Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cambodian and Thai foreign ministers to meet over border row

Aug 6, 2008

Phnom Penh - Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong will meet his Thai counterpart, Taj Bunnag, on August 18 in an effort to settle a potentially explosive border dispute between the two countries, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Wednesday.

In a speech broadcast on state radio, Hun Sen said talks between Hor Namhong and Bunnag would be held in the Thai province of Hua Hin, where Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej has a sea-side palace.

'Hor Namhong will meet his Thai counterpart ... on August 18. Hor Namhong will then pay a courtesy visit to the Thai king,' Hun Sen said at a rice farming ceremony in the south-western province of Kampong Speu, 40 kilometres west of the capital.

Cambodia had earlier said no further talks on disputed territory around the World Heritage-listed border temple of Preah Vihear and the Ta Moan Thom temple would be held until a new government was formed, probably in September.

However, with Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party's efforts to form a coalition appearing to go more smoothly than after any previous election, talks had been moved forward.

Hun Sen said Cambodia sought to take the situation back to how it had been before July 15, when Thai troops moved into what they call disputed territory and Cambodia calls sovereign. Preah Vihear was granted its World Heritage status by UNESCO on July 7.

'At the pagoda we ask only Buddhist nuns, laymen and Buddhist monks stay - not troops from either side,' Hun Sen said.

'I would like to respectfully inform the Thai king that if any other Cambodian except Hun Sen was prime minister, there would be war on the border since July 15 ... but not me.'

'I would like to appeal to everybody to please, not expand the dispute but reduce it ... I am strong enough to lead a war. I was a soldier ... but the best resolution is not to fight. How many die?'

'Fighting is easy - it's ending the fight that is difficult,' Hun said.


Anonymous said...

SWOT Analyse
we are stronger because most of military support is from individual's private property-means we are rich no need government budget.

Siams use govt budget to supply army.
Human resources- a lot of Generals-Phd. Excellencies- Co-ministers/Primeministers/ a lot of Kings/Samdachs..Oknhas
Budget: unlimited- collecting from people/monks/poors
Military strength- qualified/ mostly ghost soldiers (invisible)-many Generals
Margic Spell/Black margic: very effective- one thai army died may be due AIDS
Financial resources: land/govt. , any stateowned properties buildings/ heritage natural resources can be sold quickly to buy weapons without any parliamentary Approval ...

Power- handed only one strong man/ every thing can be decided fast...
Political Parties: no need to oppose any govermental decision
Infrastructure-very poor- makes rhais army difficult to move into Cam-territory
Economy: Low- Thais have nothing to eat when invade into Cam....
Oppoertuny- unknown
Treat: uncountable/unknown

Conclusdion- Cam wins Siams unconditionally

Excellency Dr. Bandit Oknha Achar Knoy- Phd. in multi-disciplinary Subjects: Poli/Multi-econom. Laws /From Chea Chamreourn Unviersity PPenh/Campuchia

Anonymous said...

Cambodia PM is now great. Going to war again is worse for us as we only have peace for a little while.

Please PM look into your high ranking government officials. They are using their power to squeeze the neck of the poor, they are heavily involve in corrupt, deforestation and they are untouchable. Their children with sport cars drive crazily on the road...We will not continue to support you in the next election if you do not resolve these issues.

Anonymous said...

Acha Knoy: Agree with you on your SWOT analysis.

I really have no idea how many Oknha, Excellencies, 1-5 star generals Cambodia has. These people used to have full Communist doctrine and really hate feudalism but now they enjoy riding it. They have luxurious villa built from illegal logging. If you look at their bank account - Wow!

Anonymous said...


You sounded like a fool just got out from the jungle. You didn't sound too bright and civlized at all.

Look at Cambodia, HUN SEN used to sound like you now look at him his attitudes is more professional than you theif Thai.

In this Southeast Asia region, we thought that the Thai is more civilized than any countries in this region but Thai is acting very uneducated and showing no respect at all.

For over than 100 years Thai should be advance in human respect in this region but look at them they are very cruel than Cambodian just got out of multiple of wars.

