Thursday, July 24, 2008

US says it will be guided by regional views in dealing with Thai-Cambodia dispute

Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Associated Press

SINGAPORE: The United States will be guided by the views of Southeast Asian countries in assessing a simmering Thai-Cambodia border dispute if it comes up for mediation in the U.N. Security Council, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday.

The border confrontation between Thailand and Cambodia is over a piece of land around an ancient Hindu temple that was designated a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. Thailand feared that such a designation would affect its claim over surrounding land.

Earlier this week, Cambodia wrote a letter to the United Nations seeking its intervention.

"We're going to be guided very heavily by the views of the countries in this region," Rice, whose country is a permanent member of the Security Council, told reporters during a visit to Singapore.

Rice's comments came hours after Thai Deputy Prime Minister Sahas Bunditkul said the U.S. and two other permanent members of the Security Council, China and Russia, had indicated to him that Cambodia had been too hasty in approaching the world body.

Rice, who is here to attend a security conference, did not directly comment on Sahas' statement but said she made it clear to Southeast Asian countries that the U.S. "will be very much interested in and, in fact, guided by the regional assessment of what needs to be done here," she said.

She noted the issue "hasn't really been taken up before the (U.N. Security) Council yet although there has been a potential request passed."

But "we'll continue to consult with the regional states," she said.

Thousands of troops have been amassed along the border in a tense standoff for just over a week. Cambodia has asked the Security Council to hold an emergency meeting next week to resolve the problem, a move that has irritated Thailand. It says the matter should be resolved bilaterally.

Thailand has also not allowed the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, to mediate in the dispute.

French U.N. Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert said Wednesday the 15-nation Security Council "should meet as fast as possible" based on Cambodia's request.

"We are in charge of peace and security, so, if we can diffuse the tensions and if we can prevent any development that could be dramatic for the region and for peace and security, we will do it and we think we have to do it," he said.


Anonymous said...

thailand had been bullyin other countries for quite sometime.thai P.Mister should realize everytime they started something withother countries they end up losing their own people life,especially military.thais people should think long term ,when you're mad at your own'n pick other countries to fight with .you thais must learn your own engender how to solved your problems at home.once you lose relationship with other countries it's hard to built that up,especially khmer,lao,and burma. you just can't called other people monkeys ,looked at yourself first and ask yourself am i better then them ? your not ,your still a chink just like every one of us in southeast asia.

Anonymous said...

Bravo French U.N. Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert. It's perfect comment as France know very very well Thailand'dirty ambition. Frankly speeking, absolutely, if no Frence at that time, Thailand swallowed all KHmer soil already. Frence got back some westernprovinces from Thialand. So, that's why Thais arecheated by false story invended by Thai king that Khmer's parts was belonged to Thailand.

As for U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, she has less experience and knowledge in Thailand and Cambodia issues.
How the regional assessment of what needs to be done if Thailand reject already while Cambodia insisted the involvement of ASEAN?
If UNSC is guided by ASEAN, it means Cambodia will be bound and beated by Thailand at its will.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Ms. Condoleezza Rice comprehend this matter deeply and wisely. The almost-provoked arm conflict been caused by Thailand, a Nation which refused to accept the fact that the temple and 4.6km around belong to Cambodia. No best mediation is better welcomed than abiding and respecting the verdict of ICJ and Franco-Siam treaty in 1904-1907. According to all of these, it obviously lawfully indicate undoubtedly that Cambodia owns everything here and Thailand jsut caused incidents of trespassing into Cambodia and then mass the troop in Cambodia land, an act of ENCROACHMENT DEFINiTELY.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all the country who support us. Cambodia is taking this invasion very seriously. It is our land that is at stake and this is no laughing matter for the people of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

We thank French U.N. Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert.

Your comment is logical. Your France knows Cambodia and Thailand very well. Cambodia was under your country's colonial rule for a century, so you really understand historical issues.

Ms. Condoleezza Rice is new to Asia, especially the Southeast Asia and IndoChina. Please take an indept study of What is Camboda, and what have made Cambodia suffer endless sufferings.

You all, superpowers - the US, the USSR (Soviet Union), France, China) involve in causing suffering to the Cambodian people because of YOUR Capitalist and Communist Ideology (Cold Wars)AND Your hegemonist and imperialist policy. It is time you ALL do something good to Cambodia.


To Cambodians,

Try everything you can to put the issues to the world bodies (The United Nations' Security Council / the UNESCO and regional grouping).

Little or No Bilateral Talks with the Thais. Diplomatic efforts have to go on. Cambodia is weak and it is hard to confront with the Thais militarily, economically, and ideologically. We have to resort to the WORLD BODIES.

Remember, Khmers Brothers, your ancestors' advice:

CHEN MIN CHAOL KBUON – YUON MIN CHAOL PUT – AH SIAMS MIN CHAOL CHE CHEV. Do not talk with Thais too much. But Talk to the world, and let the world understand Thailand's greedy monster.

Cambodia's diplomatic efforts in case the Preah Vihear have taken effect, causing the Thais to have started meaningless and aimless reaction.

Anonymous said...

Sure, the French is dying to sell you some of their scrap metal for war.

Anonymous said...

To 12:56PM

Hey! It is the French who save Cambodia from the Thaicong and the Vietcong! I don't give a fuck as long as the French scrap metal can beat the Thaicong scrap metal!

The French will always has a special place in Khmer history!

Anonymous said...

Use your brain son of a worm 12"56PM! If French want to sell their scrap metal here they would let the khmere rouge kille some of your copying black uniforme first!

See what the faked black uniform can not protected you with the malaria?

Their are more in the jungle than the maleria, boy!

Why you leaders are so stupi! Thai, if the case can solve by the 2 countries, why do you bring 1000's forces? why just talk?

And what's wrong with law right right away? You want to have people got kill first to be need help? You have a fuckup brain boy Thai!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If the Cambodia and Thai get into war! Khmere the one who would loose!

Fuking the Chinese and Siam live in the cities!

Anonymous said...

10:52am! You have got all wrong about our ancestors were saying.Here is what they were saying;