Thursday July 24, 2008
Bangkok Post
Thailand lobbied members of the United Nations Security Council yesterday, seeking support for its position that the row with Cambodia over a disputed border area near Preah Vihear temple should be resolved through bilateral talks.
Deputy Prime Minister Sahas Bunditkul had separate meetings with the foreign ministers of China, Russia, the United States, Indonesia and Vietnam on the sidelines of the meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) in Singapore.
All five countries agreed Thailand and Cambodia should solve the conflict through bilateral talks, the Foreign Ministry quoted Mr Sahas as saying.
China, Russia and the US are Asean's dialogue partners and permanent members of the Security Council. Indonesia and Vietnam are non-permanent members. Vietnam chairs the council until the end of the month.
Bangkok-based diplomats from 13 countries sitting on the UN Security Council met with foreign affairs permanent secretary Virasakdi Futrakul at the Foreign Ministry yesterday.
They were told the dispute over the 4.6 square kilometre area at the border, between Si Sa Ket's Kantharalak district and Cambodia's Preah Vihear province, was a bilateral issue, the ministry said.
Only two Security Council members, Costa Rica and Burkina Faso, did not attend the meeting at the ministry. The two countries do not have embassies in Bangkok.
Thailand's meeting with the council members took place only hours before the council, sitting at the UN in New York, was scheduled to decide (early today Thai time) whether to put the border conflict on its agenda at the urging of Cambodia.
Thai ambassador to the UN Don Pramudwinai said from New York that he expected the council to accept the Cambodian request.
He said if the council agrees to consider the case, Thailand and Cambodia could be called to give information before council members on Monday.
The ambassador said Cambodia had tried to force Thailand to accept the 1904 map drawn by France in demarcating the area.
Thailand considers that map puts it at a disadvantage in any talks to settle the boundary with Cambodia near the temple because it does not use the watershed as the border line.
The General Border Committee (GBC), chaired by the two countries' defence ministers, is a key body for resolving border conflicts.
But talks between Supreme Commander Gen Boonsrang Niempradit and Cambodian Defence Minister Tea Banh on Monday in Aranyaprathet district of Sa Kaeo province failed. Another meeting is plannedr next month.
However, Mr Virasakdi told the 13 diplomats at the ministry that at least Thailand and Cambodia had agreed in Sa Kaeo that their soldiers would not use force and remain peacefully in the overlapping area.
Gen Boonsrang strongly opposed Cambodia's move to bring the issue to the UN Security Council. Doing so could make it difficult for the two countries to solve the problem, he said before leaving for Indonesia.
''The best way to solve the problem is for it to be resolved by the two countries. Third parties should not step in until there is a deadlock,'' he said.
Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej was optimistic about prospects for talks with Cambodia on the temple row after the election there set for Sunday.
Mr Samak said all moves made by Cambodia, including the remarks by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen that Thai soldiers were on its territory, were geared towards the poll.
Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said in Singapore that the group wanted the two countries to ''find their own solution at the bilateral level'' and avoid any action that could trigger a full-blown confrontation.
Deputy Prime Minister Sahas Bunditkul had separate meetings with the foreign ministers of China, Russia, the United States, Indonesia and Vietnam on the sidelines of the meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) in Singapore.
All five countries agreed Thailand and Cambodia should solve the conflict through bilateral talks, the Foreign Ministry quoted Mr Sahas as saying.
China, Russia and the US are Asean's dialogue partners and permanent members of the Security Council. Indonesia and Vietnam are non-permanent members. Vietnam chairs the council until the end of the month.
Bangkok-based diplomats from 13 countries sitting on the UN Security Council met with foreign affairs permanent secretary Virasakdi Futrakul at the Foreign Ministry yesterday.
They were told the dispute over the 4.6 square kilometre area at the border, between Si Sa Ket's Kantharalak district and Cambodia's Preah Vihear province, was a bilateral issue, the ministry said.
Only two Security Council members, Costa Rica and Burkina Faso, did not attend the meeting at the ministry. The two countries do not have embassies in Bangkok.
