Sunday, July 20, 2008
By Seth Mydans
International Herald Tribune (Paris, France)
"This of course is a very dangerous game. A troop buildup is a very dangerous game. It's a very stupid way for Thailand to deal with an important neighbor" - Chris Baker, a British historian of Thailand, speaking of Thailand main opposition partyKANTHARALAK, Thailand: Hundreds of Thai and Cambodian soldiers faced off at the ruins of an ancient Hindu temple here this weekend in a modern-day echo of the age-old clash of empires across Indochina.
The temple, high on a bluff on a disputed patch of border, was the prize, but the target was more prosaic: an embattled government in Bangkok, where political insurgents are using a historical dispute as a weapon.
Once lit, the fires of nationalism have spread in both nations; old grievances have flared, and troops and heavy weapons have been mobilized in the mists above the jungle.
On Saturday, truckloads of reinforcements could be seen heading toward the temple, called Preah Vihear, on both sides of the border. Tense moments have been reported when weapons were aimed within the temple complex. The prime ministers of both nations have exchanged stern notes, hardening their positions.
The Cambodian government has taken its complaint to the United Nations, saying that Thai troops have intruded onto its territory. For his part, the Thai prime minister, Samak Sundaravej, insists that the area is Thai.
Neither government wants a shooting war, and they planned to talk Monday to try to ease the standoff. While Thailand is enduring its slow-burn political crisis, Cambodia is preparing for a general election Sunday, and the opposition there is also waving a nationalist flag.
But in Bangkok, the political damage has already been done: The resignation of a cabinet minister, a censure debate in Parliament and accusations of national betrayal have further weakened a shaky, ineffective government.
"The Democrats have used this quite dishonestly to get at the current government," said Chris Baker, a British historian of Thailand, speaking of the main opposition party. "This of course is a very dangerous game. A troop buildup is a very dangerous game. It's a very stupid way for Thailand to deal with an important neighbor."
Sovereignty is a volatile issue in a region where dominance has shifted over the centuries among empires in what are now Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.
"The dark side of nationalism is as dangerous as ever," said Thongchai Winichakul, a historian and author of "Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-Body of a Nation."
Cambodia, which has been annexed throughout history by its neighbors on both its eastern and western borders, is particularly sensitive, and its temples are a source of national pride. They symbolize its last period of greatness, under the Angkorean kings, which ended with a Thai invasion in the 15th century.
Just five years ago, mobs in Cambodia burned down the Thai Embassy because of rumors that a Thai actress had claimed Thai sovereignty over Cambodia's greatest temple, Angkor Wat.
The catalyst of today's confrontation seemed mild enough: the naming of the Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage Site, a designation that is meant to preserve historical monuments, not to call out armed soldiers.
The temple itself, built between the 9th and 11th centuries, is unlike any other. It is an ornate, sagging ruin of broken pillars and sweeping roofs that stands alone on a finger of rock, high above the forests of the Dangrek Mountains.
It was consecrated to the Hindu god Shiva when it was built, but, like other temples in the Angkorean period, was converted to Buddhist use.
Questions of sovereignty are complicated by the temple's location at the top of a sheer, 500-meter, or 1,640-foot, cliff. It is almost inaccessible from Cambodia, but it is reachable through Thailand by a comfortable drive over a smooth, paved road.
On June 17, Unesco placed the temple on its list of protected monuments, or World Heritage sites. It was responding to a bid from Cambodia that included a disputed map drawn up by French colonial rulers in 1907.
Legally, the temple has belonged to Cambodia since 1962, following a ruling in its favor by the International Court of Justice in the Hague. The French had left Indochina seven years before, and the temple had been occupied in the interim by Thai soldiers.
The Thais were forced to withdraw, and the court's decision has rankled in Thailand ever since. The validity of the French map and the court's logic have been questioned, and the focus is now on 4.6 square kilometers, or 1.8 square miles, around the temple that were not specifically covered in the ruling.
