Saturday, July 12, 2008

Political Cartoon: No. 4 Party

Party No. 4 (Buon in Khmer) has Yuon in the back!

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Final for CPP,youn slave.

Anonymous said...

Good bye CPP,Cambodian 's treason

Anonymous said...

kanapak lek buon mean yuon truot kbal....doch chkaer[dog]....heheheheheheheheheheh
ti's ahame to be yuon's dog.

Anonymous said...

Look it Ho Chi Minh in a girl suit.

So he was a lady boy!!!

Anonymous said...

CPP's times as a ruling party are gonna come to an end. Nothing lasts forever.

Sihanouk, Lon Nol & Sirik Matak, Pol Pot faced their demise.

Soon it will be Hun Sen's turn. His end is in the works and it's just a matter of time...

Anonymous said...

Ah Xvakrava is going blind. He can't no longer tell 4 from 9. Number 9 and 6 is universally agreed by everyone on the planet to be Evil. On the other hand, number 4 is a sign of moving up, growing, and prospering.

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up Ah yuon slave an idiots 9:49Am number 4 chinese contonese Zei mean [death to hell soon]...ok commerade yuon fukin life...tieu chau Si' also Ah tmhill yuon Cppeee to hell.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but this is not Hong Kong or Canton. In Cambodia, 9 means 100% evil and must it be removed from our holly soil.

Anonymous said...

See CPP's Number (4):

-"The Number 4 is generally a practical, material number, few superstitions are associated with it. An exception is in China, where 4 is unlucky because she (“four”) and shi (“death”) sound similar. In the biblical Revelation to John the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse wreak destruction upon humanity."

-Number 9 is the opposite of number 6 means anti_Beast (6)
Number 9 is the lucky or unlucky number, in Chinese culture. It take people to sacrifice such as life to defeat the beast. Unlucky for the lose of their members lives, but they will prevail at last.