Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thailand and Cambodia to meet to resolve miltiary stand off at Preah Vihear Temple

July 16, 2008
The Nation

Thai-Cambodia General Border Committee (GBC) will convene a special session next Monday in Sa Kaew province of Thailand to defuse the military stand-off at the Preah Vihear temple.

The military stand-off entered the second day on Wednesday.

The GBC - a bilateral mechanism which is co-chaired by the Thai and Cambodian Ministers of Defense, or their representatives, and meets on a regular basis, was initially scheduled to hold its next session in August 2008, according to the Foreign Ministry.

The special session was called after Cambodia alleged that Thailand has deployed some 200 troops into "disputed area" near the Hindu temple. Phnom Penh also boosted 300 armed forces into the area to confront with their Thai counterparts.


Anonymous said...

KIll them all! Every thai dog!

Unleash the dogs of war.

Anonymous said...

"The Thai troops could leave the Cambodian territory only after they signed documents to admit their incursion," local newspapers Wednesday quoted him (Khieu Kanharith)as saying.

=The Thaicong army is weak because they try to use the Thaicong protesters as human shield! Why would the fucken Thaicong army want to go to war by hiding among the Thaicong protesters? Why?

The fucken Thaicong army is cheaper than a terrorist by hiding themselves among the unarmed Thaicong civilians and hoping that Cambodian soldiers would shoot the unarmed Thaicong civilians so that the Thaicong army can claim their righteousness!

Fuck all you Thaicong mother fucker and you are cheaper than a terrorist for putting your unarmed civilian in harm way! And it is no wonder the Muslim militants in Southern Thailame will target any Thaicong civilians because this is how the Thaicong army behaves by hiding among their population!

There is no such thing as overlapping area according to the world map of 1904 and 1907 ruled by the world court! I suggest the fucken Thaicong army get the hell out along with their sorry arse Thaicong unarmed civilians who are being use as human shield!

Fear no Thaicong!

Anonymous said...

YEAH Kill the thai dogs . everyone of them. That way we can claim we committed genocide on the thais. Bigger than Hitler, Rwanda, armenia, darfur combined.

We dont mind making history again. world record for killing all thai dogs.

Death to thais. Death to the dogs.

Every single one of that fucking thieving race be wiped off the face of the earth.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am sure that your monkey just loves to commit suicide as usual.

Anonymous said...

1:55 AM...

It is interesting that the khmers in thailand call khmers monkeys. Are you not the same. You see when a couple is devorced, each side sould keep half of the properties. It is unacceptable and stupid that khmers in thailand gave all lands they got from the devorce to the thais instead of building a new nation of their own like what khmers in Cambodia did. This should that more khmers on the Cambodia are the children of the old educated and smart people that built many khmers ruins in the region. Regarding the Preah Vihear temple. It is correct that it is a the border line. Both parents would want it. That is why they have to go to court and let the court to decide. Unfortunately, the khmers in Thailand did have country of their own and they let the Thais go to court on their behave. The result is they lost. So, illegally now the temple belongs to Cambodia. Period. Want to say? Go to court in Geneva.

Anonymous said...

Correction to 2:59 AM

It is interesting that the khmers in thailand call khmers monkeys. Are you not the same. You see when a couple is devorced, each side sould keep half of the properties. It is unacceptable and stupid that khmers in thailand gave all lands they got from the devorce to the thais instead of building a new nation of their own like what khmers in Cambodia did. This SHOWS that more khmers on the Cambodia side are the children of the old educated and smart people that built many khmers ruins in the region. Regarding the Preah Vihear temple. It is correct that it is a the border line. Both parents would want it. That is why they had to go to court and let the court to decide. Unfortunately, the khmers in Thailand did NOT have country of their own and they let the Thais go to court on their behave. The result was that they lost. So, LEGALLY now the temple belongs to Cambodia. Period. Want to say? Go to court in Geneva.

Anonymous said...

No, when you get divorce and married to a new spouse, your asset is now belong to the marriage. What do you mean unacceptable? It is none of your business what the Khmer People in Issan does with their part of assets.

As for the court, don't worry, the case will be open again, unless someone wants to see bloods spilled all over the temple and the area or even the entire region again.

Anonymous said...

3:35 AM...

Of course, the thais really want to see the khmers bloods spilled over the temple. Don't you see.

By the way, it is my business too because I am more Khmer than you.

Anonymous said...

3:35 AM....

It is stupid to give all you have to someone invading your house. I don't think all khmers in thailand feel like you.

Anonymous said...

4:20, how can you be more Khmer than anyone in Issan Province when you are trying to wipe out the Khmer culture everyday?

Stop embarrassing yourself here.

Anonymous said...

4:52 AM..

Stop embarrassing yourself here. I can speak and write Khmer. Can you do the same? Speaking and writing Khmer alone means that I am protecting khmer culture. If you don't speak or write khmer, how can you be more khmer than me? You are loosing your culture everyday to the thais. Don't you know that? Can khmers in Issan region be allowed to learn khmer? By the way, Issan is a region, not a province. Take thailand geography again.

Anonymous said...

After the meeting to save the Siam face for their stupidity, just pickup the dead monkey and the blown up leg and go back to Siamland.

If the ICJ ask you Siam to leave Cambodia territory, that will not help your economy.

Yes you go it right Siam economy is at the mercy of the foreigner!!!

Anonymous said...

If I'm Hun Sen,
I would not meet the bestard Thais at the border. I'll take them to the Hague and UN. Therefore, they will be a shame once more time just like in Ville de Quebec. Thais are most ignorant people in the world. They know nothing about history except theirs fake one.

Khmer NY