Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sam Rainsy: We still have money, and we face no difficulties

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Following a calm in the defections of local high ranking SRP members, new SRP defections are now starting to take place and claims have been made that the two former SRP members, Meas Marin and Ou Sovann who recently joined the CPP, were former major financial backers of the SRP [KI-Media note: These major financial backers offered $500 and $100 to join the CPP]. Political observers in Cambodia indicated that these defections could affect the SRP financial condition and it could affect the SRP election campaign strategy. However, these concerns were rejected by opposition leader Sam Rainsy who said: “We still have money and we face no difficulties. There are more than 700,000 overseas Cambodians, and a large number of them are SRP supporters, even if (the CPP) could attract 100 persons, there will still be tens of thousands people who will continue to support the SRP.”


Anonymous said...

The SRP is so great that it can afford to lose members, supporters, and friends. It must feel good.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

You got to be on crack to believe that.

Ah Spam Rainxy will not make it to the election. Even the so called 700,000 will soon to become 0.

Anonymous said...

Overseas financial support will never be flew into the account forever.

Beleive it or not, because Cambodians abroad work their butt off in order to earn money to feed their family and with some saving to donate to political party - no money is growing on tree.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but Ah Spam Rainxy doesn't give a shit about that. He'll stop at nothing to get the money. Even if he had to deceived people or to cause false anxiety ... to get it, as he has done all along.

Anonymous said...

I believe most o/s khmer are anti hun sen, so nio worry to lose a few mentally imbalanced retarded ones like Mormis Marine Baggdad.

I bet that idiot never contributed any amount to they SRP in the first place.

SRP don;t the uyan money to prop up trheir votes because they will have another half a million defectors from the CPP in July.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Are you sure you face no difficulties? This is the death of elephant.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy should get his numbers right. There are about 300,000 overseas Khmer combined. If you look closely about 50,000 of those may be SRP supporters. Of the 300,000 about 70% are lower middle class with no money to give to a political cause in a country they won't ever go back to. Sheer propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Mate 9:09 PM. Respect people.
I am one of the CPP's children but I see different from you. I think Cambodia should have two parties like in the US or another democratic nations.

I think Sam Rainsy should stay as opposition and CPP should stay as his opposition like Dem v. Rep.

It is good for the nation.

I only say there are good CPP like myself and there are bad SRP like some of these people.

Anonymous said...

SRP will remain the same, a major opposition leader. Cambodia must addministrate Country with two consitance Political parties. CPP Communist/socalist party is not right to run this country a lone. More ever Khmer people against CPP GV to vietnaminizing Khmer nation , and doen't wanted to see INDOCHINA created either.

Long lives Khmer nation!

Anonymous said...

HRP will be the new major opposition after the election. SRP is finished. People suffering enough from their desperation for power.

Anonymous said...

Mr SAM RAIN , is not a dictator , merderer , or put his own coutry for sale like HUN SEN and MOST (not all)of it CPP dogs.
He's the victim just like a million of innocent khmers people around the world .
HUN SEN getting rich because of stealing , drug traficking , land grabbing , illegal logging robbing..and so on , and spend all those bloody money to hire 4000 to 5000 YOUN speaking body guard to protect him and intimidat to all KHMER peoples.
But Mr SAM RANSY he's completly difference from HUN SEN ... HE is a poor man , no power , ofcouse he need some help from all the KHMER people that HATE the brutal regime like HUNSEN and it dogs.
To all KHMER trator , We are not lack of support as long as there is a brutal regime still exist.
ALL KHMER TRATOR you are rigth we abroad like I am , especaily Mr SAM RAINSY supporter we are all poor , we have to work our butt off
for living ,you absolutly right..
But what we ERN what we MAKE are from our BLOOD that right our BLOOD , we aren't KILLING , STEALING , SALE your own coutry just for power like you and your master HUN SEN did.
Once a gain we SAM RAINSY SUPPORTER most of us are POOR but our money are PURE..we support MR SAM RAINSY from our HEART..some time we have to work OVER TIME in order to get some money to support our HERO SAM RAINSY..but we do not sale our COUNTRY , LAND GRABBING, ILLEGAL LOGGING , like you dogs in order to have money to support your BRUTAL ,DICTATOR regime .
WE want freedome without YOUN n our coutry steal our jobs,our land,our fishs ,our tree ,an our resouce.
dead to DICTATOR

Anonymous said...

That's what you said about Lon Nol also, but it aint no truth.

Get a life, stupid. You're not good enough to fool anyone here.

Anonymous said...

cambodia needs more technological assistance from the USA in infrastructure building, military cooperation, education and american expertise as well. welcome to cambodia, america. i love the american way of life, please help cambodia to be similar to america if not exactly the same, especially in technology and infrastructure, education, etc... god bless cambodia and america. khmer-american friendship forever.

Anonymous said...

Those vindinctive people who wish to see the SRP finished after July will be more hurt and come back with more vengeful and venomous attacks when they see that the SRP will only increase.

I feel sorry for them.

Cambodia from now on will only see the two party system - the CPP vs the SRP (KNP).

Anonymous said...

Impossible. The SRP is rolling down hill day by day right now. They will not make it to the election. How can they exist after the election?