Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: The Donation & The Free-Gift

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

I never have a comment on the article on this website. But i dont really like this cartoon. I dont know what the author want. Please be careful with what you ve done. Me too, i work for the freedom of expression but it s too much in your cartoon. Extremiste is not the best ways to solve the problem.
Thank for the advance consideration.

Anonymous said...

Dear Puzzled reader 10:17 AM,

During the signing of the supplemental border treaty with VN, Hun Sen threatened any Khmer who want to protest about Khmer territory taken by the Yuons. He said whoever wants to get Khmer land back from Vietnam, he will offer them a free coffin.

As you see on the top cartoon, Hun Sen gives gift to Khmer troops who would fight against Siem to defend Hun Sen's "Xhmer interest", but he would offer them a coffin if Khmer want to defend "Khmer interest" against his Yuon master.

Just my personal opinion only! Don't shoot me, save the bullets for Siem and Yuon!

Moan Samley

Anonymous said...

Dear Frend 10:17 am

It's freedom of expression.
What comment you posted is violated it. Do not threaten the Author who has only paper and ball pen. His purpose is just to present justice to the public to understand our leader actions. Clear vision is very important for leaders. Double tongue languge from our leader is not acceptable. He said 2 languge to one thing to nation at his will. How come?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sacrava and you never fail to amaze me!
Yes! It is so true that AH HUN SEN use to claim that he will prepare coffins for any Khmer nationalist who dare to fight the Vietcong to protect Cambodian sovereignty!
After Cambodian election 2008, AH HUN SEN will increase his rhetoric against Khmer nationalist who dare to fight the Thaicong to protect Cambodian sovereignty! As usual AH HUN SEN will blame Khmer nationalist for being extremist who threaten his government!
It is no surprise that the Thaicong prime minister is willing to wait until the Cambodian election is over and the Thaicong prime minister had predicted that AH HUN SEN will tone down his rhetoric and once again AH HUN SEN will go after Khmer Nationalist and put all the blame on Khmer people for creating the conflict with the Thaicong!

I will bet my life on it that the Thaicong will have their way with AH HUN SEN on the issue of Khmer Phrea Vihear temple! AH HUN SEN can’t afford to have the Khmer Nationalist go fighting the Thaicong to protect Cambodian sovereignty because it will destabilize his government!
Nothing matter in the world as long as AH HUN SEN government survives and AH HUN SEN stay in power in Cambodia for the rest of his life! Trade Khmer land for power is not a new concept and AH HUN SEN had been practicing it since he came to power in 1985 and before that!

To 10:17

It is you who need to watch yourself fool! AH HUN SEN trade Khmer land for his power and he will do it again! So here is a small Khmer history lesson for you fool!

Check it out!

Anonymous said...

This should be a good year for mortuary in Cambodia.

Vote CPP!

Anonymous said...

I think it is ok if you make this picture before the conflict with the Siam. But I really don't agree with you as you show this misleading drawing at this time. Now it is time to unit for national interest, not to take opportunity for a political interest. Your picture would tell the soldiers or the Khmer people that don't go to protect the land because you will only die. This is absolutely unacceptable. Don't forget that we are a poor country, should we fight with 2 enemies the same time? Being the opposition side also need to accept the good point of the ruling side. What they do correctly, you should know how to support also.

Anonymous said...

What is new about HUN SEN? There is nothing new because HUN SEN will trade Khmer land for his power! Since he did it with the Vietcong and I won't be surprised if he did it with the Thaicong!

Either way the Khmer people will always be a loser! I never accept the fact that Khmer people born to be a loser but after carefully studying Khmer history and it is the Khmer leaders who are a loser and it them who continue to fail Khmer people!

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen has protected the 4 million Illegal Yuon-Immigrants who live & vote for CPP.
At the West Hun Xen send Koun=Khmer
armed forces without properly war-kit
to protect Preah Vihear.
It is that we call :" Patriotism " to defend the Cambodia Sovereignty ?
In the meantime Youn is processing its Vietnamization in Cambodia .
Prey Nokor was taken 50 yrs to become
Saigon of Youn expansionist.

Anonymous said...

During the operation of K5,year 80,
Khmer-Innocents were lost more than 200,000 lives .
How much this time Koun-Khmer will be killed in this conflick ?

Anonymous said...

10:29AM! I AGREE WITH YOU 100%.Hun sen allowed yuon to settle in Cambodia by the millions and even have right to vote , and always threaten whoever dare to say something about that.We don't condone the Thai's incursion on our soil ,but if we compare to what ah HUN SEN deal with yuon,we Cambodians are much more dangerous of being wipe out from yuon than from Thai.HUN SEN is a curse to the khmer's survival.