I am proud of Cambodia for being sincere and professional for approaching the Thai before we are heading to the UN but until they ignore the bilateral talk, we have to address this issue to the UN.

We can't talk to a low-life sucker.
Thai will lost with a horrible shame to the world.

I suggest to the Cambodian's gov. we need to list all the "Prasat" temples to the UNESCO so in the future we don't have this problem anymore.

All borders,seas and lands needed to be discussed to the UN. We don't want to waste our time in the future again. Cambodian needs this precious times to put our country focus on internal political stability, economy, military and make Cambodian prosperious.

Bravo! HUN SEN!!!!!!!!
Dechho HUN SEN is the key to make our glory day comes back to live.

Khmer Pride,

Anonymous said...

The Thai wanted to swallow Cambodia as if it was in 13 th and 14 th century. Today, the Thai have forgotten that we are in the 21 th century, and they still want to apply the law of the jungle. Through the Internet or other technical means of information, everybody knows perfectly well that we can no longer do anything, nor invade a neighbouring country as the Thai made recently.

Anonymous said...

My fellow Cambodian brothers and sisters, here's an article I've read recently and decided to pass to you.

Question of the day: Please excuse my French, but "what the fuck is our government is up to?"

Thai troops still at Ta Muen Thom, general says
By Supalak Ganjanakhundee
The Nation

Thai troops remain at the disputed border area near Ta Muen Thom temple, despite a claim by a senior Cambodian official they had withdrawn.

"We are stationed at Prasart Ta Muen Thom to protect our sovereignty as usual," said Major Gen Kanok Netrakavaesana, commander of the Suranaree Task Force, who oversees the area. He spoke by phone from Surin late yesterday.

Cambodian Defence Minister Tea Banh told reporters in Phnom Penh earlier that both sides agreed to withdraw troops from the temple after a brief talks involving commanders on the ground.

"But we have already resolved the problem with each other. It is okay now. All (Cambodian and Thai) troops withdrew to their original bases," he was quoted saying.

Tea Banh, however, maintained that Ta Muen Thom belonged to Cambodia.

Kanok said the Cambodian minister had misunderstood the situation. Officials from both sides met on Tuesday at the "coordinating point" at the border and later returned to the temple, as usual, without any agreement.

"The situation is calm, nothing changes and we are where we are," the Thai commander said.

Attention has turned to a second disputed temple area, following the military standoff near Preah Vihear temple, some 120 kilometres away. The latest row surrounds Khmer ruins at Ta Muen Thom.

Cambodia has alleged that Thailand sent some 70 troops to the temple and barring Cambodian soldiers from entering. Cambodia then massed troops in the area nearby. Phnom Penh has called on Thailand to pull its troops out.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Tharit Charungvat said that Ta Muen temples was on Thai soil and that Thai troops had been stationed there for years.

Cambodia "might misunderstand" the location of the temple, he said, because the old boundary mark demarcated a century ago had disappeared.

Thailand lodged an official protest in March this year after Cambodia listed Ta Muen one of its sites, Tharit said.

The new dispute could be settled by a bilateral mechanism such as the Joint Border Committee, he said.

Khmer farmer (forever Khmer)

Anonymous said...

SWOT Analyse
we are stronger because most of military support is from individual's private property-means we are rich no need government budget.

Siams use govt budget to supply army.
Human resources- a lot of Generals-Phd. Excellencies- Co-ministers/Primeministers/ a lot of Kings/Samdachs..Oknhas
Budget: unlimited- collecting from people/monks/poors
Military strength- qualified/ mostly ghost soldiers (invisible)-many Generals
Margic Spell/Black margic: very effective- one thai army died may be due AIDS
Financial resources: land/govt. , any stateowned properties buildings/ heritage natural resources can be sold quickly to buy weapons without any parliamentary Approval ...

