Monday, September 15, 2008

New regulations concerning evacuation procedures and the right to keep and bear weapons

By Ung Chamroeun
Cambodge Soir Hebdo in English
Click here to read the article in French

Presided by Prime Minister Hun Sen, the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers on Friday 12 September resulted in the ratification of three new sub-decrees.

Presided by Prime Minister Hun Sen, the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers on Friday 12 September resulted in the ratification of three new sub-decrees.

The first sub-decree concerns the evacuation procedures of the residents living in danger zones. Composed of three chapters and ten articles, it guarantees the safety of goods and people in case of natural disaster. The Ministers of National Defence and Interior will have the responsibility to lay out the evacuation procedures in areas facing an imminent danger.

The second sub-decree determines rules concerning the right to keep and bear firearms and other explosive products within the police and army forces. It also concerns all employees and is composed of five chapters and 22 articles.

Finally, the last sub-decree relates to the introduction of the logo of the Minister of Parliamentary Relations and Inspection. It is composed of four articles.


Anonymous said...

In this government, no one respect the law

Anonymous said...

"Residents living in danger zones"

What about foreign occupation of Cambodia? What about those Cambodian people who are living along the border and the Thai army destroyed their property and have no respect for Cambodian authority?
Cambodian people are suffering at the hand of the Thai army and the fucken stupid Cambodian authorities can even do shit to help besides practicing utmost restrain? Is this the nature of the Cambodian people to practice utmost restrain when facing injustice? This is unheard of for me as Cambodian!

It seems that all AH HUN XEN sub-decrees are designed to have more control of Cambodia! AH HUN XEN has too much control already and what is the fucken point to have more useless sub-decrees?

Everybody know in Cambodia that the rich and the powerful are the law! How about pass anti-corrupt for a starter?

Anonymous said...

This is what they call "Law from the asshole"

Anonymous said...

Legalize land grabing?

SpicyGroup said...

Some previous articles said that the new law allow civilians to carry guns as in the 1980s. Meanwhile a new Chinese gun factory already started their production. While Sumurai sword factories available many places.