By Mean Veasna, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
17 July 2008
The UN human rights office called for a credible investigation into the shooting of an opposition journalist, noting that in the past such investigations have faltered.
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights called on the government to "conduct a prompt, thorough and credible investigation" into the murder of Khim Sambor and his son, who were gunned down Friday night on a street in Phnom Penh.
The murder two weeks ahead of a national election, "irrespective of the motive," could revive in people's minds "the fear of politics," the UN office said.
Ministry of Interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak said Thursday the investigation was continuing, but no motive has been established.
"The investigation is not remaining in darkness," he said.
The UN rights office said in its statement Thursday a credible investigation was warranted "in the context of the continued impunity for past killings of journalists."
Friday's killing follows the murder or attempted murder of at least eight journalists since 1994, the rights office said, "all cases in which the perpetrators continue to enjoy impunity."
Human rights groups told reporters Thursday "the assassinations of reporters and other opposition political activists causes weakness of the general situation of peace and causes fear among voters."
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights called on the government to "conduct a prompt, thorough and credible investigation" into the murder of Khim Sambor and his son, who were gunned down Friday night on a street in Phnom Penh.
The murder two weeks ahead of a national election, "irrespective of the motive," could revive in people's minds "the fear of politics," the UN office said.
Ministry of Interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak said Thursday the investigation was continuing, but no motive has been established.
"The investigation is not remaining in darkness," he said.
The UN rights office said in its statement Thursday a credible investigation was warranted "in the context of the continued impunity for past killings of journalists."
Friday's killing follows the murder or attempted murder of at least eight journalists since 1994, the rights office said, "all cases in which the perpetrators continue to enjoy impunity."
Human rights groups told reporters Thursday "the assassinations of reporters and other opposition political activists causes weakness of the general situation of peace and causes fear among voters."
Cambodia should seek the help of the FBI, to find the murderer.
We need justice for our country to prosper.
If Hun Sen doesn't care about the country we should vote him out as leader!
We need a leader who serve the interest of the country.
If Hun Sen does not do what the UN suggest him we will some hard time dealing with the Siam. Because only the UN has the necessary authority to kick the Siam out of our land.
"if you shoot, shoot, don't talk", from the Good, Bad and Ugly. Mr. Khim do the talking but Mr. Hun do the shooting. Can you reverse that sometimes?
By comment like this you help Hun Sen wins more votes.
You are such a bright asshole.
Cambodia need justice to progress, that's why the UN is right to push for a serious investigation.
The FBI is the right choice.
Please rest in peace both of son and
and father ,ONE DAY this crime will be paid in full.
Journalists supposed to be impartial, not assaulting on Democracy by taking side and deceiving the public. Thus, burn in Hell for your crime against Cambodia, motherfuckers!
Kanofshit is this the best investigation that you can come up with?
Cambodia is not a toy for the CPP to play with.
You and your boss need to be more serious, you are like a bunch of jokers!
It's incredible how you guys has no shame.
Well, what are you looking for?
Who say what?
I don't know.
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