Saturday, September 06, 2008

All’s well that ends well … Thanks to Ms. Yeap

Click the original article in French to zoom in

Translated from French by Tola Ek

My Uncle Sdech Krom Luong Sisowath Monipong versus My Father Preah Norodom Suramarit

By N. Sihanouk

The day of my abdication which was already announced to our People:

The Council of the Throne had already elected my parents as new King and Queen of Cambodia: H.M. Norodom Suramarit and H.M. Sisowath Kossamak.

Prince Sisowath Monipong, my second Uncle (the own brother of my Mother and younger brother of my first Uncle, Prince Sisowath Monireth) came to the Khemarin to tell me, in the presence of my Parents, in the grand living room (where we were standing next to my grand piano: I played a piece [of music] newly composed by myself).

Prince Sisowath Monipong, speaking out loud, told me: “Your Father is a moron and an idiot –sic!–. He is not as intelligent as You are, my dear nephew. How dare he nominate himself as new King of Cambodia?”

My Maman, frightened by this verbal audacity of Monipong, asked me to beg my Father not to be angry against Monipong.

I followed the “order” of my Mother. I begged my Father to grant his royal pardon to his brother-in-law. And my Father laughed his head off (most likely [because] he was only thinking about his new and young conquest: Ms. Yeap): “No, I am not angry, this guy Monipong can insult me freely, because, becoming King of Cambodia, there is only joy in my heart, like Maurice Chevalier sang.”

(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
KI-Media note: Maurice Chevalier was a famous French singer.


Anonymous said...

Why this idiot keep talking about his own family.The story is nothing but disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Not talking about family issues, then what can he talk about? Do the majority of Cambodians want him to be like Thai King talks about politic and manupulate it, or talks nothing and stays standstill like a stone. He is still human.

The more he talks, the more he can reveal the past. We need to learn from him regardless the negative or the positive side of him from each one's view.

Anonymous said...

May Preah Sreiy Aar Meitreiy save people khmer who were the victim of communism.

Anonymous said...

Amekhmer publication - October 13 2005 - Partners genocide, document film in Khmer - French


---- Original Message -----
From: Billon UNG
Reçu de M. Bernard HAMEL


Dans un texte diffusé sur votre site, en date du 1/ 09/ 05, vous m'avez - une fois de plus - mis en cause en me qualifiant de "sihanoukophobe à 5000 %". Cette appellation, incompatible avec l'arithmétique la plus élémentaire, m'a beaucoup amusé - ainsi d'ailleurs que de nombreuses personnes.

Je m'abstiens, en règle générale, de répondre à vos diatribes lorsqu'elles me concernent, pour éviter des polémiques futiles. Cette fois-ci, cependant, je prendrai la peine de vous répondre pour vous préciser notamment pourquoi je suis devenu votre "ennemi" ( et sans doute aussi un "traître" ) après le 18 Mars 1970.

Voici donc mes précisions :

1) - J'ignorais, jusqu'à ce jour, que j'étais considéré à Phnom-Penh, avant 1970, comme un "super-Ministre". Quel honneur pour ma modeste personne !

2) - Je n'ai jamais utilisé le ridicule pseudonyme "Bê Hâm" pour signer des articles dans vos revues ("Réalités Cambodgiennes" et "Kambuja"). Je les signais de mon nom ou de mes initiales.

3) - Je ne me suis jamais senti "Sangkumien", car je ne pouvais pas l'être en tant qu'étranger.

4) - Si vous avez fait appel à ma collaboration, ainsi qu'à celle de MM. Charles Meyer et Jean Barré, pour vos revues et votre secrétariat particulier, c'est en raison de votre profonde méfiance envers vos compatriotes (ce que je déplore).

5) - Tous les documents et photos que je possède encore proviennent, pour une large part, de votre Ministère de l'Information de l'époque "sangkumienne". Ils ne peuvent donc en aucun cas avoir été "truqués" par moi (ou par d'autres personnes).

6) - Si je suis devenu votre "ennemi" après le 18 Mars 1970, ce n'est absolument pas pour des raisons d'ordre personnel. C'est parce que votre attitude après cette date m'a paru révoltante et ignominieuse. Votre pays - j'étais sur place pour mon Agence (Reuter), je tiens à le rappeler - a été agressé et envahi par les forces communistes vietnamiennes le 29 Mars 1970 sans ultimatum ni déclaration de guerre. Il s'agissait d'une agression étrangère caractérisée, mais vous avez fait alors cause commune avec les agresseurs de votre propre pays. En outre vous avez fait pire encore en vous jetant, à Pékin, dans les bras des Khmers Rouges, que vous traitiez vous-même de "Khmers dékhmérisés" avant 1970 lorsque vous les combattiez implacablement (en 1967, 68 et 69). Vous avez ainsi ouvert la voie au génocide.

7) - Toutes vos actions et vos innombrables déclarations après votre destitution ont été inspirées uniquement par votre désir de vous venger, parce que vous aviez été écarté du pouvoir par des voies légales. Vous avez vous-même proclamé à maintes reprises à Pékin votre intention de vous venger des soi-disant "traîtres républicains". Et ce désir de vengeance a finalement coûté deux millions de morts au peuple cambodgien.

