July 17, 2008
The Grand Rapids Press (Michigan)
HOLLAND -- A martial-arts instructor tried to hire an undercover police officer to kill his former girlfriend, police said in court documents obtained this afternoon.
Eang Ung, 42, of Holland, owner of Ung's Martial Arts, allegedly paid a partial sum for the killing -- and wanted her body gone, records showed.
"There was also discussion that Ung would pay additional to have the dead body of his girlfriend, Linda (Siripanya), hidden so that it would never be discovered," Holland police Capt. Matt Messer said in swearing out the arrest warrant.
Ung was arraigned Thursday afternoon in Holland District Court charged with solicitation of murder, a potential life offense. Judge Susan Jonas set bond at $100,000.
Ung's attorney asked for a low bond because Ung is considered a respected businessman in the community.
Police said in court records that Ung talked to a confidential informant on July 8 wanting to get rid of his ex-girlfriend, who had a child with Ung.
The two had been involved in a legal battle over child custody and support since 2003. Both also tried to obtain personal-protection orders against each others over the years.
The informant introduced Ung to the undercover police officer on Tuesday, and Ung paid an undisclosed amount of cash as a down payment, records showed. Ung and the officer met again Wednesday, at which time Ung was arrested.
The Cambodia-born Ung, a master instructor, was profiled by The Press earlier this month for his work teaching children with autism, ADHD and other challenges, including abuse. His business is on North River Avenue.
On his Web site, Ung described himself as "owner of one of the most successful martial arts schools in the West Michigan area."
Eang Ung, 42, of Holland, owner of Ung's Martial Arts, allegedly paid a partial sum for the killing -- and wanted her body gone, records showed.
"There was also discussion that Ung would pay additional to have the dead body of his girlfriend, Linda (Siripanya), hidden so that it would never be discovered," Holland police Capt. Matt Messer said in swearing out the arrest warrant.
Ung was arraigned Thursday afternoon in Holland District Court charged with solicitation of murder, a potential life offense. Judge Susan Jonas set bond at $100,000.
Ung's attorney asked for a low bond because Ung is considered a respected businessman in the community.
Police said in court records that Ung talked to a confidential informant on July 8 wanting to get rid of his ex-girlfriend, who had a child with Ung.
The two had been involved in a legal battle over child custody and support since 2003. Both also tried to obtain personal-protection orders against each others over the years.
The informant introduced Ung to the undercover police officer on Tuesday, and Ung paid an undisclosed amount of cash as a down payment, records showed. Ung and the officer met again Wednesday, at which time Ung was arrested.
The Cambodia-born Ung, a master instructor, was profiled by The Press earlier this month for his work teaching children with autism, ADHD and other challenges, including abuse. His business is on North River Avenue.
On his Web site, Ung described himself as "owner of one of the most successful martial arts schools in the West Michigan area."
This man looks like Pol Pot
that's stupid; there are plenty of girls you can choose, criminal! just go www.asianeuro.com and you will see thousands of them being lined up waiting for you alone.
He is Sino-Khmer that's why.
Eang you will need you martial art skill, to defend you anus in prison.
Master Eang Ung is a honest and decent man who got caught up in an entrapment scam by the police. Master Ung is the type of man who is just missing that filter of what to say to people and what not to say. Linda (Siripanya) the mother of his beautiful little girl has recently turned into a crack head (i personally know of people who have done crack and other drugs with her) and always see her with different guys other than her abusive boyfriend. If Master Ung is guilty of anything it is being an overly protective parent who is looking out for the well being of his daughter. He doesnt want anything to do with his ex except for her to leave him and his little girl alone. Master Ung is supposed to be married at the end of this year to another lady altogether. And i am sure it is part of what spun this whole ordeal with his ex trying to pull some sh*t with the courts. How many of you have wished someone dead for hurting you or someone you know. Hell how many of you have wished someone dead or joked around about knocking someone off for cutting you off in traffic or because they got the promotion that you were looking for. Master Ung was probably sitting around with a few people he thought were friends and was frustrated by the fact that if the cops were really doing there job Linda would be in jail and away from him. He was probably rambling on about how he wished she was just dead (a B.S. remark something any one of us have done probably on more than one occasion) and some busy body wemet asshole decided to make a few bucks to support his habit and entrapped Master Ung with some pressuring to do it and so on and so forth. IF Master Ung indeed even went that far with it. We dont have the facts we just have what the media spins. But never the less this poor mans life has been ruined. Everything he has worked so hard for will be gone because of his reputation has now been corupted and you all are feeding the beast. And now who can say what will happen to his cute little girl. I pray that she will not go to her mother because that will be more damaging to her than anything else. I hope that he is exonerated even though his life here in Holland has been ruined. But honestly even if he is found guilty and the cops have built their entrapment case quite well, i cannot be upset or begrudge him in any way because he is just a father looking out for his little girl from a mother that would harm her. And all i can do is weep for him and more so for his little angel that has been Master Ungs reason for living these past 5years. Please if anyone is willing to sign a petion as to let the judge know that we as a community do not want to see him do time for this if he is found guilty contact me at free_ung@hotmail.com
Master ung is a respected person in our community. He teaches self respect and disclipline. He not teaching how to just beat people up, yea it martial arts but what you learn in his school is a higher power that you can't learn from any books. I been a student and family friend of master ung for over 14 years and can't immagine of him acting yet alone thinking of the matter and trying to pull through without some influence. Think about it really? The guy is f.o.b( fresh off the boat). What he says and want you to hear is probially two completely things if you don't know him as well. Another note the informant is a criminal trying to clear his sentance for some sort of rape/sexual assult charge. Probially trying to clear his record. And the holland police dept. Following a trail that is being influenced my the man trying to stay out of prison. Look up both backround of sanchez and ung. I did and master ung has a clean slate. Now knowing this who would believe? Fucc you idiots that don't know the matter and the people involved. And last. Lindas( the ex girlfriend) a crack head . And is surrounded by drugs and bad influences. I know her doughter through ung and she is smart beautiful and a innocent child. Are you gonna let a baby girl be raised by a mother of that stature? I know I'm a young father. But there's gotta be some parents that agree with me?
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