Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Witnesses in Shooting Under Protection

By Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
08 July 2008

Two Cambodian witnesses to last week's border shooting are under protection at the office of Cambodia's counsel to Thailand's Sra Keo province, Foreign Minsiter Hor Namhong said Tuesday.

Both witnesses were members of a group attempting to cross the Thai border Thursday, officials said.

Other witnesses have described being shot at by a Thai border patrolman, resulting in the deaths of It On, 25, and Chea Phal, 6. Thai officials have denied the border patrol was involved, suspecting instead an encounter with human traffickers in a dangerous region.

One of the witnesses now under protection is a brother of victim It On, said Tim Sareth, deputy director of the Ministry of Interior's Cambodia-Thai coordination office, in Bantey Meanchey province.

The witnesses were moved from Thai police custody on Monday, said Net Sarey, counselor to Sra Keo, who is now looking after them.

The witnesses are under supervision, fed and protected, he told VOA Khmer Tuesday.

The two witnesses are cooperating with a Thai border police request for a sketch of the alleged shooter, Net Sarey said.


Anonymous said...

"Thai officials have denied the border patrol was involved, suspecting instead an encounter with human traffickers in a dangerous region."

Sounds logical. The ugly monkey in Cambodia always get involved in illegals activities and blame other people for it when they get hurt.

Anonymous said...

As a Cambodian people, I will never buy Thai products, I will never use Thai service or even visit Thai.

Thai is GREEDY to get Khmer Territory.

I hope that this word will spread to every Cambodian mind. GREEDY Thai is trying to steal more Khmer land.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new, the Thais are notorius for shooting unarmed men and women.

Anonymous said...

To the Khmer Issan in this forum. You do not represent the thai people in general. We are the REAL Thais believe that only small group of thai politicians and others are trying to disturb the good relationship of the two countries. We have never been against Cambodia for the listing of the temple.

You are not thai's friend, but thai's slave. You are disgrace and bring bad reputation to our thai people. So, stop your stupid dream of getting the temple. It belongs to Cambodia, not your stupid slave of our king. It is wasting off our thais money and time to educate stupid people like you.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, you blind idiot. There are protest all over Thailand, and you say the Thai is not against the monkeys in Cambodia listing the Temple that belonged to the Khmer people in Issan province?

Anonymous said...

3:59 AM....Protest is protest. It serves someone's purpose, in this case - the opposition. Most thais are not stupid like you. Business is more important. We can not live without having good relations with our neigbours any more. Get real you worthless. You should be ashame to yourself. What grade in school did you finish?

Anonymous said...

3:59Am you are right the Thai are stupid and have metality as thieves

Anonymous said...

3:23am, I don't know what you're talking about! Are you trying to say that you guys know nothing about the protest against the listing of Phreah Vihear? oh my god?! Are you that stupid or just pretending? Don't try to hide it. we all know you have been like this through out the history. So don't try to clean yourselves!
By the way, I've seen you tried so hard to post the same things several times. Don't waste your time. Just to remind you, you thais are like this, two tongues!! Oh, may be not all thais are, sorry, but I think you really are!!
mmm, still here? Congratulation, you're really two tongues!

Anonymous said...

3:59am, yeah, It serves someone's purpose, in this case - the opposition. But wait a minute, isn't your opposition thai? Oh, if you talk about business,...what the heck your opposition is doing is all about business!! So, don't try to play two-faces game, you thief!

Anonymous said...

Life is not easy for the Siam, like it use to be.