Power- handed only one strong man/ every thing can be decided fast...
Political Parties: no need to oppose any govermental decision
Infrastructure-very poor- makes rhais army difficult to move into Cam-territory
Economy: Low- Thais have nothing to eat when invade into Cam....
Oppoertuny- unknown
Treat: uncountable/unknown

Conclusdion- Cam wins Siams unconditionally

Excellency Dr. Bandit Oknha Achar Knoy- Phd. in multi-disciplinary Subjects: Poli/Multi-econom. Laws /From Chea Chamreourn Unviersity PPenh/Campuchia

Anonymous said...

8:30PM, good adivice man!

With the technologies today via internet, fax, mobile phones, news, newspapers, magazines etc., no country going to invade another that easy anymore. We can see each other and broadcast news instantly.

For the Thai they will never have that chance anymore.

Cambodian will win at all costs.
I saw one video history that the Thai is showing that they lost 1/2 of their lands to us. What a joke? What about Khmer? Khmer lost the whole Southeast Asia to the neighbors and we didn't complain.

Thai needs to accept the reality.

Khmer Kandal,

Anonymous said...

stupid thai people live us alone .. we don't want to associate with you wrong educated people. Please shut all the border gate permanently.

Anonymous said...

the characteristics of the nation is amongs the leader behaviour. The father King, Lon Nol, Pol pot, Heng samren, Hun Sun. what I see is this ...

Too much pride, it spat all over souht east, even china.

showing off, Jelousy, and differences are the result of being racist. Being racist because we cannot accept defeats. and Being racist is the start of WAR.

My message is clear and simple : Do not repeat mistake, let us focus on our selve, do not poke the neighbor.

Please, accept defeats and let us live. This is how we should become stronger, and better.

Let us live at our own will, forget about patriotic. forget about natioanalistic. forget about us. LIVE LIFE

better Khmer Pride

(get out of KI blog, it's managed by non khmer people)

Anonymous said...

???? 10:27 PM???

What are you saying? I can't understand what you are trying to say here.

Please explain!

Khmer Moy Roub,
From Lowell, MA USA

Anonymous said...

10:32 PM

The guy is lunatic!

This son-of-Viet-bitch is also trying to protect his business interests, thus the rest of the de facto government.

No wonder the Hun Sen's administration has been kowtowed the Thai all these times.

Can you imagine if war erupted between the two nations, it would tantamount to unimaginable calamity in both hypocrites' business interests.

I think the PAD group should persist and provoke the government so war between the two nation is inevitable. Yes, someone will start a war very soon.

Anonymous said...

AH Sondhi Limthongkul doesn't know what the hell he is talking about when dealing with Cambodian leaders! It is so easy for him to entertain with such feel good concept about how the fucken Thaicong leaders can do this or do that without taking consideration into account such diplomacy, economic, and military consequence in the long term! He thinks that Cambodia as a nation exists by accident at the Thaicong leader’s mercy and the Thaicong leaders can do anything they want to Cambodia! It seems that he want the fucken Thaicong leaders to behave as if they were the World Super Power and for them invalidate the World Court decision and sending their army to invade Cambodia at will without fearing for condemnation from international community is ridiculous! What is more funny than this for him to call Cambodia as a “rogue nation” which usually reserve for the World Super Power leaders such as American leaders when referring to a country whose leader is supporting terrorism or pursuing nuclear technology or missile technology such as North Korea and Iran! Another funny thing about AH Sondhi Limthongkul theory and logic is that the World Super Powers will always support Thailand in any event if Thaicong leaders decide to invade Cambodia!

For an example, allow me to remind AH Sondhi Limthongkul one more times about the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan and Vietnam invasion of Cambodia and Iraq invasion of Kuwait! Since AH Sondhi Limthongkul is grown man and I don’t need to do the fucken homework for him to understand the outcome of the following invasion! In every country on Earth there is a need to balance the world power and for AH Sondhi Limthongkul to say that Thailame can come into Cambodia to unbalance the world power to claim the Thaicong victory in the new world order which is really looking down or underestimate the role of the World Super Powers such France, Great Britain, Russia, United States, and China!

