Monday, August 04, 2008

BORDER DISPUTE: New Cambodian allegation

Monday August 04, 2008

Cambodia has accused Thai soldiers of occupying a second temple site in the disputed border area in a claim strongly denied by Thailand.

Sim Sokha, a Cambodia border protection unit deputy commander, said about 70 Thai soldiers on Thursday occupied the 13th century Ta Moan Thom temple in the northwestern province of Oddar Meanchey.

''They [Thai troops] said they will only pull back when the dispute involving the Preah Vihear temple is resolved,'' said Maj Sim Sokha yesterday by telephone from Oddar Meanchey province, about 470 kilometres northwest of Phnom Penh.

The temple is several hundred kilometres west of the ruins of the 11th century Preah Vihear Hindu temple, where Cambodian and Thai soldiers have been locked in a standoff for three weeks in a dispute over nearby land.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Tharit Charungvat yesterday rebuffed the Ta Moan Thom temple allegation, saying Thai soldiers had been stationed at the temple in Phanom Dong Rak district in Surin for years and there was no unusual military build-up in the area as claimed.

Mr Tharit said Thai soldiers have been deployed in an 80-metre radius around the temple grounds to prevent Cambodian troops from entering the area.

The fresh allegation was made one day after about 50 Cambodian soldiers and a group of Cambodian journalists contacted the Thai paramilitary rangers asking them that they be allowed to enter the restricted area on Saturday.

Their request was denied by the 26th regiment commander Col Kittisak Boonpratham on grounds that tensions were still high between the two countries. They should wait until the situation returns to normal, he said.

He was obviously referring to the dispute over the overlapping border area in Kantharalak district in Si Sa Ket and Cambodia's Preah Vihear province.

Khieu Kanharith, the chief Cambodian government spokesman, said he was aware of the new troop movements, but could not provide details.

He said his government will try to solve the issue through peaceful means. Although it is not as well known as the Angkor or Preah Vihear sites, Ta Moan Thom is also considered one of the architectural wonders of the ancient Khmer empire.

It was built in the 13th century as a rest house along a road linking the ancient Angkor city with what is today known as northeastern Thailand, said Chuch Phoeun of the Cambodian Ministry of Culture.

The Preah Vihear row erupted last month when Cambodia's application to have the complex named a World Heritage site was approved.

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej had backed the bid, sparking anti-government demonstrations.

About 800 troops from Cambodia and 400 from Thailand are still in the area despite an agreement between their foreign ministers last week to redeploy them in an effort to ease tensions.


Anonymous said...

"Cambodian SDtrong man..But weakest one with Foreigners.." .. Peaceful/patient non-violent means= mean Cowardice..."

Cambodian parts do not mind so much about territory.. main thing is Power among Cambodians... Positions within ministries which will be appointed soon after election.."

Anonymous said...

Very hurtful for Cambodian people. Why our country was located with the thief country? why God is unfair with us???????????

Mr. Hun Sen please hurry up to complain to UNSC and ICJ for facing from Thai's aggression. I beg you Mr Hun Sen, we can't cool with Ah Siam thief like this. We have to find the internationl community to deal this problem with international law.

Now you have won the election poll already, you must do it quiclky for khmer people that love and choose you. Hope you don't hesitate to complain to UNSC, UN and ICJ. Yours respectfully.

From Khmer Angkor

Anonymous said...

Let teach Siem a lesson. How the war is?

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun is responsible for this matter.

Anonymous said...

This is a Preah Vihear effect. Thailand will continue to take more land from Cambodia. Thai tactic has proved dividends. Thai leaders know that Khmer leaders are flattered on Preah Vihear issue.

They changed their foreign minister and called for urgent negotation between its counterpart Hor Nam Hong. Khmer leader withdrew complaints to the UN security council.

There is no doubt this military standoff will last years and Cambodia will not be able to leverage Preah Vihear to boost tourism sector and its aid-dependent economy.

Khmer leaders must learn this lesson and other lessons in history.

Kong Moeung

Anonymous said...

The siem country is a big mess. Muslim insurgent in the south, political carnage and Preah Vihear with Cambodia.

These assholes really want to die.

Anonymous said...

What's u stupid Cambodian government to do with this suituation. They need to act as strong as they did with poor people and monk in their own country.

Anonymous said...

to give a bloody war lession to Ah Siameses thiefs otherwise they are not realised they are big thiefs

Anonymous said...

Crazy Cambodia government, u r non-stop crazy cuz u never react to shit Siamese thiefs invaded our land. Die Hun Xen Govt!!!

Anonymous said...

As always -- if you're weak and vulnerable, you'll be taking advantage of (just like Hun Sen, his friends and families who are taking advantage of the poor and underpriviledged).

Moreover, what the Siam is doing to us is no difference from the Hun Sen's administration is doing to our pregnable people.