Thailand's meeting with the council members took place only hours before the council, sitting at the UN in New York, was scheduled to decide (early today Thai time) whether to put the border conflict on its agenda at the urging of Cambodia.
Thai ambassador to the UN Don Pramudwinai said from New York that he expected the council to accept the Cambodian request.
He said if the council agrees to consider the case, Thailand and Cambodia could be called to give information before council members on Monday.
The ambassador said Cambodia had tried to force Thailand to accept the 1904 map drawn by France in demarcating the area.
Thailand considers that map puts it at a disadvantage in any talks to settle the boundary with Cambodia near the temple because it does not use the watershed as the border line.
The General Border Committee (GBC), chaired by the two countries' defence ministers, is a key body for resolving border conflicts.
But talks between Supreme Commander Gen Boonsrang Niempradit and Cambodian Defence Minister Tea Banh on Monday in Aranyaprathet district of Sa Kaeo province failed. Another meeting is plannedr next month.
However, Mr Virasakdi told the 13 diplomats at the ministry that at least Thailand and Cambodia had agreed in Sa Kaeo that their soldiers would not use force and remain peacefully in the overlapping area.
Gen Boonsrang strongly opposed Cambodia's move to bring the issue to the UN Security Council. Doing so could make it difficult for the two countries to solve the problem, he said before leaving for Indonesia.
''The best way to solve the problem is for it to be resolved by the two countries. Third parties should not step in until there is a deadlock,'' he said.
Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej was optimistic about prospects for talks with Cambodia on the temple row after the election there set for Sunday.
Mr Samak said all moves made by Cambodia, including the remarks by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen that Thai soldiers were on its territory, were geared towards the poll.
Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said in Singapore that the group wanted the two countries to ''find their own solution at the bilateral level'' and avoid any action that could trigger a full-blown confrontation.
Fucker monther Thais!!!
We, Khmer citizens do not agree with your shit proposal. You are very playful. Down Thais!!!
From Mr. Hammer
Thai guys,
You are too smart to accept by Khmer citizens.
Go to hell piggy Thais!!
We, Khmer citizens, don't want to talk with piggy-head Thais. They are bullshit, they are playing around, they are forceful, they are silly, they are deaf and blinded, they are show-off.
We are really fed-up
Go to hell Thailand!!
Go to hell Thai King!!
Cambodia should not let it guard down, there is way too much Thai troops along our border.
Hun Sen need to send troop there also.
Why Thai do expect that the problems could be easily solve after the 27 July? I'm very scare of that expression. I Hope Cambodian stil stand strongly to this problems. This is nation issue, and it should not play as the political game. I'll vote for you, the government, but if you make our land, reputation,... lose to Thailand after you won't the election, i NO LONGER VOTE for you. And I believe you will lose your popularity plus hatred from the whole population of Cambodia. We are proud of you if you could make this good job for Cambodia.
why are thai guys are so scared to bring the case to the UN. If you think the map you draw by yourself is correct, you should try to get it recognised by the ICJ and the international communities. And you should be braved enough to defend that the France-Siem map in 1907-1908 is totally wrong in front of the ICJ.
Cambodia is on the right track to seek third parties for solving this problem with stronger Thailand. Absolutely, Stronger always say bilateral talk, but weaker always involve third partirs to assist. Thailand all the time rejects the 1904 and 1907 map drawn by France recignized by the ICJ and Thailand itsefl, Thai King signed it. In contrary, Thailand force Cambodia to give up that map and to recognize map drawn by Thailand itself. This is deadlock already. The talk could be moved bcus how to talk if there is no legal ground? That's why, Cambodia need third parties to be involved.
