Thursday, June 26, 2008

[Thai] Democrat to seek Noppadon's impeachment

June 26, 2008
The Nation

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said Thursday that the opposition will file an impeachment motion against Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama for signing a contract with a foreign country without seeking an approval from Parliament first.

Abhisit said the opposition would file a motion to the Constitution Court to ask the court to rule whether Noppadon's signing of a joint statement backing Cambodia's bid to register Preah Vihear as a world heritage site had violated the Constitution.

If the court rules against Noppadon, the Democrat would seek his impeachment.


Anonymous said...

The Thai Democrat Leader's emotion is running high. It is his political agenda to politicise Preah Vihear temple.

As an Oxford-trained graduate, he should use his brain and must not block Cambodia's effort to inscribe Preah Vihear temple as world heritage.

The Democrat Party has been known as a reasonable party in Thailand. Now, it is just another crook with people who losed miserably to the old man Samak. It could not even win against the deposed Thaksin's clan. Now, it is using Preah Vihear to bring down the PPP from power.

Kong Moeung

Anonymous said...

Can any one change this sentence in google earth?
" A long time ago this peice of land Prasat khao phra Wihan was under the control of Thailand But it has since then been seized by Cambodia"

I think this sentence is not appropriate because only Siam had siezed our temple but we got fairly trial.
Please help to change it

Anonymous said...

THE FUCKING ABHISIT is just a shame of Thailand. The Thai government and people have recognized the Cambodian sovereignty over the temple since the trial, and it will ALWAYS be that way. Don't pay attention to him and the Thai media. They consist of the elites shit who wanna bring down the PM Samak who comes from the grass roots.

Anonymous said...

Abhisit wants to be Prime Minister and he will do at all cost to win.

Thai court is not independdent either, the court and laws owned by the royal family. Thai royal fmaily are the Laws in Thailand.

Everything happens in Thailand, such as demonstrations, coup, are all from the King who is behind.

The King belives he is entitled to keep Preah Vihear, because he too has Khmer blood and King Suryavarman II born in Thailand.

Anonymous said...

hey, ignorant, 8:43pm, the angkorian khmer god-king HRH Suryavarman II and all of the angkorian khmer kings are born as khmer in the khmer empire, not thailand like you stpid, idiot trying to fabricate to your ignorant people. there's no such thing as thailand or siem country then. you people are lucky as the kings of angkor can not live forever. if they could, i'm sure they will annihilate you people today. so irrelevant where they bornt; they were khmer and they ruled the khmer empire, then, period, end of story. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people.

Anonymous said...

on the same note, your present king bumibol was born in the the state of massachusets, usa, and just because he was bornt there, that doesn't make him a siem citizen who happened to rule thailand right now? so much of your dumb excuses, again, so typical of the stupid, moron thai like you. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

1:21AM good one!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey dumb azz 1:17AM. Say Five to you dumb azz.
Better know Cambodians are not Khmers, million real Khmers are in Thailand. Get it dumb azz?
Lourng Prabat Suryavarman II or His Majesty the King, King Suryavarman II not HRH dum azz. HRH is only for Prince or Princess.
Lourn Prabat Sihanouk and Lourn Prabat Phumibol have Khmer blood, do you know dumb azz?

Preah Vihan belongs to Thais who have Khmer blood, and we do.