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Thailand ready to shell out Cambodia?
Thai soldiers on a truck head to reinforce colleagues at a camp along the Thai-Cambodian border July 19, 2008. Thailand and Cambodia sent troops and heavy guns on Saturday to their disputed border, where hundreds of soldiers faced off for a fifth day over an ancient Hindu temple. REUTERS/Nopporn Wong-Anan
Thai soldiers sit in a truck towing a 105mm artillery gun during a convoy heading to reinforce soldiers at a camp along the Thai-Cambodian border July 19, 2008. Thailand and Cambodia sent troops and heavy guns on Saturday to their disputed border, where hundreds of soldiers faced off for a fifth day over the Preah Vihear temple. REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang
Thai soldiers sit in a truck towing a 105mm artillery gun during a convoy heading to reinforce soldiers at a camp along the Thai-Cambodian border July 19, 2008. Thailand and Cambodia sent troops and heavy guns on Saturday to their disputed border, where hundreds of soldiers faced off for a fifth day over the Preah Vihear temple. REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang
Thai soldiers sit in a truck towing a 105mm artillery gun in a convoy heading to reinforce soldiers at a camp along the Thai-Cambodian border July 19, 2008. Thailand and Cambodia sent troops and heavy guns on Saturday to their disputed border, where hundreds of soldiers faced off for a fifth day over the Preah Vihear temple. REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang
Thai soldiers on a truck head to reinforce colleagues at a camp along the Thai-Cambodian border July 19, 2008. Thailand and Cambodia sent troops and heavy guns on Saturday to their disputed border, where hundreds of soldiers faced off for a fifth day over the Preah Vihear temple. REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang (THAILAND)
Are our Thai brothers going to capture and occupy our Preah Vihear temple as their Golan Heights?
Golan Heights is Syria's border highland Israel captured in the 1997 seven day war and has since occupied.
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
this is truly a violation of cambodia's sovereignty. they think by showing of force will force cambodia to negotiate and lose our territory. look, it is our territory already in accordance to the franco-siamese treaty of 1904 - 1907 and the icj verdict. thailand has no right and by them using force like the pictures above show, let the UN deal with them for violation the international treaty. trust, thailand cannot and will be allow to win by the world and cambodia, together. i bet you on this!!! the world is already have contempt for thailand just by seeing this military build-up already. they can say whatever like they are protect their sovereignty or whatever. what soeverignty? it's not even theirs in accordance to the franco-siamese treaty of 1904- 1907 and the icj verdict. so there!!! they have not rights whatsoever!!!
Your Preah Vihear, 8:07? Your lost it to Thailand since the dark ages, remember?
god, it makes me laugh. all cambodia has to do is use the world diplomatic community and the law, watch thailand will automatically lose against cambodia. my dear, that's all it will take for cambodia to win, the use of the international law and the world's diplomacy. please be smarter than the siem thieves, cambdoia! we don't have to build-up troops like the siem thugs are doing now. we can just call upon the laws and the diplomatic circle and watch, thailand will lose both face and unlawful stealing of cambodia's belongings. god bless cambodia.
It is really sick to see shameless amd lawless nation (Tahi) who never bear their own promise or agreement but thinking of stealing or doing whatever they can as long as they can gain.
We will reclaim all our ancien Khmer empire territory back. Ah Siamese armies are holding one way ticket, we will pushe them down the clift as same as they were pouring our Khmer civilians inocent down, raped and killed at the clitf nearby during 1979-1980.
Bravo our brave Khmer Soldiers!! we are with you!,Down Ah Siamese!!down!!
That is sick, 8:38. You can't reclaimed your wife and property back when you got a divorce. So stop dreaming.
the siam army would like to test their physical skill "how fast they can run".
khmer and thai share alot in common back into history. But the thai is very foolish and very childish. They acted like a crying child who can't get a lollipop
8;50AM. You must have a very low IQ.
People divorced and remarried all the time. Thai took Khmer land, Khmers got it back. Shut the fuck fool.
Who are you to say these shit soldiers can scare Khmers?
Khmers and Siam will have war again sooner or later.
We have to build suicide bombs to attack ah Siam.
True, but only from mutual agreement, but the Khmer outside Cambodia will never agreed to remarried to the ugly monkeys in Cambodia. They are very very happy where they are at right now.
The Siam soldier are pretty bold before war, once the shootings start they will run like mad chickens.
In the 3rd photo, at least the moron is not looking at the riffle from the other side.
Haha.. hahah.. those trucks with soldiers an't scared Khmer Rouge of Kambuja at all.
I heard most poor Thai soldiers are ethnic Khmers, because they speak Khmers to Khmer soldiers.
Do you see how evils ah Siam are?
Send Khmers to fight Khmers.
Hah..don't worry our PM Hun Sen knows how draw blood.
God Bless our PM Hun Sen.
Go men shoot ah Siam thieves.
10:16am Hun Sen has more enermy with cambodian than the evil thai. He believe no god. He doesn't follow cambodian's law and internaional law. he hate u.n.
Stop the stupid blame, 10:16. It is in Khmer nature to fight each other and invite foreigners for help, and lost and money in the process.