Dear Khmer patriots inside country and abroad! Pls keep in mind that Thailand has very ambitious plan to create 'CALATHAI' community instead of INdochina by Vietnam ( CALATHAI= Cambodia + Laos_ Thai). This stupid concept is reflected from the article from Bangkok Post written by Dr.Somkiati Ariyapruchya on Wed Jul 23, 08. So, our patriot! Cambodia now in denger b/w 2 wild tiger and wolf states. How all Khmer people and Leaders to react against the so degerous and ambitous plan of both states? Cambodia could be disappeared from the international map unless we have strong leader with clear vision and strategies ahead. The assistance from the Our King is the must. But some Khmer politicians are scared of him all the time bcus of his rpopular and reputation.
Cambodia: Help there are theives in my house!!!!!!
Thailand: We just come here to rob not to steal. You idiot!! dare to scream!!! You crying wolf!!!
ASEAN: Let the Robbers rob the victim bilaterally and peacefully.
Reported by Bang Cock Post and the Nut-tion...
What type of question is that, 8:34?
The question should be why is the monkey in Cambodia is afraid to take a civilized step-by-step procedure to resolve the dispute.
I'm very happy with Cambodia's gov't decision making. The next thing they should do is take the shameless Thai bitches to the Hague. They want bilateral resolve, so they can cheat Cambodian. I just can't believe this Thai shit! draw their own map and wishing Cambodia would accept it. What is their new map going to be in the next 10 years or so? It's too bad these bestards can't fool Cambodia any more!
United we stand Khmer!
8:42AM. Thais have never been Hindu, Thais're from black river now in North Vietnam. Preah Vihear and Si-Saket are Khmer territory.
Do you know what is civilizing? The monkey Bhumibol created PAD's neo-Nazis to protect him and his family only.
Thais are theives and respect no law.
No No, the question should be why monkey Thai is afraid to take this case to UN? we have solve the case biliterally but nothing fruits.
It is really senseless to continue any argument with any thai citizens about any Khmer heritage. The stupid thai people know so well that all ancient monuments were built and established by Khmer kings. And the yhais are robbers of the ancient time and up to the modern time. Go to hell you damn thai.
We've attempt to resolved this in 1962 but to no avail.
It's pointless talking to you people.
The best I can do is to tell you to go "fuck your master and yourself!" You're just another Thai slave who can't comprehend.
To Cambodians,
Try everything you can to put the issues to the world bodies (The United Nations' Security Council / the UNESCO and regional grouping).
Little or No Bilateral Talks with the Thais. Diplomatic efforts have to go on. Cambodia is weak and it is hard to confront with the Thais militarily, economically, and ideologically. We have to resort to the WORLD BODIES.
Remember, Khmers Brothers, your ancestors' advice:
CHEN MIN CHAOL KBUON – YUON MIN CHAOL PUT – AH SIAMS MIN CHAOL CHE CHEV. Do not talk with Thais too much. But Talk to the world, and let the world understand Thailand's greedy monster.
Cambodia's diplomatic efforts in case the Preah Vihear have taken effect, causing the Thais to have started meaningless and aimless reaction.
Bringing the issue to the UN Security Council could make it difficult for the two countries to solve the problem? What a joke.
What Gen Boonsrang trying to say is “Bringing the issue to the UN Security Council could make it difficult for Thailand to bully Khmer”
The thais do not want the mater to be brought to the UN because they know they will be embarrassed on world state.
Hey khmers,
you know what? We scare of UN and we scare of ICJ, but guess what? your leaders in cambiidia even scare of what my PM has in his hands-you know secrets that your leaders will beg us not to reveal becoz he's don want to be ousted or called traitors!
heheheh....... See why you'l finally be defeated by your addicted-power and uncivilized leaders!!!!!!!!
Thai Supreme
Dear 8:38am,
I love your comments man! Keep it up!
You know most Americans love to go to Thailand! Especially
"BANG COCKS" Asia's largest red light district. What a beautiful country "Thailand", built their economy on "BANG COCKS".
to Thai down
You can only bark because you have no evidents to prove. No things secret between these two government. Samak barks because he has no choice to get his government survive from PAD and coup d'etat.
Lol look back to your action
I totally agree with you!