Alors, devant une attitude aussi condamnable, comment ne pas être "sihanoukophobe" ? ...

Bernard HAMEL

English version
(Unofficial translantion by Sacrava from origin text in French)
Answer of Bernard HAMEL to NORODOM Sihanouk

Received from Mr. Bernard HAMEL:

In a text diffused on your site, on 1/09/05, you - once more - blamed me by describing me as "sihanoukophobe at 5000 %". This name, incompatible with arithmetic the most elementary, amused me much - thus besides that many people. I abstain from, in general, to answer your diatribes when they relate to me, to avoid polemic futile. This time, however, I will take the trouble to answer you to specify, in particular, why I became your "enemy" (and undoubtedly also a "traitor") after 18 the Mars 1970. Here thus my precise details:

1) - I was unaware of, so far, that I was considered in Phnom-Penh, before 1970, like a "super-Minister". What a honor for my modest person!

2) - I never used the ridiculous pseudonym "Bê Hâm" to sign articles in your reviews ("Kampuchean Realities "and" Kambuja"). I signed them of my name or of my initial.

3) - I never smelled myself "Sangkumien", because I could not be it as a foreigner.

4) - If you called upon my collaboration, like that of MISTERS Charles Meyer and Jean Barré, for your reviews and your particular secretariat, it is because of your deep mistrust towards your compatriots (which I deplore).

5) - All the documents and photographs which I still possessed them, come, to a large extent, of your Ministry for the Information of the time "sangkumienne". They cannot thus in no case "to be faked" by me (or by other people).

6) - If I became your "enemy" after 18 the Mars 1970, it is absolutely not for the reasons of personal nature. It is because of your attitude after this date which appeared to me revolting and ignominieuse. Your country - I was on the spot for my Agency (Reuter), and I hold to point it out - was attacked and invaded by the communist forces Vietnameses 29 Mars 1970 without ultimatum nor declaration of war. It was about a characterized foreign aggression, but you made then causes common with the attackers of your own country. Moreover you made worse by throwing yourself in Peking, in the arms of the Khmer Rouges, whom you treat yourself of "Khmers dekhmerized" before 1970 when you fight them implacably (in 1967, 68 and 69). You thus opened the way to the genocide.

7) - All your actions and your innumerable declarations after your dismissal were inspired only by your desire to avenge, because you had been isolated from power y by legal ways. You proclaimed yourself on several occasions in Peking your intention to avenge for supposedly the "treacherous republicans". And this desire of revenge finally cost two million died to the Cambodian people. Then, in front of such a condemnable attitude, how not to be "sihanoukophobe"? ...

Bernard HAMEL

Anonymous said...

Auschwitz , 60 years after, at least they talk…
Thought of the day - Jan 26 2005
By Vyadha

60 years after that horrify atrociousness against Jewish by the Nazi, the subject is till now and then an awful taboo - Why then? Is it because that horrible crime is overtly and directly committed in collective with that consent and complicity by so many nations ‘say’ civilised, intelligent who self claimed as superiors of all? - A real communal duty for French as for Hitler and others anyway.

During that period not less that 76 000 Jewish in French were pointed, listed by French authorities. They were then denaturalized, isolated and eradicate all rights and possessions with the mutual complicity of French authorities. Then with consent and release, French had delivered those Jewish to Nazi. But French did better, they even arrested those little child whom were not been requested by the Nazi and sent them together to the died camp of Auswitz. After the liberation of the died camps by Army rouge in Jan 26 1945, only 2500 of them were alive. Even though it was in 1995, 50 years after, that French is timidly recognised their crime against Jewish people.

A well strange miracle day, today not less than 45 State leaders united at Auschwitz to commemorate the 60th birthday of the liberation of of Auschwitz together. Not less than two millions women, men and child were perished in that died camps Auswitz in a most atrocious and lamentable inhuman condition.

Chirac had personally travelled to Auschwitz to visit the camps with Simon veil and as usual with the sea of sweet talk and promis he formally condemned the crime committed by Nazi and promised to fight against any criminal act.

Of course, it would be a too human and kind gesture to be real from a French politician like Mr Chirac or Mr De Gaulle because while Mr. Chirac is pursing his tear of crocodile at Auschwitz camps, he and his French continue to lead a well fierce policy against Jewish, against USA and against other poor nations around the world in all its form and shape in the name of political or economic interest whether the imperialist dream or rights of exploitation of natural resources.

In a recently speech addressed to its members at UNO siege, Kofi Annan firmly denounced the atrociousness against Jewish and regretted the inability and incapacity of UNO in stopping the recent genocide against Cambodian people, Armenian people or Rwandan people…..etc..

But Mr Kofi Annan; what to do while most of those horrible crimes against humanity whether in Asia, in Europe or in Africa are incontestably and indirectly or indirectly provoked/committed by the highest and permanent members of the UNO itself as China, RUSS or French ….etc… for imperialist rival, ideological conflict and exploitation natural resources.