In a strangely passive response last month, the Thai government failed to insist on joining Cambodia as a bidder for the Unesco designation and signed off on the questionable map Cambodia presented.
This was fuel enough for the Thai opposition, which says, without real evidence, that a back-room deal had been struck and that the man behind it was the country's most prominent wheeler-dealer, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.
Thaksin, who was deposed in a coup in 2006, remains a player in business and politics, and he does have financial interests in Cambodia. The man who let Cambodia's bid slip through - and who was forced to resign as a result - was Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama, once Thaksin's personal lawyer.
The embattled prime minister, Samak, is also seen by his critics as Thaksin's proxy, and, under pressure from the opposition, he has begun talking tough.
Having earlier called the nationalist protesters crazy, Samak sounded a nationalist note on Friday, saying that the Cambodian presence at the temple "is a continued violation of Thailand's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
The Dangrek mountain range and the high plains in Thailand that lie beyond it are home to dozens of lesser temples in Khmer style, including two in Thailand that Cambodia laid claim to in 2003. Experts say there are 15 more overlapping locations along the nations' 805-kilometer border that need to be resolved.
But Preah Vihear, in its majesty and geographical ambiguity, has been the symbol for both sides' claims of dominance.
"The Preah Vihear temple is part of a wounded history of Thailand and Cambodia," said Charnvit Kasetsiri, a historian at Bangkok's Thammasat University.
That history - as the troops and heavy weapons deployed at the temple show - has not yet receded into the past.
I would like to share my own opinion about the disputation between Thai and Cambodia. I have the pessimistic feeling for the meeting of the both country on monday next week in Sra Keo province. WHY? Because there are many reasons:
1) The General Anupong Padjinda, supreme commander of Thai Army said we must send more soldier to the disputed area to presure on Cambodia side for their negotiation.They don't have willing to deal this problem by fair and equality.
2) The prime minister of Thai, Samak Sundaravej said for replying letter to Mr. Hun Sen that The Kirisvarak Pagoda called ( Wat Pra Sat Preah Vihear) is locted in Thai sovereignty. But the real situation, it is in Cambodia sovereignty by legal of international law (ICJ decision 15 June 1962, The Franco-Siam treaties in 1904 and 1907, 46 years without proclaim this area belong to their country) and the historical area ( The Cambodian people have been living there too long year ago).
3) The representative of Thai for this meeting is Genaral Boonsang Niempradit. He is just a deputy chairman of Thai's GBC only, he does have the power to decide their decision and ordre to the thai soldier. the main powerful is in the hand of General Anupong Padjinda, a supreme commander of Thai Army.
4) The most powerful man is General Anupong Padjinda, not Prime minister Samak Sundaravej. Samak is hasitate to decide because he faces many enemies such The General of Army group, politicians of opposite party, King Phomvibol Adulyadeth, Adhisit Vejjajiva, leader of PAD and so on.
So it mean this meeting on monday in Sra Keo in null value for the both country.
According these points, we put the question how to deal this tension? the answer:
The firstly, the both country must try to find the solution by faithful negotiation. if no solution the both country must complain to ASEAN, UN's security council, ICJ(international Court for Justice) and UN because the both country are a member of ASEAN and UN. So the both country must respect the UN rule and UN's decision. if the any country don't respect the UN's desicion, The UN must kick out that country from the UN's member like UN has done on Taiwan and then UN must the UN's force to disputed area such KFOR at Kosovo in Serbia, UN's force at Darfu in Sudan and Estern Timor and so on. UN must protect the small and weakness country by international Law. I think it is the time for Cambodia follow this way to prevent the civil people and soldier life of the both country.
I hope the both will be glad to get this cool solution, they don't want to fight because of provoking of some small ultra-nationalist group. These small group don't represent the whole country. They are a just a small group who want to get power by using the extreme nationalist idea, they don't care the civil people, soldier life, economic in their country and whole area. They are the idiot people!!!