Everyone on this post had the opportunity to remind these idiots who can't seems to grasp the word " belongs to" much less tried to teach them our history. Give it up my fellow Khmer! The more we expose our history to them the more they recorded (copy) and play it back to their next's generations. So, all in all.... the less they know the better.
No bilateral talks again! Cambodia gains nothing it just dragging the problem longer.
No bilateral talks again!
To : 8:59 AM
SAMAK: I have some secret in my hand about HUN SEN. You know what the secret is? He and I used to go to Patpong together, but he dare not fuck the ladyboys and I dare to do Hun Sen is coward..Hahaha
Hun Sen: Please Brother SAMAK, don't reveal it to public, because I don't want the world know that Cambodia has no Ladyboys like your country.
Reported by Bang Cock Post and The Nut-Tion....
What the fuck with UN? Bilateral talke between Khmer and Thai?
Cause Thai is too flip flop to talk bilateral thats why Khmer went to the UN.
What is the point of UN?
To solve world's matter.
This time UN is bullshiting around.
Thats why American can't trust UN cause they are just waste of money.
Khmer Abroad,
Guys you should turn you attention to the build up of the thai troops along Cambodia border. (Leave the siam blogger for now. They don't have anything smart to say anyway.)
This is not a good sign, we should urge the Hun Sen government to send troops to the other part of the border too.
Remember that Thai are professional back stabber.
Bangkok Post sold its soul to the Royal Mafia in Thailand who created PAD's neo-Nazis and targetted Khmers about Preah Vihear for its own internal politic crisis.
Bangkok Post is doomed.
Thailand should be a free Republic Nation. This absolute monarchy destroys citizen lives. Without displaying Bhumibol picture Thai people will be terrorized. Many Thai students graduated with no jobs. Sad.
Thai Kingdom was created from robbing from Khmer empire and nations near by. Thais were migrated from black River. Thai people are kept in dark don't know the real history of their nation, they are taught to be arrogant or they are superior to Khmers to whom Thais stole everything from including the culture.
They falsefied the history, not knowing that they Thais were never been Hindu. How can Preah Vihear built by Hindu Khmer King belongs to Thais?
Read this article:
In addition, the PAD wants the military to have a permanent role of political oversight. The military would be removed from political control (by making the defence ministry independent of the Cabinet), and granted the right to intervene in politics to check corruption and to protect the monarchy and national sovereignty.
The PAD seems against the freedom of expression, and in favour of the use of abuse and intimidation to limit the freedom of xperession. This conclusion is based on the way PAD orators treat academics, actors or other public figures who disagree with its views. This tactic seems to
have been quite successful. Some critics have apologised. The press
has been generally rather uncritical of PAD's views and activities.
Dear Cambodian compatriots and Gov, we must go for 3rd party to help, to clearify and demacate the boundary of the two contries, without having 3rd party to involve, Our Cambodia will be encroached daily, Without international court 1962, we would not have chance to talk about Preah Vihear anymore, thia must grab Prah Vhear long time ago.
Farmer in Siem Reap.
News update,
Thai supperior soldier start to get malaria in Preah Vihear jungle.
Go down A SIAM
The siam is lobbying real loud but behind the scene they are massing troops trough all our border.
Hun Sen better sent our troops there too before it's too late.
Yea Hun Sen should send troops to the border we must protect our back.
You absolutely right they are preparing something fishy, we should send our troops too.
Hun Sen wake up, if you haven't send the troops to the rest of the border you should do so. The enemy is at the gate.
STFU, stupid monkeys, you can make all of the noise you want, but in the end the Temple will go back to the Khmer People in Issan Province.
Hello khmers!
