Wednesday, September 17, 2008

French newspaper "Libération" reveals massive election fraud in Cambodia

Excerpts from/translation of an article from Paris-based newspaper Libération , September 12, 2008 .
Full original article in French at

Cambodian legislative election was a big mess, Anything but a real election
[Original title in French: Le "grand n'importe quoi" des législatives cambodgiennes]

Vote tallies show in detail the extent of fraud in a poll that gave a landslide victory to the Cambodian People's Party (CPP).

Reading vote tallies related to Cambodia 's July 27 legislative elections is breathtaking (…).

Grotesque. In a vote tally seen by Libération , one can notice, for instance, that there were 115 ballots cast at a polling station in the constituency of Prey Veng (in the south-eastern part of the country). But there is a little arithmetical problem: the document specifies that the CPP alone obtained 224 votes, versus 82 for the HRP and 72 for the SRP, which are the main opposition parties (Document # 1).

[All the documents, with English translation, mentioned in this article can be read by clicking at]

In even more grotesque proportions, the mistake repeats itself in the constituency of Kampong Speu (a province south-west of Phnom Penh ): a vote tally sheet shows a total of 526 ballots cast. But, before reaching this total, it is written that the CPP has grabbed as many as 1,139 votes (Document # 2).

Other vote tallies show how many votes each party has collected but without indicating the total number of valid votes cast at the corresponding polling stations (Document # 3), or they do not specify the number of registered voters at a specific polling station (Document # 4).

[Sometimes, even worse, there are no indications whatsoever for both the total number of votes actually cast and the number of registered voters at a specific polling station (Document # 5)].

Another frequent irregularity: a voter register lists twice [or even three times] the same name (Document # 6). Sometimes [in the same voter list for a given village or polling station], four voters are registered twice (Documents # 7 and # 8), etc.

[The CPP used names of ghost voters and names of persons who are registered more than once, to issue forged voter identification documents to illegitimate voters to inflate the CPP votes. See reports on "1018 Forms" at and].

[All the documents from # 1 to # 8, with English translation, mentioned in this article can be read by clicking at]


Anonymous said...

It would not suprise to me.

He has his own clans just like the HYENAS in Africa.

KHMERS will suffer greatly until he dies.


Khmer Central NY

Anonymous said...

Khmer suffering is due to cowardice current leader in the CPP. Khmer triator for his whole life. Slave to vietcong for life Hun Sen.

He have no shame, I assume he is scared each day and night. The only time he get to be brave and tough is against his people. Like a bully in his own class. Outside of class, He is worried and frightened.

Shame on you Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

To 8:59am,

I'm certainly second your comments. He is a tyran to Khmers people. He just moninated his own daughter HUN MENA as his secretary??? I forgot. He can't trust anyone beside his family. TYRAN can't tust anyone just like SADAM HUSEIN.

Well take care.
Khmer Central NY

Anonymous said...

No miserable=No Hun Sen,No Hun Sen =Assassination

Anonymous said...

go to Wikipedia, search Hun Sen, then you can edit anything you like.

Anonymous said...

If he come down our country is better than now

Anonymous said...

Ah Chhke Hun Sen is the last Khmer leader to oppress its own people for serving a Foreign, Vietnamese interest. His name and his family will be documented in our Future Khmer History.

Here is my wish to him:
. I wish someone will assassinate Ah Chhke Dachtlay for Ah Youn Hanoi.
. CPP internal members will kicks him out of the party
. Die of lung Cancer
. Die of drug addition
. Someone will shoot him in the head in a very close range. Could be his wife, Bun Ranny coz she wants to fuck with Ah Hock Lundy
. Have a stroke and become paralyzed for the rest of his life
. Plane crash and die as an animal
. Lethal injection or secretly poision by Vietnamese secret Agent when he become useless dog
. Fatally car accident
. Drown in his wife's pussy
. Hus Sen is the first person to be killed once his CPP party is crumbled
. Choke & Die as an animal during night time sleeping
. Heart Attach while screeming at opposition party
. Mutilated killed by a suicide bomb explosion assassination
. His life is miserable anywhere he goes
. He will be welcome by curses and hatred
. This traitor should be sentenced to death in a cruel way, so khmer new generation can live peacefully

I bet Ah Chhke Hun Sen will die in one of my curses.

