By Nhim Sophal
Cambodge Soir Hebdo in English
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While a court complaint was filed over the filling of the lake, the Boeung Kak residents have the intention to travel to the Prime Minister’s residence in Takmao on Wednesday morning, 17 September.
The residents intend to ask Hun Sen’s intervention in order to stop the lake filling operations already started by the Shukaku Inc. Company. Another important problem is the subject of compensations. This action is the result of the impossibility to reach an agreement between the residents and the local authorities. It ensues from a complaint over the filling of the lake, which the court has to examine before the 19th of September.
Moreover, the residents’ lawyer is studying the possibility of cancelling the contract signed between the company and the Phnom Penh authorities. The latter had granted a 99-year land lease to Shukaku Inc. However, for such a procedure the court requests an advance payment of 50 to 100% of the costs. The lawyer estimates this amount to reach 160 million riel (40,000 dollars), which will be difficult to find.
The residents intend to ask Hun Sen’s intervention in order to stop the lake filling operations already started by the Shukaku Inc. Company. Another important problem is the subject of compensations. This action is the result of the impossibility to reach an agreement between the residents and the local authorities. It ensues from a complaint over the filling of the lake, which the court has to examine before the 19th of September.
Moreover, the residents’ lawyer is studying the possibility of cancelling the contract signed between the company and the Phnom Penh authorities. The latter had granted a 99-year land lease to Shukaku Inc. However, for such a procedure the court requests an advance payment of 50 to 100% of the costs. The lawyer estimates this amount to reach 160 million riel (40,000 dollars), which will be difficult to find.
Is it a culture of Cambodian people to live in a war zone condition? Just look at the photograph above!
No! It is not Cambodian culture to live in a war zone condition but it is AH HUN XEN culture to make dirt poor Cambodian people to live in a war zone condition!!!!!!!!!!
Talking about economic justice? Dirt poor Cambodian people deserve a fair compensation to be uprooted like the refugee in a war torn country! This company is a fucken scrooge with the nickel and dime mentality and dirt poor Cambodian people will continue to be the victim!
I'm afraid that the fucking Hun's administration has already signed the agreement and pocketed the money for the lease. At this point in time, it is the "point of no return," and it won't do any good now to ask this fucker son-of-bitch for the intervention, since the complicity has begun.
Fuck you, ah Hun Shit!
Request Hun Sen suport? Ha Ha Ha Ha funny funny joke. Next joke please.
Why do people persist with this notion that by appealling to Hun Sen at his home in Takhmao that somehow he will intervene and solve their problems!!!!!
He's making money off this deal along with all the other corrupt f**kers.
This stupid notion of going to his house to ask him to help only inflates his ego even more that he is some kind of King that the little people come to.
Despite the fact that the CPP cheated in the election, even when the figures are adjusted, it still shows that they, the CPP had the majority of the vote.
So since the citizens voted for CPP let them face the consequences of the CPP's corrupt behaviour. I hate to say it but it will be the only way that they will learn.
Like father like son. Anyone comprehend this saying? And like leaders like its followers. More or less it's true proven by social science and scholars. That why the respected leaders and high-ranking officers are taught to behave well in the public to role model its followers. And also coz their behaviour will reflect their policies practically, so such beast animals behavior should not be showned in public. But is Cambodia led by the rules of law? The leaders educated enough about all of these-role modelling, and abide by the laws themselves? Fuck them all for even without basic education and holding too animal-instinct!
Bottom line is that the lake is public "land" under the new land law because it is a "floatable" waterway. Some public lands may be leased or given for a concession use under the land law. However, some public lands which are for the public benefit can't be leased, possessed or given by concession by the RGC. This may be the case with this lake-land, and, if so, the khmer lawyer should file asking for an injunction. As to the squatters who built their land over the lake, they appear not to have any right to so remain because it is public land in any event. If the public land is of the nature that it is public land but can be transferred in terms of possession right, then they may have an argument, if in fact, these have been given those rights.
This son-of-bitch dumb fucked prime minister does not give a fuck, because this fucker sits above the law. Also, this fucker knew that he grossly violated the land law, yet he does not give a fuck. This son-of-bitch dumb fucked a human gargabe prime minister who was created by the fucking Vietminh.
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