Those political elites are appears to be impregnable only among the most tenuous people like the impoverished ones.

Undoubtedly, these political elite groups are the most egregiously ignominious animals on the face of the earth.

Khmer farmer

Anonymous said...

Very bored for this new Cambodian military scam. If your soilders want war just DO IT!

A Thai

Anonymous said...

Commanders of Cam Armed Forces know well just Grab Lands from Poor People.....

Some Generals do not know how to read Map(simple topo- map......
This showed when looking for Craft airplane in the last few months... How can those generals would attack Siams?????

Siams Look down on Khmewr Governments due to their Bad Behaviours, inmcompetent Just fighting with Khmers to gain Power.....

Thais also want to test the Knowledge of all Khmer Phd. in various subject/Laws, intern. laws Polictics especially PHd from CHEA CHAMROURN UNIV. PPenh who produces many Phd./Honor. Phd, every months..
Thais Want to test many Generals.. how can they manage to protect their territory ?? hgow can they read Maps???

Thai wants to apply win-win policy written by Khmers(50% Thai, 50% Khmers, 100% wasd Khmer land)

Achar Knoy=Phd./Bandit from Chea Chamroeurn Univ., PPenh

Anonymous said...

11;28 am
Congrat. your comment....
100% right//

Anonymous said...

To the khom 2:50
You can not Decide by our ownselves, just your leaders order you to struggle or not...
We have a lot of secret deals with your leaders, Khun Thais understand very well the mind of your USD/ Power..
No resistance at all as he's done with your east neighboring Friends/Vietnam...

You have no rights to demonstrate your views, if you wish to protest you may seek permission from your leaders... so difficult for you/... Khun Thais are different from yours.
From Preah Viharn To Tamorn to...
other places and to Nom Pen
We change/resuffle any ministers we needed for our Thai Benefit/interest what about you????You may not.....Khun Thais are free...

OK .....Khap Khun Khap

Wichai Rungrat
Krung Thep Mohanokorn

Anonymous said...

5:10 PM (Rat)

FYI: I'm 100%-blood Khmer.

I must proud of myself (and other Khmer should feel the same way as I feel), because every time when I went to your country, you served me as if I were a king. Do you know why? I speak Thai fluently (without you people knowing that I'm Khmer) and also have great knowledge of your culture. I like the way you and your country kowtow me as if I'm your boss.

I'm quite fortunate and proud to be born as Khmer (it would be ignominious to Thai), yet I am able to insidiously percolate among you people, yes you, my historic archfoes. More importantly,I have always received greater respect than your ordinary Thai citizens receive.

Of course, I, as Khmer citizen, I have my prerogative to express my anti-Thai sentiment at any time I am please without you or your government approval, since your country has ignominiously and egregiously violated our KHMER sovereignty and territorial integrity; this is a gross violation of international law.

Incidentally, if you're Thai, you should be abashed of yourself and your country for the two incursions your country made into our sovereignty (OUR Preah Vihear & Ta Moan temples).

Proud to be KHMER!

Khmer farmer (one of the Western-educated elite)

Anonymous said...

OK Western-educated elite, enough for the Siemese, how about the youn in Phnom Penh?

Anonymous said...

6:36 PM

FYI: Yuon Vietcongs are my worst archfoes. I have never shown an inch of mercy or compassion for these son-of-Viet-bitches. Also, I have always considered them as insidious enemy of our nation (Cambodia).

I am Khmer, and I will ALWAYS be Khmer until my last breath.

God bless Cambodia!

Khmer farmer (one of the Western-educated elite)

Anonymous said...

We Khun Thais understand very well the spirit of your leaders who need only money and Power within kampuchea, he is strong man in Campuchea but weak with khun thais and Khun viet.....
we claim Preah viharn, ta man and others untill we return all to thais belongings and help the strong man in Power for half more century.... we again return Siam Rap, Badambang our territory too...and use your leaders to be Priministers in this country forever under Thais Colony...

We Khun Thais learned a lot about the tactics, bad tricks of kampuchean administration applied with campuchean people to take over lands/land grabing and other properties.. so we used this trick/tactics to gain from Campuchia too... and we will win surely and Campuchea Army chief and leaders do not dare to fight with thais,,,,, please be sure sure we guarantee.. remember ...
Campuchea has no opportunity to protect territory they just fight within their country in Power Contest..
You see when just start of StandOff Cam-army has no equipment weapon and food to support army just Collecting from people, this is not sustainable...
And why Army Chief and high Rank officials are very Rich...
We This know that you have more Generals but least soldiers...

Campuchea is a most corrupted country so that we thais can buy any thing including its territory.....
We sent takshin to Launder his money in Campuchea...tooo

Wichai rungrat
Krung Thep Mohanokorn