you rest in the peace!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you ah prince of condom.....
Do not compare your dirty and corrupt politic to Mrs.Aung San Suu Kui 's NOBLE CAUSE.You are nothing but a SCUMBAG ,a HYPOCRITE, a COWARD,a prince of THIEVES .Stay wherever you are with the money you 'he stolen and DIE over there NEVER come back to Cambodia again never and ever !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This basdard never try to find justice for Khmer people when he was in power and now you want Khmer people find for you? Remember Ho Sok, mate?

Fuck off you mother fucker. Your and father and your roots are responsible and helped R Hun Sen became like today.

Anonymous said...

A message to Ranarith:

Ranariddh no needs to do anything! just call all your supporters to vote for SRP!

Anonymous said...

7:31PM. King Father and Rannaridh are not the same. Rannaridh has not done anything good to Cambodia, but King Father did many good things to his country. Don't forget Preah Vihear become famous in the world because of Thais put it on front line trying to cheat it from Khmers again after they lost in International court because King Father won it.

And you 7:31 OM, mother fucker fuck off, you son of whore, King Father's roots still fight and still keep Cambodia alive after the huricane and big storms from Thailand and Vietnam.

For the record, you son of whore are not even Khmer but a bastard migrated from somewhere.

Anonymous said...

To: Ranariddh ash ey lith.

Think dude! GUINEA PIG is better than DRY PIECE OF SHIT!

Ding Dong!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Ranaridh is bad. But why one khmer politician cannot return to Cambodia when Vietnemeses get in everyday.

Anonymous said...

Rannaridh ferme ta gueule et restes dans la mosquée en malaisie avec ta danseuse c'est mieux .
tu n'es qu'un traitre et tu comptes revenir au cambodge pour ramasser de l'argent afin de mener une belle vie avec danseuse c'est tout .franchement un vrai connard et un fils de BATARD .
UN nationaliste QUI SOUHAITE TA MORT ainsi que ton père a PEKIN ..

Anonymous said...

Right on 953pm. Rannaridh is Khmer Morn and Youn is Chink Chink coming in every day.

I think it is not fair, but who says it is fair in Cambodia?

Rannaridh all he can do is he should stop being a politician but stay away from it. He and his royal family should be just like in England. Case closes and he can come in.

Rannaridh's mother was an Apsara dancer, now he ended up with an apsara dancer, a whore one.

All he want is to make money and has more girls to fuk. He does not care about his poor people.

Anonymous said...

He has no people 10:10PM what he has is LA Phala!!!

Anonymous said...

why not? guinea pigs are good for study in trials ang errors medical scientific community in order to help find cures for diseases and other ailments. someone got to be a guinea pigs, espeicially bad politician who only think of his personal benefit and not that of national interest. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Ok! by 2:15AM, you are already a guinea pigs Ranarith if you keep complaining he may turne you in to bald pig no even Chrouk Bar, because your jean is defected!

Ok Ranarith! SHOT UP!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The NRP wanted Ranariddh to return so they can beat "em to the pole. Ranariddh, Hun Sen got an eye on you! lol

Anonymous said...

To 8:46PM,

You must walk on your knees. Sihanouk has killed many Khmer nationalists and this man helped to create this impoverished government. And because Sihanouk that was why Vietcongs in Cambodia.

Stop walk on your knees mate and read his history. You must just migrated from other planet.

Anonymous said...

If Ranariddh didn't sale all those positions to CPP or other people he would not have this consequences. He ignored a lot of the soldiers that fight for Cambodia. He is a traitor!!!!!!
And don't come back to politic inside Cambodia!! Stay out you useless sucker!!!!!