Go to Hell You Hun Sen Traitor !!!

Anonymous said...

Irrespective of above (well-stated)comments, we , however, want to hear a statement from the US Embassy in Phnom Penh; also, we want to know if the US would like to shed some light on the July 27 tortuous general election predicated on electoral fraud.

It is our belief that the US should, at least this critical time, take time and listen to the people of Cambodia, because the people have spoken -- and sadly -- the democracy has been disregarded, ignored, and disrespected.

Now, it is the time that the US should put its national interests behind and look after these vulnerable people who screaming for justice in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

11:16 AM

I hate to say this, but your wish might as well come true.

Yes, your wishes have been granted!

Anonymous said...

Ah Pleu, the election can't never be perfect, especially when it it underfunded. It is not about a few thousands irregularities. It is about the voice of millions, and they voted for the admirable PM Hun Sen as predicted by Analyst worldwide, period.

Anonymous said...

Ah haha, Listen its Ah Pleu (11:39) reporter from CTN coming to KI to make his supporting statement about election fraud.

They were so stupid, they asked "what is a fraud?". They don't need to be reporters. Disgrace to call yourself media people!

You don't get to millions by omitting the thousands. Crackhead.
Well, not unless you get 1000 vote for every 1 ballot that exist!

the worst fools admire the better fool. This is a case of one fool admiring another. How laughable folks.

Anonymous said...

12:25 PM

Thanks for your comment!

Can you confirm that this son-of-bitch (11:39 AM) is, in fact, from the CTN station?

Most likely this son-of-bitch does not have a bodyguard. I need to find out who this son-of-bitch is.

FYI: I can go in and out at any time in this station without problems, and I want to find out who this son-of-bitch is. I think this son-of-bitch knows too little about Phnom Penh.

I'm a CPP member (embeded among those son-of-bitches), but I fucking hate all these son-of-bitches.

Anonymous said...

The question is what are we going to do about it?
We saw ton proofs of frauds, I think time is to use people power to put cpp down, boycott meeting or just keep crying about are not enough.

Here is my first step that i'm going to do myself. Try to kill their (CPP) relatives (they don't have bodyguard)like grandson, grand daughter, nephews, nieces etc...I think when you kill their blood relatives, they feel pain started it from far away their blood relatives.
Everyone welcome to follow my plan but can't join me.

Anonymous said...

3:15 PM
you try to provoke another war with the government (Hun Sen)?

Stay at home and watch TV if you have nothing to do with.

Anonymous said...

Cut the bullshit, Ah Jkout (12:25). Let's see some proof of fraud in the millions; otherwise, shove it. Peanut doesn't cut it, dude.

Furthermore, don't forget, not a single soul on this planet has predicted victory for any opposition before the election, except for a few SRP idiots.

Anonymous said...

3:15 PM

I have to complete agree with you there!

The answer for ending the suffering of the people of Cambodia, Cambodians must use their "people power" REVOLUTION to topple the dictatorial regime

I think, Mr. 3:18 PM, is quite disquieted with the (recent) news. It's time for Ah Sen to stop distort the truth, and the truth is Ah Sen has cheated the general election.

Every Cambodians in Cambodian and abroad deserve to know the truth about the electoral fraud, which was perpetrated by the grotesque human garbage (Ah Sen).

The people of Cambodia must say YES to "people power" REVOLUTION.

Mr. Sam Rainsy, now -- it is the time that you and your colleagues to tell the people of Cambodia that the overwhelming majority of Cambodians were disenfranchized by Ah Sen's administration.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, the CPP is not as desperate to cheat as Ah Scam Rainxy is.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "desperation." I wonder who was the desperate one who despearately needed to win the election, and therefore used variety of intimidation tactics to win the general election at all cost.

Anonymous said...

That is the stupidest question du jour, 5:12. In general, the people who never held power in their life are the people who desperate to win the election, and we all know who that are.