Look at your neighbor from the SOUTH and East or the yuons.Aren't you concern at all about them.Your govt allowed them to settle in your country by the millions and even have the right to vote too,my question to all of your idiots is : Aren't you concern at all ? Didn't you think it's your immediate danger ? Your great lake(tonle sap) was taking over by yuon,don't you know that ?.Yuon conquered CHAMPA and yours will be next if i should remind you.Take a look at your leader,what has he done to your country? illegal immigrants,deforestation,oppression,corruption to the bones,make themselves millionaires,stubbornly stay in POWER.In all you are just a bunch rabble rousers.
fuck the thais, bunch of stupid ladyboys, an their stupid fuckin king. ur king is a decrepit old shit, the land belongs to us, pick us a history book u illiterate shits. why do u want our land so much, don't u have enough red light districts, why do u need more. Fuck u thais, fuck u all
General Boonsrang, who is he, dog or cat? siam want to solve problem with camboida bilateral level, how can it solve cause when negotiation 21 July 2008, siam party took the map 1979 for negotiation is he dog or law maker, how do they think about khmer, the best way to solve the problem give to United Nation not thai or Asean.
Fucking the King of Thailand(Siam) why you (King) sent your troops (King Bodyguard) come to Cambodia?
you want to solve crisis of Preah Vihear by diplomatic or by army?
You have idea to think or not?
11:28 AM
fuck your GAY king.
fuck your slippery King Father Sinhanorok.
Fuck your beggers spreading all over Bangkok.
Fuck you illegal khmer workers.
Thanks for the info 10:53am, you're sound like a western style. One question for you though, when are you going to help our Khmer Nation to become a little stronger to defend itself?
No doubt why your big brother Yuon made Angkor Wat Sandals, because you khmers have no respect for others' beloved one.
With our brother vIETS from the South and EAST and us from the WEST and NORTH, ah karmen will be doomed.I can smell CHAM now.Our brothers yuons had already started , and ah poor karmen have not even realize yet.What a pity.And their leader is a plus for us,what he has done over the years is cooprerate with yuons hahahahaha and he oppressed his people like hell.He let his polices beat the hell out of khmers krom monks who are a truly nationalist.
Fuck Bhumibol's ugly son is dying with Aid disease. Fuck Bhumibol's whore daughters the oldest, american whore and the ugly youngest who stole other women's husband.
Bhumibol and all his family are no Royal but commonners.
12;02PM. don't laugh at others if you know life is up and down.
Your brother Youn are part of China and they used to be China's slaves for thousand years.
The Thai Thieves need to go back to black river where you all belong.
Don't forget brother Youn will be washed away in the middle of the night by the Tsunami along the coast, and brother Thai theives will be burried alive by earthquake.
You are real fuck Thai who barks at your own king. How pity you are.
In less than 100 years from now ,ah karmen will cease to exist.Our Viets brothers will take the entire EAST side of the mekong and the rest will be ours.Our Viets brothers already had a firm grip on their land ,and they are genius in doing it ,they even had the protection from ah karmen leaders.Now ,let's talk about ah karmen true nature.They love to fight among themselve for sure ,and they are very mouthy.When we moved our troop in ,not a single shot was fire on us.We should have done it a long time ago.
What ever you guy cambodian said
I understand that one can not probably recognize
the merit, the virtue of someone
who donate all his life to develop the country to
became properous,well-being, educated etc, if one never receive this before. Especially, one who always has a bad dream or has
suffer experiences of his country histories.
We love and proud of our king,
He is the role model of thai people. We feel that we are the most luckiest people in the world that the heaven send the king to us.
In according to be the civilized people, and INDEPENDENT country.
we don't take your words in our mind. What we have to do now is to develop our country in every dimensions with the sufficiency economy and sustainable growth concept as the King's advisation
and protect Khao Phra Viharn and all thai border from the invasion.
There are also some mistaken among cambodian.
"Khom" is the ancient culture . This culture spread all over Northeastern and Central of thailand to central Cambodia more than a thousand year. Khom people build many Hindu style Palace, Temple etc. such as the Prasat Hin Pimai in Nakornratchasima Province, Prasat Hin Pha Nom Rung and Prasat Muang tum in Burirum Province , Prasat Pra Viharn in Srisaket Province.
so "Khom people" is not "Cambodian".
If one still doesn't realize,... learn more...can help.
We are ready to forgive all.
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