Saturday, August 09, 2008

Cambodia releases final count in election

Aug 9, 2008

Phnom Penh - Cambodia released the final vote count from last month's general election on Saturday, showing the full extent to which the country's two main parties dominated the polls.

Of just over 6 million votes, the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) took almost 3.5 million, and the opposition Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) 1.3 million, according to National Election Committee figures.

The remaining nine parties split the rest. The results were posted as temporary because parties now have 72 hours to lodge final complaints against the tally.

However, lawmakers from SRP plus the Norodom Ranariddh Party and the Human Rights Party, which together hold about 31 seats of 123, held a press conference Friday to say they will boycott the swearing in of new parliamentarians on August 24.

They claim up to 1 million voters were unable to find their names on polling day on July 27, compromising the fairness of the elections.

Prime Minister Hun Sen has said the ceremony will go ahead regardless, even though some constitutional experts have disputed the legality of this move.

The CPP hold 90 seats and its partner, the royalist Funcinpec Party, holds two, but despite its poor showing, Funcinpec is expected to maintain its coalition position as members of the formerly dominant party are intricately woven into the army, police, government and public service.

Analysts say undoing the coalition, which was formed under the UN after it assisted the first democratic multi-party election in 1993, could cause instability and the CPP now has the numbers to overrule any opposition in the parliament, making it a moot issue.


Anonymous said...

The 1 millions voter has to vote it is not acceptable, we have gone this far and we are not going back to communist regime. I Hun Sen does not understand this then there is no place for him in Cambodia. Cambodia must move forward, not backward.

Anonymous said...

I have not much comment on this anouncement. But as my other friends said after he red some news that it was unfair because of the rulling party use most of news agents for their compaign as well as NEC made lost update of some voter names in the list. Anyway at last they said the general situation is better than 2003 election. If any one have clear information about your election, please explaint more. "I like Cambodia and Cambodian". I will come to visit your country for my next holidays with my Italian friends and others.

Roperto- France

Anonymous said...

Thanks man, you always welcome to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Dear All, After many years involved with politic in overseas, I found that at any election weather local or Nation and at any counry, you cannot expect to have 100% turn out. You cannot fight even you got only 55% turn out. In some country, the authority have insisted on penalty for people who have ignored to vote. But as I have said many times already that Cambodia has adopted Proportional representative election system. That means all voters are required to vote only to party of their choice. Therefore the distribution of seats should be made by adding all votes for each party for the whole country and then share them according to share in percentage for the whole Nation.
I cannot understand why people not to use their intelligence to work out and declare accordingly?
I give another example.
CPP has 58.1% will get 72 seats
SRP has 21.9% will get 27 seats
HRP has 6.37% will get 8 Seats
NRP has 5.6% will get 7 Seats
F'cipec has 5.04% will get 7 seats
Al for D has 1.27% will get 2 seats
I cannot take the highest votes for each electorate as the winning of the seats at all because that only for First Past to post system where voters can vote for a candidate. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

I hope you Khmer who loves your country stick together this time if not i see vietnameses's children ready to take over next election. It's mean to late by then. The money it deos not mean everything. Do not fallow old dirty trick of your prince Runarith. I wish Runarith loves his country more than pouver and money as well as the rest of the party who joint coalition now.

Your good neighbor.

Anonymous said...

Neighbor, sounds like you have good knowledge in election law, though it's not Cambodian. Tell me, if CPP has less than 2/3 can it still go ahead and form a new Government by itself.

Anonymous said...

Hello 6:49,

No CPP can't form a new Government by it self. Your NA got to be form fisrt and to form NA unless all of your Khmer's party who earn the seats agree. After that your Government will be born by the voices of your people.

Good luck to you.

Best regards,

Your Good neighbor.