From Ramy, Chungnam University, South Korea.
We, Khmer as the ownership of the Preah Vihear and the land surounding, sould not negotiate with As Siamese Thieves as long as their troops continously present in our territory. Ah Siams PAD, SAMAK's must resposible for these causes (we understood all their cunny tricks), most of your Militaries are now holding one way tickets, then the rest we'll push them off the clift head first. Do not intermidate us by forces, we, as an owner of property did not afraid of you, even a gooss bum. My plea to dear Khmer GV'T! personal is! if We have to negociate with Ah Siamese please not accept any Siamese conditions, such as widrawal of Khmer populations, Troopers and removing the Pagoda exct....!. They are the one who have to: totally widrawal of troopers from Cambodian territory and shut up period!. We're feeling fresh of pain during 1979-80 when they have poured us to dead at the clift near by, thousands of them had died by the slauther of their Soldiers, Hundreds of them had been rept end killed by their Militaries, Khmer compatriots our wound is once again oppened by the Siamses criminal thieves. We must defence our homeland. Be courage as Khmer!!!We're with you dear bilove Soldiers!
it look to me like thailand love to bully cambodia since our independence from france. there a method this their bullying and incursion on cambodia's rights and sovereignty. for example, the article above gave a good example of what i am saying here when it stated that thailand occupied the preah vihear temple and area after 7 years since france granted independence to cambodia. this is one of the evidence that thailand's bullying cambodia thinking they can just push cambodia around any way they want without regards to our rights as a free nation. because of this cambodia were smart enough to use the international law and justice to tell thailand to back off, to go back home when the icj ruled in our favor in 1962. so, this despicable violation by thailand on cambodia seem to creep back in recent time as thailand do not want to see cambodia has any right to list our preah vihear for world heritage site because not only thailand is envious of cambodia's success, they also want to keep cambodia poor, underdevelopped and one level below them because a strong cambodia can fight them back. so, it is better to keep cambodia weak and poor, so we can not reclaim our lost old khmer provinces back. but, i think what goes around comes around eventually as history has shown. even a great civilization has its doomsday as nothing can last forever, given the nature of things and people do die of old age as well. plus, nowadays, people demand modern and high standard of living, this is an indication of further changes are inevitable.
anyway, because of what thailand have done to us and still wanted to do more harm and destruction on cambodia, khmer people will always hate and distrust the thai. so, it's only natural for us to love those you show loves toward us and do good to us, and those people like thailand who wishes harm on cambodia will get in return what the wish upon us. karma, what goes around comes around. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people.
preah vihear is no place for political posturing by thailand. it is so violated the international law, the treaty of 1904 - 1907, the icj verdict, etc... thailand lost, give it up already, no part of preah vihear yours, also stop violating the treaty of 1907! thailand can not win, give it up!!! go cry until both your eyeballs fall off, it's not yours and never will be; no part of it is yours, the surrounding area belongs to cambodia as well in according to the icj verdict, the treaty of 1907 etc... god bless cambodia.
It is interesting how the idiot (Set Mydans) view Cambodia being invaded by Thai, Lao, and Viet, but not the French.
What the idiot ignored is Thai, Loa, Burmese, Viet, and France are just allies of different Khmer Factions that can't stand each other and preferred to be independence of each other..
Yes dear compatriots Ah Siamese ignored Cambodian right, they don't wanted to see Khmer get prosperer because they aware of themselves are perching on someone branch, they are attempting to faulsify History since day one to proclaim they are the pure Khmer Nation; we, Khmer (Cambodians)they portrayed as a KHOM Nation then they're trying to be nice with us, at the mean time they're looking way to reconquer Angkor Watt and the others provinces which they relentlessly claim theirown territories. Down Ah Siamese!!!
That's right, if you want rights, just get the fuck out of Issan Province.
Thai, better watch out! Those are not monks, they're soldiers! You don't want to know what's underneath that robe. This is our military strategy and intelligence combine.
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