In the field of economic, AH Sondhi Limthongkul paint a very bad picture of how Cambodian people desperately depend on the fucken Thaicong for survival! I guess heforget that there are over 100 countries exist on planet Earth and Cambodia has far more choice to do business then he can realize. He even entertain the idea to put economic embargo against Cambodia by closing all airline flight into Cambodia and use their two ship and F-16 to cut off Cambodia from having access to the sea for international trade is even more crazy as if the Thaicong government has the capability to do so! If the fucken Thaicong leaders can’t even handle Muslim uprising in Southern Thailand and the fucken Thaicong government can’t even put economic embargo on the Muslim World and now they Thaicong government want to take on Cambodia! Well! If Cambodia can make economic friendship far away like Kuwaiti in the field of economic and certainly Cambodia can make economic friendship beyond that!

AH Sondhi Limthongkul said “Cambodia would be hopping mad, but we would not bother because Cambodia would not have the nerve to fight us.” That what all Thaicong leaders would like to say but Cambodia went through 30 years of war!

By the way, AH Sondhi Limthongkul wants the Thaicong leaders to remember his words and to follow his instruction to solve Khmer Phrea Vihear temple conflict and it will be disaster in the making for Thailame and not Cambodia! This is not the first time that the theory had been applied to Cambodia and the outcome was a disaster! As an example, United States President Richard Nixon has a theory that the whole Southeast Asia will fall under communism came to be known as “Domino theory” Cambodia prove the Domino theory all wrong and the communism was death and bury in Cambodia before it can spread to other part of Southeast Asia! As for the Thaicong leaders if they want to go all out and end up in hell and that is no problem for Cambodian leaders because Cambodia had been through tumultuous war, civil war, carpet bombing, economic embargo, huge population displacement, and genocide! And what is about to happen right now according to AH Sondhi Limthongkul wishful thinking is just a replay of Cambodian past! I just wish that AH Sondhi Limthongkul wishful thinking would come true and the Thaicong leaders would act on his crazy idea to prove the Thaicong invincibility in front of the world community because the Viet has the world fourth largest army in the world had entertain such crazy idea before and they are no longer in Cambodia and the fucken Thaicong will be no different and Cambodian people will once again prove it!

I would rather die fighting the fucken Thaicong than to be a Thaicong slave!

Anonymous said...

This Thai guy is very stupid. He didn't realized what era we are living in now.

No one allow one country to invade another anymore.

Believe me Thai will be defeated at all fronts.

Khmer is regaining its reputation to the world now.

Even the Kuwaite with oil rich wells underneath is going to invest with Cambodia.

Without Thai, I'm sure Cambodian can live without them easy.

Khmer Pride,

Anonymous said...


There are some Thais in the academic, the press, and the media who fantasize in their justification of Preah Vihear belonging to Thailand by advancing a twisted thesis claiming that Khmer is not the same as Khorm (note: the Thai used to call Khmer as either Khamin or Khorm). They say that Khmer is Khamin, which is different from Khorm. Furthermore, they say that Khorms are the real inhabitants of what is now Thailand and they were the builders of Preah Vihear, Angkor, and all the ancient temples found in Cambodia and Thailand. They are saying that Khmers are not the descendents of the Angkor builders. Therefore, they try to justify by implication that Thai people are the true descendents of the Khorms, the original inhabitants of Thailand and builders of Preah Vihear and Angkor. The Thai people have such a twisted mind. Believing in this twisted thesis is like believing that a bullet firing from a gun can be curved around a corner. The Thais are not only satisfied to steal everything that are precious to Khmers and then claimed them to be their own, such as Preah Ko Preah Keo, Preah Khan Reach, Khmer classical dance and music, Khmer style boxing, and Khmer scripts “Aksor Moul” (the Thai called it sacred scripts instead of Khmer scripts), but now they try to even steal Khmer identity. They want to strip Khmer people bare of any ancestry.