Ok, now what should we do now for our country??? for me, i don't like Hun Sen but now we don't have a choice in this situation. i think only one way is support Hun Sen against Ah Siem and absolutely encourage our military to stand and protect our territory
Me too. I support and will vote for Hun Sen.
I think he should stay as PM and build strong armies, and recruit million soldiers.
God bless Hun Sen.
thai should show us ,thai Tank and air power to scare Hun Militery that croke by killing khmer blood,
let it be .
we never peace with YUON and THAI .
We must be ready for a protracted guerilla war again Thailand. We, especially Hun Sen, have a lot of experience in this type of war. Brother Thai muslims in South Thailand will definitely lend us help also(in encouragement and materials) since they too have to fight off Thai aggression and bully.
10:41AM. Are you speaking English or another new languages I have never read before?
Khmer have to do more advocate to Khmer native who are Surin and other provinces of Thailand. Brother Khmer Leu this is a good chance to make Siam know that they are in trouble internally. Joint hand with our Khmer soldier attacked back with the Siam in blood from the north and Bangkok, if the fighting errupted. I appreciate the local villagers around Preah Vihea who try to block the Siamese thieves from Bangkok.
Stand up Khmer! The government of Cambodia should mobilized the expeienced forces from KR and others to the border.
Bravo Khmer!
Thai Rak Thai
The Siam who has problem in English can write their comment in the Siam language.
I would like to appeal all Khmer brother and sister oversea to join hand together and mobilize all idea and forces by using all means to help our nation. We should not let the Siamese Thieves to invade our country in this modern time as in the Ancient Time. Khmer in good solidarity at this time rather than anytime since the 1970's. Bravo Khmer Nation! Defeated A Chaor Siam!
It looks like Cambodia is doomed now. Here come our heroes to protect our land from the monkeys from Cambodia who climbed our cliff to invade our land and steal our temple.
These thai soldiers have not got fire a shot at yet but they look dead already.
You know 11:30am, people feel embarrased when stealing other's property; but for monkeys, they don't feel embarrased for stealing even temple and land that are well known by the internationals. They still boast that the temple and land are theirs. Oh, by the way,did you say your monkey heroes?!
Let me remind the thais:
There is not a big possibility that a conflict will erupt because ASEAN, the UN would bring their influence to restrain both sides.
It is not in the interest of the thais to have a conflict. Once you give in to nationalistic fanatics, no one knows the outright war would wreak havoc.
thai economy would suffer a very serious blow. investors will pull out. thai stock market would crash and ruin millions of thais.Money will flow to other emerging nations. without economic clout no military clout. their main objective would be to feed their huge fat poulation.
thai become the pariah of the international community. Starting a war for the benefits of radical elements and national fanatism.
Condemnation from UN. who will be the thai allies?
Cambodians have been through war, deprivation and genocide. they can withstand the conflict.
thai threshold to pain and suffering is unknown. Do they have what it takes when the going gets tough. Bullies always flee when they lose their posturing
Cambodia is within her rights , internationally recognised by the world court and UN
Are the thais that foolish, willing to give up everything for jungle land.
But then again they have showed themselves to be very foolish many times
We cambodians are ready we are defending our legal and rightful territory
If i were HUN SEN and my military is strong,i will not go to the U.N or ASEANS nations for help , i will kick the Thai out since day 1 ,but , it's obviously that our military is not up to the task yet .Hun sen is not a true leader.His combat ability is minimal, after all he was just one of the khmer rouge junior officer and that's it.Under his leadership,khmer military was so neglected.Now, he learn the lesson.Cambodia has no Air Force,our troop is not well trained and clothing,some soldiers still wearing sandal at the front line,it's just pathetic.All the money from foreign donors end up in high ranking pockets.It's just sad.
These Siam soldiers look exactly the same the losing Siam soldiers in 3 Southern provinces. They can't even defeat small group of rebel Muslim, so how can they fight in the real war?????? They can't even scare cats & dogs away in Preah Vihear. Believe us, the Khmer will never scare or give up at all.
YOU Siam (thieve) are fighting a losing game. you will see the outcome & consequences and be shameful again.
So what are you Siam fighting for? Preah Vihear??? You should be ashame to yourself coz it is not the deed of your ancester. The world now know that you steal Khmer culture, Khmer temple & land. We know that The Siam are losing face and behave like a CRAZY DOG now.
We can count on china, permanent member of the un security council.
thai cannot count on the us their ally.
Look at the Three idiots in the last photos. haha They look freakin scared and worried not to go back to BangCock to fuck thai whores.
12:31 must be on drug. Thailand did not ceded any land to any Muslim, fool!
Only one word for Siem! they all are Stupid.
I will never use Thai products or service or visit Thailand. They all are two tricky, tow faces human.
Moneky Bhumibol a seed of thieves named Chakri an't no royal but commoners.
The monkey Bhumibol shot his older brother Ananda Mahidol on the head in cold blood. He came from family thieves then he always a thief. His bastard son is dying with HIV. Bhumibol respects no LAWS. He broke THAI LAWS and he outsted the elected official government PM Thaksin.
Viva Republic of Thailand
Dath to Thai Monarchy
Death to PAD's neo_Nazis
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