Friday, September 05, 2008

Big mistake by Tanzania: It couldn't find worst advice than that from Hun Sen's Cambodia

Tanzania turns to Cambodia for development advice

Sep 4, 2008


Phnom Penh - A delegation from the East African nation of Tanzania visited Cambodia to discuss development in areas that included tourism and agriculture and also pledged to promote Cambodia's bid for UN Security Council membership, local media reported Thursday.

The Khmer-language Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper said a delegation led by Omar Ramadhan Mapuri, who has served as Tanzania's ambassador to China since 2006, met with a range of government representatives and also discussed strategies for mining and eco-tourism.

It quoted Foreign Ministry Secretary of State Ouch Borin as saying Mapuri also pledged to lobby his government to support Cambodia's bid to become a temporary member of the UN Security Council in 2013.

Election to the UN's highest decision-making body has been a long-held ambition of the Cambodian government.

Mapuri promised a second Tanzanian delegation would visit Cambodia in the near future, the paper said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't think they were there to look for advice, they were there to study the successful method that cambodia seems to show the world - a story of successful development in the field of landmine, etc... anyone could see that in cambodia, so any political attack is not doing to solve any problem. remember, cambodia seems to start again from zero after the KR tragedy. and to see anything developed in cambodia is a successful story. i think this is what some country in the world such as tanzania is looking in cambodia, not advice or whatever like some political opponent is suggestion here. and stop being jealous of cambodia's successful story, either!! god bless cambodia.