What is UNO then?!!!!!!!!! - United Nation occultism of genocide/crime where the criminal explore the most modern and wise ways to kill other for their interests?! - An institution of the intelligent criminals where the most powerful or influent States unit to commit and clean their crime ..?!!! What is UNO for then? Where is the credibility of such organisation Mr. Kofi Annan?

Stop that crime against humanity and that cleaning crime institutions Mr Kofi Annan!
Thought of the day" is offered by Khmer Vision

©Khmer vision 2005. All rights res

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk was one of the worst animal on earth for inflicting war and killed his own people. He should be trialed.

Sacrava said...

Are U OK,Samdach Ta ?

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly, Protect your willy, Samdech TA Tuorth.
Right Sacrava...????? LOL...

Anonymous said...

Sdach Chhkuort nis kampong slor chheam chit ngo'ab hoeuy!

Go to hell!

Anonymous said...

While the world leader like Sadam Huseein Hitler are condemning some of them the neck was hanged by their own people ,the former king of Cambodia ,once the head State of khmer rouge country and Vietcong partner ship conspiring and leading Cambodia onto Killing field now living freely in the royal Palace. Is it justice for Cambodian dirt poor and all human being?

Anonymous said...

He produced a stupid kid, namely Rannaridh. I heard about stupid royal family members but not believing in one until the true color of Rannaridh.

Rannaridh is to save is no loss and to destroy is no gain!

Anonymous said...

oh please, all those leaders who were hung weren't hung because it was their timing. They were hung because they stood in the way against imperialism. Sihanouk was lucky and got good karma, else he would have suffer the same fate from these same countries that condemn heads of sovereign nation to hanging and stage coups in those countries.

Sihanouk was only head for a while, he didn't know what goes on, and he was not in command, total incompetence. Sihanouk did not order the mass killings of Khmer.

to believe everything some idealistic people tell you about freedom and the fight against evil is pretty stupid and naive.

Anonymous said...

You sounded awfully stupid and extremely naive yourself 2:55 AM!!!


Anonymous said...

Sans blague, Sihanouk!

Anonymous said...


Before going to hell, please save your country from Vietnamization by
appealing to all countries which had signed the 1991's Paris Peace Agreement.

It's only you, and you alone, can do that.

Otherwise you and your royal descendants will be cursed as Khmer National Traitors in Khmer History.

Anonymous said...

Sadam war hung because he ordered to kill hundred of his own people.
Will George W Bush be hung too? His policy for oil has cause thousand of Iraqi people's live and about four thousand US soldiers. The US now become the huge credit country, it owe Japan , China and Arab for about 15 trillion.

So far ten commercial banks have been collapsed this year because the spending on the military mission in Irag which cause the US about 2 trillion a year.

Pro US and Pro Sino have cause Cambodia 1.7 million, What Cambodian should go for next?

Anonymous said...

2:55 You sounded so ignorant and have never gone to the Library why you in or about 1960 Sihaknuk created Khiev Somhon,Hu Nim ,Hu Yun in 1970 Sihaknuk called for the citizen to join the Marqui in 71,72.73Sihaknuk was pictured with Khiev Somphon every where in the revolution area and also gave the respect to ong HO in North Vietnam.
So all the game that King Asokai played is intentionally kill Cambodian people in the killing field khmer rouge era.
Go to hell and never return leave Cambodia alone.

Anonymous said...

1.7million in Cambodia passed away,because of Sihaknuk lead the khmer rouge ,retaliated with Lon Nol you thing that nothing compare to ten to fifteen thousand corps in Iraq? You must need your brain check.

Anonymous said...

Damn USA fail ? I am seeing them go to gym and starve them selves because too much good stuffs to eat,and their government not a life time like Cambodia 's government,their people got ten,the tax taking four to five away ,haha you make me laugh.........

Anonymous said...

From the SAVE BOEUNG KAK Campaign comes the petition:

and the blog:

Anonymous said...

I personally love the music pieces composed by King Sihanouk.I appreciate and proud of his musical talent. I also got an original musical book of songs composed by him. All these pieces were interpreted by famous foreign conductors like Kostalanetz...

Note that Thai king is also a musician and a music composer.

What our former king wrote about his family life related to music must inspire us, especially the Ministry of Education, that Music should be include in School's program.

Anonymous said...

8:08, ???? What are you trying to say? You lost me completely!!!!

To the King,

Please stop posting silly story, but redeem yourself by helping Khmer from Siam and Youn encroachment into our land.

Anonymous said...

This is from 08:08 replying,
I love this country but I'm respecting the truth,do not fake or be a liar my countrymen? if Hun Sen and Sihaknuk not in the miserable death I still writing what I have study and inform the people around the world about the bitter lesson ,that these two traitors creating to cause Cambodia in the tremendous disaster and can't find the way to recover,so please refrain from kidding to your self and the others.

Anonymous said...

And 10:15 AM is willing to overlook the Killing Fields and the misery of Cambodia because of a couple of personal craps from Sihanouk, the playboy?

Damn! what kind of animal are you 10:15AM?

What's next? Sihanouk your foreplay?

Anonymous said...

I hope McCain will win the election so that the war in Irag can goes on.