Friday, June 27, 2008

Son Chhay asks why the CPI is no longer published

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

On Wednesday, SRP MP Son Chhay asked Chhay Thorn, the planning minister, to clarify about the reason why the government stopped publishing the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI), the request was made after the government stopped publishing this rate of inflation index for a few months. The Mekong Times reported that, in his letter dated 25 June sent to Chhay Thorn, Son Chhay asked what is the concern the government has for it to stop publishing this rate of inflation index. Son Chhay said that the CPI is very important for the people to know so that they can adjust their spending in function of their meager income. He said that unofficial report indicated that the rate of inflation rose to 30% in May 2008, this maybe due to the government unsuccessful attempt to control the galloping price inflation, this was why the government prohibited the publication of the CPI index for last month. Son Chhay said that maybe the government is afraid that people may know that it is unable to control goods price inflation, that was why it closed the publication of the CPI. Chhay Thorn clarified that the reason that the government did not publish the CPI was because of technical problems, and the delay in the publication of this index must be discussed among the various ministries and experts.


Anonymous said...

It is an easy answer.
This CPI will damage CPPface during election because the government do nothing to prevent the inflation and allow his corrupted officials do whatever they want to fund CPP during election campaign

Anonymous said...

It is a lot more fun to come up with your own CPI numbers.

People do not need CPI to adjust their budget. They can feel the pain when they go shopping.


Anonymous said...

This Vietcong puppet government continue to deceive Cambodian population in every way!

Anonymous said...

Ah Khmer-Yuon (Son Chhay) must be stopped from spraying shit all over Cambodia. The convict should be deported back to Vietnam.