A few important observations to the central issue of the Preah Vihear temple must be brought up to the attention of the world. The following are two immediate points of interest concerning the affair of the Preah Vihear temples:

The press keeps mentioning that Preah Vihear was an ancient Hindu temple instead of a Khmer temple. Preah Vihear is not a Hindu temple but a Khmer temple built under the reign of Yasovarman I, a Khmer king in the 9th century, dedicated to Shiva, one of the Hindu gods. When the press says that Preah Vihear is a Hindu temple, it deemphasizes Khmer ownership and legitimacy to the temple. In modern time, the war of words is very important. This clarification is very important and it must be emphasized at all time.

Thailand kept insisting on using her own map to claim the disputed area around Preah Vihear instead of the French-Siamese Commissioned Map of 1907, where the International Court of Justice (ICJ) based its judgment on to award Preah Vihear to Cambodia. The map was the product of the treaty signed by Thailand and French (Cambodia was under the French protectorate) in 1907. It is legal and binding. Thailand wants to use its own map that is not binding and not recognized by the International Court of Justice. Cambodia must not give in to the Thai insistence of using her own map to settle the dispute of Preah Vihear and its surrounding area.

Cambodia is doing the right thing to seek help from the United Nations (UN). It is not in the interest of Thailand to have the UN intervene in the affair of Preah Vihear, because she knows that Cambodia has more legitimacy and historical claim of Preah Vihear and its surrounding area than Thailand does. The UN will have to consider and abide by the 1962 judgment made by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the recent recognition by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that included Preah Vihear in the World Heritage List. If the UN were to side with Cambodia, then they would probably ask Thailand to withdraw from the disputed area.

Thailand is playing hardball because she knows Cambodia is no match with her militarily. Cambodia has no choice but to ask the UN for help. With the UN help Thailand will not dare to encroach further into Cambodia territory. If war were to erupt, Thailand would be condemned by the world and she will lose face. Additionally, the Muslims are now waiting for the right opportunity to stir troubles again in the southern region of Thailand if this latter decides to go to war with Cambodia. Thailand cannot afford to have war with Cambodia. Thailand may win in the short term but she will lose in the long run. Thailand fears the UN because among the five permanent members, Cambodia can count on France, China, and Russia to side with her. As to the US and the UK positions, nothing can be certain but if these two countries interpret the laws and historical facts properly, they should come to the conclusion that Thailand has no claim and basis over Preah Vihear and its surrounding area that she had ceded to Cambodia during the French-Siamese 1907 treaty.

The UN cannot ignore the ICJ judgment that recognized Preah Vihear belonging to Cambodia, because to do otherwise would bring chaos to the international rule of laws. There is no doubt, both based on the court of laws and historical facts, that the Temple of Preah Vihear is a Khmer heritage and belonging to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Prah viharn, Prasat Tamuan, Cham sagnam and Koh Kong Halek etc.. de jure and de facto belong to thailand because more percent of thais people have chance to visit the sites, and all modern infrastructure/raod are well connected from Thailand and mostly are constructed and developed by Thailand.
Kham do nothing with those prasats...letf them lonelyspare for long time.


Anonymous said...

To 10:48AM

Who is telling you Thaicong mother fucker to do anything on Cambodian soil and don't you Thaicong mother fucker know anything better to do thing not being told because Cambodian can build all modern infrastructure/road from Cambodia too to attract tourists!

This is the heart of the fucken Thaicong-Cambodian conflict and the fucken Thaicong think that they know too much more than Cambodian and they like to go ahead do thing to violate Cambodian sovereignty to gain economic over Cambodia and then they try to claim their righteousness!

Fuck you Thaicong mother fucker and if you are not asked to do anything and you Thaicong mother fucker need to stay on your side of the border and no thank for your shitty infrastructure and road! Your fucken Thaicong roads are no more than a new Thaicong borderline in disguise aiming to steal Cambodian land!

It is the nature of the Thaicong to lie, to cheat, and to steal!

Anonymous said...

Thais use the Fake Maps to grab Khmer land....
Phnom Penh Admin. use fake Land Title deeds to Grab Khmer people's Land..

Excellency Bandit Oknha Achar Knoy