Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thailand ready to go to war with Cambodia?

Thai Air Force Prepared To Evacuate Cambodians

July 17, 2008

Komfie Manalo - AHN News Writer

Bangkok, Thailand (AHN) - If tensions over the disputed Thai-Cambodian border at the ancient Preah Vihear temple escalate into a shooting conflict, Royal Thai Air Force Chief Chalit Phukbhasuk said on Thursday the air force is prepared to repatriate Thai nationals living in Cambodia.

The Thai News Agency quoted Phukbhasuk as saying, "If the situation worsens, the Air Force can assist on a 24-hour basis and can lift out Thai nationals to repatriate them within one hour. Officials are now well prepared for the operation."

The Thai contingency plan was laid out as security officials, including Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, military commander, the supreme commander and the permanent secretary of defense, are trying to find ways to defuse tension with Cambodia.

Phukbhasuk advised Thais not to enter the disputed area as the situation is volatile.

Both Cambodia and Thailand have reinforced the number of their troops near the historic Preah Vihear temple, which was listed early this month by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Cambodia and Thailand both claim ownership of the 11th century temple which sits on Cambodian soil but is accessible from Thailand. The International Court of Justice awarded the temple to Cambodia in 1962, but the exact demarcation of the border was not fully settled.

Security in the area deteriorated when Cambodian soldiers briefly detained three Thai nationals, including a Buddhist monk who entered the site. The three were later released by Cambodia but refused to leave the disputed area.

Both Cambodia and Thailand have called for talks to defuse the tension over the temple and ordered troops stationed in the area to refrain from using their weapons unless fired upon.


Anonymous said...

"If tensions over the disputed Thai-Cambodian border at the ancient Preah Vihear temple escalate into a shooting conflict"

Another dumb thai air force chief.If it comes to a conflict then it is a declaration of war.
If they violate our airspace, we shoot them down!

Any subversive thai element on cambodian soil will be executed.

This is a message we should send out through the media.
Any thai postering will be met with force.

Air Force Chief Chalit Phukbhasuk tell your thai citizens in cambodia to pack their bags and leave.Dont even remotely count on your air force to even think of landing here.

Arrogant bastard!

Anonymous said...

No Royal Thaicong military Air Force will land on Cambodian soil with or without permissions to repatriate Thai nationals living in Cambodia. If these Thaicong national came by civilian airplane and they will go back in civilian airplane!

I repeat no Royal Thaicong military Air Force will land on Cambodian soil in violation of Cambodian sovereignty! Any fucken Thaicong military aircrafts land on Cambodian soil will be targeted!

Anonymous said...

I am a Khmer living in Issan region and a Thai citizen. I do agree with those Khmers living Preah Vihear Province. I think Preah Vihear Temple belongs to people living in Preah Vihear province. No body else who does not live in Preah Vihear province has a rights on deciding the ownership of the temple. Keep in mind the Preah Vihear Province do exist. It is in northern region of Cambodia. But, Issan do not exist. Only the region does. But, mostly Loas people live there. We khmers are small numbers compare to others in the region. I hope this is clear to my brother who claims to be Khmer Issan in Issan province. You don't represent all the Khmers living here. So, stop using the name Issan.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! there goes our oil money. It will be used for war just like Iraq, and we will be slave forever.

Anonymous said...

Right now the Siam is digging their head to find a way to withdraw their troop without losing face.

The withdrawal of their troops yes but saving their face NO.